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Guys my first day of school starts tomorrow which means less time in using my laptop which leads to less time in writing :-( i'm very sad.



"Oh Calum babyyy, where are you my little baby boo." Ashton practically sang out, taking big strides into the amusement park known as Disney land. Calum stifled his giggles as he hid behind a potted plant, his eyes glued to his beautiful and manly boyfriend getting closer and closer to the spot he was hiding at.

Calum turned his head to his side, only to do a double take because beside him was a costume shoppe.

He eyed the dresses for little kids inside and got lost at the thought of him being in one. Ashton snuck up behind him, sneakily squatting down behind his boyfriend and then wrapping his arms around him, making Calum squeak and jump around.

"Ashton! Don't sneak up on me like that! You know how I get." Calum scolded, slapping Ashton's muscular arm lightly and then stood up, Ashton following him. "S'rry baby, I forgot." Ashton giggled, Calum rolling his eyes at him and flicking his nose.

The curly haired lad chuckled, kissing Calum's cheek sweetly before holding his hand. "I saw you looking at the costume shoppe, my dear Calum, so let's go in!" Ashton chirped, tugging Calum along with him towards the shoppe.

Calum gawked when they got inside, dresses of many colours and different styled hung upon the walls. Glittery and pretty. Ashton smirked when Calum let go of his hand, just to frolic around with a happy expression stuck on his face. He made his way over to the cashier desk and propped his arms on it.

"Is he your boyfriend?" the cashier girl asked, smiling sincerely at the older boy. Ashton nodded, grinning and showing off his dimples. "He is! My one and only, he's so cute isn't he?" he giggled, the girl chuckled in agreement. "Totally, but I'm not exactly straight." she said, Ashton lightening up when he heard this.

"You're not the only one, sweetie! What's your name?" the girl giggled, "My name is Jenni." she said and Ashton leaned over the desk and gave her a hug, "And I'm Ashton! It's lovely meeting you!" he said, Jenni chuckling and hugging him back.

Jenni looked at Calum, who was holding a dress against himself and sighing, "Pssst, hey Ashton, looks like your boyfriend really wants a dress. You know, since we're kind of like friends and all, I could show you guys out back. There's loads of dresses with different sizes there." she whispered into Ashton's ear. Ashton giggled and nodded, letting go of their hug and marching towards Calum.

Calum stood in front of the mirror, a pout settled on his face because the dresses here were too tiny for him. A pair of arms wrapped around his waist, Calum jolting slightly but relaxed when he saw that it was only Ashton. "You're so beautiful, baby, and you're very lucky you have an awesome boyfriend like me." Ashton said and Calum raised a brow at him. "And why on earth are you saying that you're an awesome boyfriend?"

Ashton smirked, leaning into Calum's ear. "Follow me, babe." he whispered, pulling back and walking towards Jenni who already unlocked the back door. Calum pulled on a curious face and followed Ashton silently, smiling shyly at the girl. His mouth fell when he saw what's inside the gigantic room they're in.

Adult and even teenage disney costumes were perched up around the room, there's even a little make-up station there. Calum squealed, quickly kissing Ashton on the lips before holding the girl's hand and tugging her towards the dresses. Jenni laughed as she scurried along with Calum and Ashton was about to follow but someone stopped him.

"Oi, curly, let's surprise your boyfriend! I'm Cath and I'll be assisting you!" another teenage girl popped up, pushing Ashton toward's the prince costume section and dolling him up.

Calum eyed the dresses with longing eyes, Jenni standing beside him and looking at the dress swatches she has, holding them up against Calum's body. "Oh my god this is the one!" Jenni squealed, grasping Calum's hand and shoving him inside a changing stall with a dress.

"How do you even know this is my size?" Calum called from inside the stall, Jenni rolling her eyes at him. "Dude, I'm literally like a professional in these things so just trust me." she said, Calum replying with a "Merci." and trying on his pretty dress on.

Ashton grumbled next to Cath, tugging on the collar of his suit and faked choked. "Shut up, Ashton, now c'mere and let me fix your hair." Cath ordered sassily, holding a can of hair spray.

"Is it really necessary for me to wear this boots?" Ashton mumbled, sitting down on the stool while Cath did her magic onto his hair, taming the wild girls and combing it up in a sexy quiff.

Cath hummed in reply, spinning Ashton around and dusting his cheeks with some blush. Ashton whined and squeezed his eyes shut. This better be worth it. He thought.

Calum laughed when Jenni applied the mascara onto his eyelashes, then proceeded to his eye make-up. "This feels funny." Calum spoke, sneezing when some of the powder hit his nose.

Jenni stood back and examined her work, snatching a wig from one of the mannequins and fixed it on top of Calum's head, making sure none of his real hair was seen. She tapped her chin, "Needs one more thing." she mumbled, opening drawers and then pulling out a mask.

She put it on for Calum and smiled at her work, "Voi la!"

Cath grinned massively when she finished up Ashton's look, placing black studded earrings onto his pierced ears and then clapping her hands. "Perfect! Now let's go to your boyfriend.. or should I say.. your queen!" she giggled, pulling Ashton towards Calum's direction.

Calum smiled as he got up, his pretty dress hitting the floor and he felt so pretty. He walked towards the mirror and gasped once he saw his reflection, he didn't look like a boy at all! He had long fancy gloves that covered his muscular arm and hands, and his face was hidden behind a mask. His dress made him look slimmer than he actually was and he just screamed girl.

Ashton stalked towards him, his eyes wide when he saw him. He walked towards Calum speedily, wrapping him tight in his arms before spinning the boy around just to kiss him directly on the lips.

Calum squeaked when Ashton lifted him up from the ground and spun them both around, a giggle erupting from both of their throats and cheers coming from the two girls.

"You're the most beautiful queen ever, my Calum." Ashton breathed, Calum sighing happily and resting his head against Ashton's shoulder.

"And you're the best king ever, my Ashton."

- - -

Calum and Ashton spent the next few hours walking around, children stopping them to take pictures because they actually believed that they were the actual disney characters.

A few girl teenagers giggled once they saw them though, crowding them to take pictures and one even whispered in Calum's ear. "Hey, I know you're really a boy but you still look very pretty, and it doesn't take one to see that the guy you're with is actually your boyfriend." she giggled before scurrying off with her group.

Ashton and Calum laughed along the way, checking their time to see that it was almost time for them to go.

"I'm glad we went here today, we got two new friends and free stuff." Calum said, Ashton kissing him tenderly on the lips. "Yup, we should do this again sometime."



Yuuuus Cashton!

Did you guys like this chapter? And what do you think Muke will do in the next chapter? Ayeee x

I love you guys like a lot a lot xx

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