Chapter 1: Fates will

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Crouching through a sea of ferns I carefully concealed my body with the leaves and musk of the forest surrounding me. Though I have been in this forest countless times, I cant shake the fear of of those legends my grandmother told me of mystical beings that dwell in the forest. Through the gaps in the leaves I look into the sky and note the remnants of the stark blue night fading and in its place shades of gold and red filling the sky. Looking at the sky, I was certain their were no jewels that could outdo the beauty of those stark colors. Dawn is approaching. I look back to the forest floor and carefully step through the leaves towards the iridescent flowers that have began to open to display pearl like leaves with touches of lavender complementing the ends. In its center was a bud that shared the same golden hues of the sky and glow of dawn. Once I made it to the flowers I grabbed the stem of one and ripped it from the ground and into my cloth pouch with other meticulous herbs and materials.

 I looked back to the other flowers and their bud's glow have already began fading back into a dull center. I begin my retreat back towards the exit of the forest when I began to a strange tingling in my fingers and an intense thumping from my heart. I was being watched. 

Never in my previous forests retreats have I encountered anyone. People don't go into the forests near our town, because of the fear of legends. Paranoia made my steps swift and purposeful, because I knew if someone else was here they must not fear death all that much. As I quickened my steps I noted the hair rising on my arms and a cold chill going down my spine. As I neared the exit I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard a loud *CRACK* from the trees behind me.  Before I even had time to scream, a doe ran out of the trees behind me and into the deeper parts of the forest. I stared wide eyed at the doe and after a minute longer of staring at nothing I let out a shaky laugh. I had been so paranoid that I truly believed a simple doe was a person stalking me. I continued out the forest and all though I mainly felt relief a small part of me wondered if it was only paranoia.

I approached the front of my home. A small cabin made from the trees of the surrounding forest, and almost buried by the surrounding herbs and plants bordering it's windows and door. The door of the cabin had an arc with two surrounding lantern lights I had made. I opened the door of the cabin and was met by the smell of burning in a fireplace and the aroma of roses filling the room. Taking a deep breathe I smiled and let any remainder of anxiety from the forest wash out of me. I approached the kitchen and laid my pouch on the circular table that was already filled with miscellaneous items and unfinished crafts. I slide out one of our stone chairs from the table and sunk into the seat. This home was where my grandma and I worked to craft several items and then sell them to our town. 

Our town is where the Kingdom of Enchantment sends all of its exiles. The people who cant contribute towards the Kingdoms "prosperity". Our Kingdom is ran upon magic and those with the most sit atop the hierarchy and those with the least sit at the bottom. Most people in our village are those cast away by the Kingdom of Enchantment, because we lack any magic powers. The small percentage of us with magical powers have skills deemed useless by the nobility and therefore are cast away. My mother was one of those few. She had a creation skill. As soon as my grandmother found out that her daughter had a magic skill, she took her to the nobility in the kingdom in hopes to allow her a chance at a future. My mother could create small items out of materials she found and when she presented her skill in front of the nobility they called it a "quick scheme for money" and considered it a disgrace. My mother was then mandated to move out the Kingdoms walls and into the village where she met my father. My father was a strange case. He had an incredible amount of mana (magical power), but no skill. No magical skill means no way to use the magic you have. They soon met in our village and quickly grew fond of one another. Strange as it was they completed one another, by having what the other lacked. They married after a couple of months and I was born.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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