What is skin cancer? Types, Causes and Treatment

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Abnormal skin cells cause skin cancer. New skin cells form while old ones perish. Cells grow faster when this mechanism fails, such as after sun exposure. These cells may be harmless (benign). Or malignant.

Types Of Skin Cancer.

Basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma are the most prevalent skin cancers. These subtypes can be differentiated further. Each type is explained briefly:

 Each type is explained briefly:

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What Causes The Skin Cancer?

Sunburn and blistering are the main risk factors for skin cancer. Sunlight damages skin DNA, causing aberrant cells. These abnormal cells divide swiftly and unorganizedly, becoming a mass of cancer cells.

Skin cancer's causes:

Everyone can get skin cancer. However, certain groups are more aware. Women and AFABs under 50 are more likely to get skin cancer. Men and AMABs are more likely to be affected after 50. This disorder affects non-Hispanic white people 30 times more than black or Asian or Pacific Islander persons. Darker skinned people are more likely to have skin cancer discovered late. Treatment becomes harder.

read more at (https://healthyseed.net/health/skin-cancer-types-causes-symptoms-treatment/)

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