dare 37

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Me: Oh they'll hate this for sure. Optimus and Ratchet first. *locks them in a room*

Optimus: So........

Ratchet: I'm not interested in you. 

Optimus: Okay....

Ratchet: We can still be friends though. 

Optimus: Better then nothing I guess. 

seven awkward minutes later

Me: Alright, Ultra Magnus and Optimus. *locks them in the room* 

Ultra Magnus: This is awkward...

Optimus: Agreed... 


















Ultra Magnus: Friends?

Optimus: Of course. 

Me: Time's up, Smokescreen and Bumblebee next. *locks them in the room*

Smokescreen: I really really like you and I understand if you don't like me back. 

Bumblebee: :;Smokey it's fine, I like you too.;: 

Smokescreen: I understand if you- wait you do?

Bumblebee: :;Yep.;: 

Smokescreen: Yes!!!

Bumblebee: :;Come to my room tonight;: *winks* 

Me: Time's up, Wheeljack and Ratchet are next. *locks the up in the room* 

Wheeljack: You don't need to say a thing darling. 

Ratchet: I know. 

Wheeljack and Ratchet: *start kissing* 

Me: Time's- You know what we'll just go to another room. Bumblebee and Smokescreen, your turn. 

Smokescreen: But what's the point? We already know that we like each other. 

Me: Fair, next. Arcee and Knockout. *locks them in another room* 

Knockout: You may like me doll, but I'm already with Breakdown. So sorry. 

Arcee: I know...

Knockout: We can still be friends though. 

Arcee: That's better then nothing. 

Me: Time goes fast, next are Bulkhead and Arcee. *locks them in a room* 

Arcee: I'm sorry Bulk, I don't like you back. 

Bulkhead: It's fine Cee. 

Arcee: Let's be friends. 

Bulkhead: Okay. 

Me: Time's up, that was everything. Hope you enjoyed and have a nice day. 

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