The Painter and The Demon

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   Once upon a time,there lived a painter. Living in such a small town, the painter was quite known to the villagers, and they would often come to his shop for any requests for a painting or potrait.
   He was living a great life, until one day, he was cursed with blindness.

   The painter's family helped him with his new disability, to which he was thankful for. But after spending so much time being taken care of, the artist was desperate to draw and paint once more, like he used to.
   He was too focused on getting back his new hobby to the point where he asked one of his cousin, who knows all about occults and demons, to help him summon a demon.
   The cousin didn't deny, no.They were instead excited, since it was their first time someone asked them to summon a demon, which was what they've been trying to do for a long time.

   After many failed attempts, the two had finally succeeded summoning a demon. Since the cousin's job was finished and they got what they wanted, they left the painter with the demon.

   The painter politely asked the demon if it could cure his blindness. The demon aggreed, but there was a condition.
   "For every painting you finish, I will take a bit of your soul" it said.
   The painter was too desperate to say no. All he wanted to do was to paint, just like before.

   Time passed, and the painter was back to his old world again, one where he wasn't blind. He wanted to open his shop back as soon as possible, but the demon that was following him forbids it.
   "It will be suspicious if a blind person can somehow see again. So you can't open your shop and you have to act blind, unless you're alone"
   The painter wanted to argue back, but he knew that the demon was right. It was the one who cured him, so he has no right to complain.

   (The demon's still there because the cousin doesn't know how to bring it back to its world,btw)

  The painter, spent a lot of time in his shop, busy painting while the demon watched him. And just like the deal, the demon would take a bit of the painter's soul when he finished a painting.
   For each day that passed, the two of them kept spending more and more time in the shop, to the point where the painter wouldn't return to his home.

   Weeks passed, and the painter kept painting. The demon would some time get worried or suprised to his commitment.
   "You do know that your soul is only a bit now, right? Shouldn't you, I don't know get worried or cancel the deal or something?"
   Everytime when the demon asked him that, the painter would ignore.

   One day, the painter suddenly collaps and passes out in their shop while painting. Due to their lack of soul, it was bound to happen.
   When the artist woke up, all they could see was darkness. Just a dark,familiar,empty void surrounding them.
   "I broke our deal. I'm sorry"

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