This guy!

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Author's Pov:

It was the next day. The sun shone brighter than usual, the birds chirped in the sky flying merrily across it. Our dear Cinderella had just woke up from her fairyland soon followed by a lazy morning yawn~
"Good morning berries!" (It's you all) She said stretching out her hands wide, indicating she had a very good sleep last night...

"Come on y/n now get your lazy ass up. You're not a Cinderella for God's sake! You're a total monkey to be honest!"
"Yah! Shut up author! Why do you have to ruin my beautiful sleep every time, huh?" She said in a tone of annoyance.
"It's that my fault now? You're the one who have to go to your classes, not me! Now get up or I'll tell Namjoon to shave your eyebrows!"
"Aniyo! Don't do that please. I love my eyebrows so much... I make it quick. Now please you leave or I'll get late for real this time!"

She said and rushed to the bathroom to do her morning routine.

Time skip.
At the University.

I still remember everything about yesterday night. It was such a good feel for real. The only thing I needed was the thing I got by HIM. I really appreciate his concern for me and this made me happy as hell. Now I really got a clue that I could definitely change him. And now I promise whatever happens, I'll not move back now!
If you wonder why am I doing this, well.... It have a reason behind it which I have noticed lately. And the reason is... Min Yoongi... Is... My... CRUSH...

I blushed to myself at that thought and automatically my heartbeats increased. It's pace was so high that I felt that if it would beat any more longer like this, then it would pop out for sure. Anyways... I calmed myself and made my way to my locker.

I was arranging my books when I suddenly felt someone hugs me from behind. I knew who it was.
"Yah! Kim Dahyun, stop being so clingy, people might get a wrong idea about us!"
"Aish! Y/n-ah~ you spoiled the fun", she whinned like a kid making me chuckle at her silliness. This girl really knows how to make me smile, doesn't she?
"Okay, okay I am sorry. By the way, you're early today, anything special?" I asked wiggling my eyebrows.
She looked down and looked up again with a pout, "Why? Can't be early someday?"
"Of course you can, but I know you very well. You're not that someone who could come to school early without any reason. Tell me now, what's that reason?"
"Aish y/n-ah! You really know me well..." She whinned again followed by her small giggles. "Well, it's actually... Today there is basketball match at the school between the two best teams of our campus. The Bulls and the Beatles". She said.
"So? What is up with that, huh?"
"Aigo, listen to me first. So you know right, that Park Jimin is also in the team" she said while blushing like idiot, but soon it faded as she saw my frowned face. She sulked at me and continue, " You know he is my crush right!? And also he is such a good player. I want to see the match and cheer for him. I want him to notice me, atleast for once!"
"Ohhh... Is that so... Then go ahead all the best for the match and-"
"What you mean by just GO AHEAD? You are going to come with me for the match. And that's it"
"What! But why me? I mean what will I do by going there? You know I have no interest in this game, then why? You go if you want to".
"Yoongi is in that team too. You can cheer up for him. I know you like him. Don't you dare try to deny. You are coming with me and that's final, no more discussion!" She said and crossed her arms around her chest. I sighed in defeat and agreed to it finally. She squealed in happiness and wrapped her hands around me making me smile too.

About me liking Yoongi, yes she figured it out really soon, you know... Best friend things... Hehe!
Park Jimin, the mochi of our classroom was her one and only crush. Match was just an excuse she actually wanted to see Jimin playing basketball, because she believes that he looks so hot in his Jersey and when he flips his wet hair back off his forehead. The sweat dripping off his face and that... that look of gruffness he gives due to continue runnings and pantings...

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