06. Jealousy

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06.   ╱ Jealousy

MUSIC SOFTLY PLAYED ON THE BACKGROUND, MARIGOLD AND LILA HUMMING ALONG. Their feet swayed in the air above their backs, one foot crossed over the other. They moved them in sync without even realizing it. Both of them were scrolling through their phones, either texting their boyfriend or looking through Pinterest, you can probably guess who was doing what.

The both of them suddenly flinched at the sound of the door being flung open, revealing an excited Belly.

"Marigold, you won't believe . . ." she slowly trailed off, noticing that the girl had company over. "Oh, I didn't know Lila was still over. I can come back later."

"Bels, it's fine. What were going to say?" Marigold asked, not noticing the glare Belly was currently giving the girl beside her. Lila almost cowered back by the girl's heavy gaze, awkwardly clearing her throat and moving her attention back to her phone to avoid the girl.

"Cam asked me out," she finally said, her gaze tearing from Lila and back to Marigold.

"Oh," she whispered softly. "That's───that's amazing, Bels."

Marigold cursed herself for her tone, she hadn't meant for it to come out so shaken, but the lump in her throat was making it difficult. Lila noticed she was having trouble so she gently slipped her hand into Marigold's, squeezing her hand to bring her a little comfort. What Marigold hadn't noticed was the darkened gaze from the Conklin girl, landing on the motion.

"I better go, Jordan's waiting for me," Lila excuses herself, grabbing her shoes before leaving the room───not before sending a wink in Marigold's direction which made her cheeks redden.

"I was wondering if you wanted to come help me pick out an outfit," Belly questioned after a short moment of silence between the two of them.

"Of course!" Marigold had hoped that came of excited, because she was anything but that. They both made their way to Belly's room, where they instantly began searching through her drawers and closet.

Belly held up a bright, pastel yellow top to her chest with curious eyes.

"Too bright," Marigold replied.

Belly then held up a baggy, black band tee, sleeves falling down to her elbows, and little rips on the collar and sleeves.

"Too punk?" The girl replied, almost confused on her own thoughts of the shirt.

"Hey, girls," Susannah greeted as she walked into the room, smiling at both of them. "What's going on in here?"

"I'm going on a date," Belly exclaimed with excitement, receiving the same amount of energy back from Susannah.

"Oh my gosh, Belly! That's wonderful!" Susannah exclaim, pulling the girl into a hug───glancing over the shorter girl's shoulder to take a peek over at her daughter who played with her fingers awkwardly. Susannah almost sighed at the sight but quickly refrained for the excitement from Belly.

Susannah had then decided to join them in helping Belly choose an outfit, soon after landing on a cute cropped tank top and pair of shorts. Belly had asked if Marigold wanted to do her makeup, which is how the two of them ended up where they are now, both cris-crossed, across from each other on the bed.

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