- 𝘼𝙙𝙢𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙛𝙧𝙤𝙢 𝙖𝙛𝙖𝙧 -

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Highschool AU
Warning : homophobia, mentions of inappropriate stuff, swearing

Dear diary,
There's this one boy that always manages to motivate my day by just being in it, his name is Yang Jeongin. He's really good looking I literally can't beat his beauty. I'm not attracted to him only for his looks though- he's also really nice and ready to help anyone.

- (random date), Seungmin

Seungmin closes his diary and head out of the restroom's stall he was in to head back to class as he knew he was gonna get a scolding by the tescher for being a little late because he spent most of the minutes writing on his diary and sketching random sketches in his sketchbook.

Luckily, when he arrived the teacher had a last minute meeting and so the students were left with the class monitor taking care of them. Unfortunately, in Seungmin's class the class monitor was a rich snobby kid named Alex. Almost the whole school hates and are scared of him for not only being selfish and immature but also for being a total bully despite him being one of the prefects.

Seungmin sighed quietly and head to his seat which was beside his crush, Jeongin. He flashed a quick smile at him then took out his sketchbook also a pencil and starts to draw something that came into his mind. He ended up zoning out while sketching and soon was woken up from his imagination by someone's breathing beside him.

It was Jeongin, casually putting his chin on Seungmin's shoulder as if he ever did that before and was peeking at Seungmin's sketchbook.

"Can I borrow the pencil for a sec?"

Jeongin asked and turning to him slightly while still putting his chin on Seungmin's shoulder making his nose slightly touching Seungmin's cheeks sending shivers into Seungmin's body. Seungmin just nodded and passed him the pencil.

Chin still on the puppy boy's shoulder, with the pencil he started sketching a cartoon looking puppy. (Puppym)

" look it's a puppy, I drew it because it reminds me of you"

Jeongin exclaimed rather excitedly. Seungmin found it cute and nodded.

" I like it "

" Thank you!"

Jeongin removed his chin from Seungmin's shoulder making Seungmin let out a breath that he didn't thought he was holding.

" Eww that's pretty gay! "

They heard an annoying voice infront making them face each other first then face the owner of the harsh voice, It was Alex.

" Fuck of Alex"

Jeongin said with an annoyed tone.
Alex chuckled before continuing,

" What? Why should I? Did this fagg*t gave you a gay effect, making you gay now? "

Alex raised his voice slightly and pointed to Seungmin when he meant " fagg*t. " Jeongin stood up from his seat and punched Alex in the face with no hesitation making his nose bleed.

" Be careful what you say, or it might end up being your punishment "

" Ugh, you're insane Jeongin!"

Alex managed to say before running to the nurses office to check on his nose. Jeongin only smirked then sat back down.

Seungmin's jaw dropped seeing how bold Jeongin was to stand up for himself and now wondering if he would be able to do that to. Before he can imagine more Jeongin cut him out from his daydream.

"You know, you can't let him speak to you like that if you don't say anything he might take advantage of that, see what he called you?"

Seungmin sighed then replied,

" I know... But I'm not good at that... It's hard because I'm such a scaredy cat"

Jeongin smiled at that and layed his head on Seungmin's shoulder.

"It's okay, I'll keep you safe from now!"

"Sounds like a plan"

The end
A/N : I feel so unmotivated to write a story today but I also don't wanna let this story to waste so I sorry if it's short,boring and doesn't make any sense. 😓

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