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The next day at lunch, I sit with Devi, Fab, and Eleanor. A few minutes after we sat down, Ethan walked up to me. He whispered in my ear,
"Meet me in the supply closet after lunch." He whispered, he smirked then walked away, back to his friends.
"Ooh, what was that about?" Eleanor asks teasingly.
"Nothing," I giggle, blush creeping up on my cheeks.
"C'mon Adrianna, tell ussssss!" Eleanor whines,
"Never." I joke.
"You can't just keep secrets about your new smokin hot boyfriend!"

Are we dating? Well, I never asked. Maybe...? Hmm, I never thought about it that much

*After lunch*

After lunch, I walk to the supply closet, and Ethan was already there.
"Hey princess." He says, as he pulls me in for a kiss. I stop him.
"Ethan, wait." I say. Confused, he pulls away.

"Uhm, are we... Y'know, dating?" I ask.
He chuckled.
"Of course we are, babe. You think I make out with any girl I meet?"

I shook my head.

We make out for a few minutes in the supply closet, untill suddenly, I see a figure open the door. It was Mr.K.

"Ms. Garcia, Mr.Morales. follow me, right now!" He states, quite sternly.

"Who did you tell, Adrianna?" Ethan whispers, while we follow Mr.K. Ethan looked annoyed.
"No, Eleanor wanted to know, but I refused.... Oh, shit! Devi knows we were making out in the supply closet yesterday!" I whisper yell.

"You two are very loud whisperers." Mr. K says.

We arrive at the principals office, where me, Ethan, and Mr. K sit by principal Grubbs desk.

"So, Mr.Kulkarni tells me this isint the first time that this has happened. Is this true Ms. Garcia?" Principal Grubbs asks.

I nod. "I'm very sorry, Principal Grubbs, I-"
"Can it! I don't wanna hear it. You and Mr. Morales will be receiving one week suspension, and it will go on your permanent record.
Ethan scoffed
"Permanent record? But then my chances of getting into USC will lower even more!" I exclaim.
Principal grub s shrugs.

"Shit, I'm so sorry, bab-"
"Now I might not get into a good college because of you, I shouldn't have went to the supply closet!" I groan, as I go outside, to meet my mom since she had to pick me up.

"Adriana, what is this about? Principal Grubbs told me you were making out with a boy on school property? I didint know you had a boyfriend?!"

"I'm sorry, Mom it just happens so soon."
"I really hope this doesn't hurt your chances at USC." She says.
I nod.

Later that night, I was snuggled in bed, when Ethan climbs into my bedroom through the window.

"Don't you realize I'm mad at you?!"

"Yeah, but you know I think you're hot when you're angry. It's how we met, remember?" He says.

Obviously I remember. Not like I replay it in my head every night or anything.

"Listen, I'm really sorry that I hurt your college chance-" I interrupted him.
"Ethan, if you still want us to be together, I'm gonna need you to respect some of my boundaries. As in no more supply closet. I really like you, but I can't keep skipping class with you, USC is my dream college, and I can't have my dreams crushed do early on." I say.

He nods.
"Please, one more chance?" He asked, with puppy eyes.

"Yes." I say.

"Bye, Adrianna." He says as he exits my bedroom through the window.

The next day, I wake up, today was my first day of suspension. My mother was not thrilled that I was suspended. So in order to get my device back, I had to complete a list of chores, and when she got back for work I could get my phone back. Before starting any chores, I showered, and got dressed. I decided to put on my favorite sweatshirt, and some shorts. After I got dressed, I went downstairs and got some cereal.
Now it was time to clean.


1. Clean room
2. Wash dishes
3. Vacuum and mop room. normally I just have 1 and 3, not 2. But I understand since I was literally suspended for a week.

I started by cleaning my room. I take all of my dirty laundry and put it in my laundry basket. After indo that, I pick up all of the trash and put it into a trash can. I then vacuum. After I do that, I walk downstairs to grab the mop out of the closet. I walk upstairs again and start mopping my bedroom floors.

After I do all that, I take a break. I plop on my bed and start to read a book.
About 10 minutes in, Ethan crawls through my window, which was open, since I was cleaning.

"Ethan! H-" I start to say.
"We need to talk." He says, he looks pretty sad.
"Oh, ok."
"Devi has to stop. I know how jealous she is of us, but if I get suspended again, I will be expelled. She needs to stop, if she doesn't.... I don't know how this relationship will go." He says.
"Are you breaking up with me?" I ask, annoyed. I understood why though, Devi can she a pain when she wants to.

"Yes, but Adrianna, I really like you. Just untill you talk to Devi, then I promise we can be together again."
"Ok." I respond. He climbs out my window.

As soon as I got my phone back this afternoon I'm going to try to have Devi over. Maybe my mom will understand...

I started to tear up. I didn't want it to be true that Devi was fake, we are best friends. Why would we tell on us like that?

After a few minutes, I wonder downstairs to do some dishes. After about 30 minutes, I finish the dishes and my mom comes home from the office.

"Hey, sweetie!" She says, coming over and hugging me.

"Hey mom! I did all my chores, and I was wondering if I could have Devi over, not to hang out, we really need to talk. She is ruining my relationship with my boyfriend." My mom nods.
"Ok, but only for an hour." She says.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you, mom!"

I text Devi, and she agrees to come over. She arrives 10 minutes later.

"Hey Devi." I say, and gester for her to come in.

We walk up to my room, and sit on the floor.
"Listen, I figure it was you that ratted me out yesterday. And I thought we were cool! Ethan broke up with me until you promise to stop sabotaging our relationship like that." I say.

"Actually, I stopped sabotaging when we became friends again, I swear. It was... Erm actually Eleanor that ratted you out.." she responds.

"Uhm, I have to go, I actually am in trouble right now at home, and Pati doesn't realize I'm gone... So bye?" She says.

I immediately grab my phone and call Eleanor.
"Hey, Adrian-"
"I found out, how could you rat me out?!'
"You didint realize I liked him before you OR Devi."
"Yeah, but you're with Trent again, right?"
"That doesn't matter."
"I'm really sorry, Eleanor, but please, stop. Ethan is mad at ME because of it."

"Fine. I'm not even upset about him anymore, I've got bigger things to worry about. But only if you do me this one favor..."
"You have to film my audition for a part in a musical I'm auditioning for next week.
I agree.

After the call ended, I happily text Ethan.

The next day, me and Ethan talked, and we agreed to keep dating.

AN: I'm sorry it's not very detailed, idrk what I was going for with this page but yk it's 1200 words at least (:

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