I remember everything exactly, how I moved to Holmes Chapel and everything has changed. Like i've left everything behind, and started new life alone.
I moved here to forget my parents, my brother, and my little sister,and that house.
I was afraid to move here, after all, to take care of a house on my own, without mom who is helping you.. It's hard.
Luckly, I met Anne and Gemma, my amazing neighbors, Anne is like my mom and Gemma is like my sister, they are always there for me when I need help in the things I can't do on my own.
They helped me get over a huge loss, and get along with the city, I'll never forget them, they saved me and without them I wouldn't get along. That's for sure.
"Gemma!" I shouted while standing on the small chair, trying not to fall.
She went downstairs quickly and stood in front of me "Yes love?" asked sweetly
"can you help me put up this 'welcome' sign? Anne went shopping in the market, and it is you brother not mine!" I grinned and she laughed.
"Oh c'mon! Put this up, I'm going upstairs to finish my hair, my brother is coming and I don't want him to see me simple like you!" winked at me and ran back to her room.
"She can be so annoying sometimes" I mumbled to myself angrily, flipping my hair over my sholder, wondering how to put up the sign.
I cursed silently praying Anne will come back soon and will save me from the misery and selfishness of Gemma.
"Need any help with it?" a low raspy voice asked behind me, I turned around and saw a tall guy, wearing falling black jeans, tight white T-shirt, brown open coat, that might fit for women actually, and white all-stars on his feet. A troubled smile was on his face, and his green balls gaze at me while his hands are busy messing his curly hair.
"Sorry, I thought you're Gemma" he said "Where is she?" he asked confused
"Finishing her hair!!!" I shouted on purpose so Gemma could hear me well. The guy looked at me strange, but the smile did not got off his face. I didn't know who he was, and why is he letting himself get in the house of Styles family.
"And you are?" I said and got off the chair, after putting up the 'welcome' sign for Gemma's brother.
"I think I'm the one who need's to ask the question, who are you and what are you doing in my house?" asked.
"Harry!!!" heard yelling from upstairs, guessing that was Gemma's voice. She ran and in the 3rd step jumped in a hug over the guy.
"You're Harry?" I asked surprised. I was very confused and did not understood what was going on. a second ago he asked me or Gemma actually if I need help, for a sign was meant for him himself.
All the confusion stopped when Anne stepped through the door. She stood there with her mouth open "My son!" she shouted and hugged him.
"I missed you both!" he said
"I see you already met Stacey, you won't believe this, she's living in Steven's house, have you heard he's dead?" Gemma asked
"He's dead?!" Harry yelled, "Gosh I missed a lot don't I?"
I kind-of hated the fact they were ignoring me, presenting me and switching the subject, I couldn't shut up just like that, I'm not that kind of person, I need to present myself don't I?"
"Hi I'm Stacey" I suddenly said "I'm sorry for what happened"
"That's okay, I'm Harry, the second child" smiled and reached his hand.