The outbreak

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On a peaceful morning, when the sun's rays painted the sky with shades of gold, Hanazuki's tranquility shattered as screams of horror erupted. A mysterious virus had infected the town, turning its citizens into mindless, flesh-craving creatures. Chaos reigned as panic spread like wildfire. Amidst the chaos and screams, Hanazuki's heart raced with fear and adrenaline. She knew she had to act quickly to survive. With her instincts guiding her, she darted through the streets, dodging the infected and searching for any sign of safety.

As she ran, Hanazuki's mind raced with questions. How did this virus spread so rapidly? Was there any hope for a cure? She pushed these thoughts aside, focusing on the immediate task at hand - finding a place to hide.

She stumbled upon an abandoned building, its windows shattered and walls crumbling. It wasn't ideal, but it would have to do. Hanazuki cautiously entered, her senses on high alert. She barricaded the entrance, creating a temporary barrier against the horrors outside.

Inside the building, Hanazuki found a few other survivors who had sought refuge. They were a diverse group, each with their own stories of loss and survival. Together, they formed an unlikely alliance, united by the common goal of staying alive.

Days turned into weeks as they hunkered down in their makeshift sanctuary. They rationed what little food and water they had, always on guard for any signs of danger. The infected prowled the streets outside, their guttural moans a constant reminder of the threat they posed.

Hanazuki took on a leadership role, organizing scavenging missions for supplies and assigning watch shifts to keep everyone safe. She knew that their survival depended on their ability to work together and adapt to their new reality.

As time passed, hope flickered within the group. News of potential safe zones and rumors of a cure circulated among the survivors. Hanazuki held onto these fragments of hope, using them to fuel her determination to keep fighting.

But as the days stretched on, the challenges grew more daunting. Resources dwindled, and the infected became more aggressive and relentless. The survivors faced constant danger, their lives hanging by a thread.

Yet, through it all, Hanazuki refused to give up. She had seen the worst of humanity, but she had also witnessed acts of bravery and compassion. She believed that there was still goodness left in the world, even in the midst of the Crimson Dawn.

And so, as the first chapter of their struggle came to a close, Hanazuki and her fellow survivors braced themselves for what lay ahead. The Crimson Dawn had forever changed their lives, but they were determined to forge a path through the shadows, holding onto the hope that one day, they would see the light again.

The Crimson Dawn: survival in the shadowsWhere stories live. Discover now