Day 1 - Sharing The Spotlight: Introductions part 1

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"Building 3. That's where I was told The Drama Club was meeting." Legoshi entered into the building and immediately knew he was in the right place as the interior resembled a drama practice area. Everyone bustled around as he stood in awe taking in his surroundings. It was larger than his last school's practice area. A female cheetah, a male badger, a male pelican with glasses and a deer sat on stage talking amongst themselves.

"They must be the heads of all the teams?" Legoshi thought. He didn't recognize any of them. He placed his backpack down amongst everyone else's bags that laid on the floor when a voice spoke up to him.

"Ah, you must be a first year," the voice said. Legoshi glanced at who had spoken to him. It was a tall peafowl with a very long neck.

"Y...Yes, I worked with lighting at my last school," Legoshi replied.

"Excellent. You can have a seat right over there with all the other first years." He motioned towards the group sitting on the floor whom most of which were listening intently to a large Bengal tiger's story he was telling. Legoshi silently sat down beside a mongoose who was turned listening to the tiger. He turned towards Legoshi upon hearing someone sit beside him and his eyes met Legoshis'. He stared at the wolf for a second and then turned back to listening to the tiger's story placing his head comfortably onto his hand. Legoshi stared ahead then glanced around. This practice area was a little larger than his previous school's area. Everything was in the same rough shape, as is everything handled by many teenagers, some with the wildest imaginations. Legoshi half paid attention to the elderly looking pelican who was speaking and fixing his eyeglasses often. Maybe too often.

"He must be a drama teacher," Legoshi thought, but as the pelican stepped down the red deer that Legoshi had noticed at the front of the class up on stage rose up and was the next to speak. Now he made everyone pay attention as his voice boomed out with charisma.

"Good afternoon, fellow drama members and all new drama club members there being many of you." This deer had no trouble speaking in front of everyone and as Legoshi noticed from around him everyone had their full attention turned towards...

"Louis, that's my name and I'm the lead actor of the drama club here at Cherryton. Now, if we can have all the first years introduce themselves and tell us what you were involved with in your last drama club, or if you haven't been involved in drama before? I'll begin with...Here on the far right. The large wolf..." Legoshi only stared ahead like he was mesmerized by this deer's voice.

"Uhh? The wolf at the far right," Louis restated. Legoshi kind of heard him.

"Wolf. Wolf? He must mean some other wolf that he had not noticed within the group," Legoshi thought.

Louis sighed, "I can't believe something this simple is going to be so difficult!" He murmured quietly holding his forehead in frustration. "Will the WOLF sitting at the FAR RIGHT PLEASE TELL US YOUR NAME!!" Louis practically shouted towards this rather daft canidae.

"Uhh," Legoshi was nudged in the side by the mongoose sitting next to him.

"He only wants to know your name dude, not your life's story," the mongoose explained.

"Oh! Right! Legoshi. And sorry on my part for not listening. I...I was distracted. Sorry, again," Legoshi apologized with a slight bow of his head.

"Okay, good," Louis answered. "We're halfway there. Not very bright this one," he muttered to himself. "And your role in your previous drama club?"

"Oh, lighting and stage management. Whatever needs fixing," Legoshi replied.

"Nice to meet you," Louis stated flatly. Legoshi felt himself nervous just speaking with the deer. He seemed so pristine, charismatic and on a higher level than his quiet and awkward self.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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