McKeldy Yensager moved all the time as a toddler. She was born in a small, northern, farm town. Then, she moved out of state to Illinois, then, she moved back into Utah to live with her grandparents. When she moved again, she moved back to that small, little, farmtown. Then again, she moved; she moved to a small but noticeable city. She was in that city for the longest time she had ever lived in one place. Then her dad got a job to be a museum curator. Her dad had to drive a little over an hour to get to work, so, they ended up moving again. That is when she moved into the city she currently lived in.
As you can see, Lil' Keldy had really never had any much time to make any friends or get settled in. All of this moving stuff was all finished when she was four years old. So, you can probably guess from this information that she is going to have some trouble making friends.
Keldy was so excited to actually have a home and a place to belong. But, most kids her age would probably do so.
They moved to that city in the summer which meant time to register for school. It was too late to register for the local elementary's preschool but, Keldy was pretty smart. The principal at that elementary wanted her to start kindergarten a year early, her parents agreed, but when they asked the district, they were denied. Keldy's parents were left to get a variance to another elementary nearby. Keldy ended up going to a preschool there with some military kids and smart toddlers.
Keldy was one of the smartest kids in her grade, so she was always ahead of every one. She also did many extra-curricular activities so she was pretty busy. She did gymnastics, basketball, and baseball. But, she had to quit gymnastics because she was proned to jury. She got to continue basketball and baseball for a few more years. Soon the expenses caught up with this young family and she had to quit all competitive sports. But, she never quit practicing basketball and gymnastics.
All throughout elementary she was the smartest and most athletic kids. She would never turn down competition. She was very out going and loved to sing! She was very popular and adorable.
She became shy because of her schools first talent show. She practiced so much on the song she learned. Little did she know that she practiced too much. On the day of the talent show she was all prepared and when she walked on stage she had a huge smile on her face. The music started playing and she started singing, not even thirty seconds into the song the city stopped working. They administrators tried to fix it but it wouldn't work. She was so embarrassed. She had accidentally ruined the track that she was supposed to sing.
She continued on throughout elementary and was still athletic and smart. But she was now bullied by all of the other kids. She was bullied on her height, her weight (being too light), and being too smart. She was tired of it.
Keldy only got shier, and shier. But when she went into sixth grade she became more out going then she had been, for the last few years. And, at her sixth grade graduation she had won every single award except for the silver award, she had gotten the gold award for that one.