This story is untitled because life is untitled... A lot of things are untitled. Life is untitled because there is no story title you could give life because of everything it is and everything that it isn't. Good things and bad things happen... Things you'll never want to forget and things you just can't forget. Like for instance... You'll never want to forget meeting the love of your life or your best friend, but things like...seeing someone pass away is something maybe you want to forget but can't. But see.. That is life! That's why if you were to tell the story of life and put a title to it.. just can't. To be honest I don't know myself what I'm trying to achieve here... I guess just getting a point across... Or potentially just babbling on .
Some things happen in life, that you can avoid or there is just no way around it. You can avoid spilling a drink, if you are careful you can avoid falling over if you watch where you are going, you can avoid someone killing themselves because of hurtful things you did to them... Calling them names...physically hurting them or even the slide comment thrown at them. You can avoid completely destroying someone's self esteem if you.... THINK BEFORE YOU DO! Now I'm not trying to give you a lecture on bullies because I know by now you have had many of them already. Ok, say you have a nice healthy pond with fish swimming happily... And you are about to dump some highly toxic waste into the peaceful pond without THINKing you would kill all the fish and permanently damage that pond. But, if you stopped and thought about what you were doing and had some sort of a conscience you would know that your next actions can go two ways, a right way and a wrong way. Kill fish or dispose of the waste correctly? Exactly!
I think I know now what I'm trying to do, I'm trying to tell you and everyone that too many people don't THINK BEFORE THEY DO, they jump to conclusions too fast. If that point came across well and good, if not you wasted 3 minutes of your time but, yeah I babbled about life...bullying...being "green" and just plain old babbling, but if you really are a reader you should have been able to get my point straight away.. Well I hope so anyways.