Chapter - 15

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Jeonglix chapter :)

Felix's POV:

I woke up in a comfy bed in a dark room with no lights, I sat up on the bed and looked around trying to remember what happened last night.

My thoughts were cut off when someone opened the door and walked in. "Good morning~ How was your sleep?" It was the guy from last night. His white hair was fluffy and looked soft, it seemed like he just took a shower. I looked at him as I rubbed my eyes.

"Who are you again?.." I asked as I completely forgot what or who he is. "Seriously? You forgot already?" He said as he sat down on the edge of the bed beside me. I frowned slightly as I looked at him, I mean I do forget alot of things very quickly.

"J-Just tell me who you are.." I mumbled as I was a bit embarrassed. He had a small smirk on his face, he was planning something, I could tell.

"You're future husband?~" Jeongin said with a teasing tone. I sighed as I blushed slightly, I knew that was coming. He chuckled slightly, "I'm Jeongin. The vampire that you slept with last night. Do you remember now?" He said casually like he doesn't even care that he made me blush like it was a normal thing for him to do to other people.

My eyes widened slightly as I got a bit nervous when he said 'slept with', 'what kind of sleeping with?! Cuddling or the other?! Was I drunk?! And he is a fucking vampire!?' I was literally over thinking and panicking a bit.

Jeongin realised my expression and noticed that he could've rephrased the words differently. "Relax, I didn't do anything to you. We just cuddled, you were the one who told me to stay anyways." He smirked as he tried to hold in his laugh, he found it funny that I thought of something else and was panicking.

I sighed in relief but blushed a lot more when he said that I asked him to stay, did I really? Ugh.. You shouldn't have Felix! He is a vampire! He can suck your blood and kill you! I regret coming into the woods now. I stayed silent as I sat there looking at my lap awkwardly.

"So.. are you hungry? Do you want anything to eat or drink?" Jeongin broke the silence after a minute, he was talking with a sweet and caring tone.

I was honestly surprised that a vampire can hsve mood changes so quickly, they randomly have red eyes and start showing their fangs but then they suddenly become sweet, caring and kind. It's weird.

I hesitated for a bit, "y-you won't poison me, will you?.." I asked nervously. He chuckled slightly as he shook his head, "why would I? Just tell me what you want." He said as he stood up from the bed.

"I'm fine with anything, as long as it's tasty." I said as I shrugged. He nodded as he walked out the room closing the door behind.

I watched him leave then got up from the bed, I walked towards a closet which was beside the bed which was a metre apart. I opened it and there was black clothes. Seriously? Does he not like bright colors? Oh right, he is a vampire, of course he doesn't like the sunlight or bright colors.

I reached my hand in and looked through the clothes, I found a black T-shirt and a pair of black shorts. I just decided to wear that as it looked comfortable. I grabbed a towel and walked inside the bathroom to take a shower.

Time skip... after Felix finished showering and was going outside his room towards the kitchen...

Nobody's POV:

felix walked outside the room and immediately could smell the food. It smelled so good that it brought a smile to his face. He walked towards the kitchen and saw Jeongin placing the plate of food on the table.

Jeongin looked up as he heard foot steps, he looked at Felix walking towards the table. "Is this for me?" Felix asked with a bright and happy tone as he kept his eyea on the food, his eyes were sparkling.

"Who else? A capybara?" Jeongin said with a smirk on his face, he was just playing with Felix. "Well, thank you.." Felix mumbled as he shook his head from his joke. He sat down on the chair in front of the table and looked at the food, it was pasta, but it's like pasta sold at a five star restaurant.

Felix picked up the fork and took a bite of the pasta, his eyes lit up as soon as he took a bite. It was literally so good, Felix continued to eat the pasta without talking. Jeongin smiled proudly at himself while watching Felix eat the food he made.

Felix finished the food in less than 10 minutes. "Are you a chef or something? It's amazing, no kidding." Felix took the plate and stood up from the chair, he placed it in the sink and washed it. "Well.. my grandmother taught me how to cook many things so that's why I know alot of recipes." Jeongin said as he leaned against the counter as he crossed his arms, he watched Felix doing the dishes.

"Do you usually do house chores alot?" Jeongin asked, "Why do you ask?" Felix questioned. "Just answer my question." Jeongin rolled his eyes. "Yes I do." Felix replied then placed the plate in the drawers. He dried his hands with the towel that was hanging on the wall.

"I will be out at night so you will be alone, just don't go anywhere. I can find you if you do." Jeongin's tone was serious. Felix nodded slightly as he turned around and looked at him.

"What do I do now?.." Felix asked as he didn't didn't know what to do. He was a bit bored. "Whatever you want, I don't really care." Jeongin said as he exited the kitchen not even turning back to look at Felix.

Felix frowned, he ran after Jeongin as he didn't want to be left alone. "Wait! Where are you going?..-" He said as he ran after him and stood in front of him, blocking Jeongin's way. "None of your business, now move." Jeongin said as he tried to turn to his left so he could pass Felix.

Felix quickly slided to the side and blocked his way again, "but I'm bored.." he frowned and pouted as he looked at Jeongin with puppy eyes. Jeongin looked at Felix, 'Goddamn he looks so cute.. I just want to pinch his cheeks.. and kiss him.. and..- Shut up Jeongin!.. You shouldn't think like that! He is a human and you are a vampire!..' Jeongin thought to himself.

Jeongin glared at Felix, "that sounds like a 'you' problem, what am I supposed to do to not make you feel bored? That's right. Nothing. Now seriously, move." Jeongin talked with a sarcastic tone but the last few words with a serious tone.

Felix hesitated for a bit but then frowned even more and moved out way slightly, he looked down at the floor with a upset and disappointed expression on his face.

Jeongin glanced at Felix and felt slightly bad for talking like that but he just walked past him. Felix then heard the door closing which means Jeongin has left.

Felix groaned as he just stomped his feet to the room he woke up in. He slammed the door as he was annoyed, he just decided to rest as he got nothing else better to do.

‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
[ ⬆️ new ending line! :) ⬆️ ]

Hello again, I'm back with a new chapter 👏👏👏 Finally after like forever I updated. I'm so sorry this is short but it's all I could write for now :(

I tried my best to update you guys often but I just think it's not possible 🤦‍♀️
My final year exams are next month so I really gotta work hard.

But goodbye for now! STAY safe and be healthy ❤ I hope to update you soon.

words: 1371

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