Chapter 1

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This fic is gonna have a few chapters. I will hopefully post the next one soon but in not exactly sure when. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chessshipping fic!

I never realised how her eyes sparkled until that moment.

I never noticed how his laugh made me feel until then.

She was sitting there.

He told a corny joke.

I made her laugh.

He smiled at me.

"Why did the lizard cross the road?" Black inquired as he and his friends walked over to their favourite hang out spot. Bianca, Cheren and White all shrugged. He grinned
"Because it was the chicken's day off!" His grin grew wider and a White broke out into a fit of giggles. She was more laughing at Black's great enthusiasm than the corny joke.
"Knock knock." Cheren announced. Bianca quickly shot Black and White a confused look, they both shrugged. Cheren wasn't one for jokes.
"Who's there?" Bianca called back, intrigued to what the joke may be.
"To." He said simply.
"To who?" Bianca answered.
"No, no, to whom!" He cracked up and started laughing hysterically. Black smiled slightly, as he was the only one to actually understand the joke besides Cheren.
"Uh, well then!" White plastered a fake smile on her face, pretending she was enjoying the awkwardness of nothing but Cheren's laughter.
"Oh, look!" Bianca sighed with relief "we're here!" White and Black both exchanged an eager smirk.
"Race ya!" They cried in unison before bolting off to the miltank diner. Bianca sighed.
"Aren't they just perfect for each other?" Cheren nodded in agreement.
"Do you think they know it yet?"
"Know what?" Cheren turned to his friend.
"That they love each other?" Bianca said. She didn't dare to rip her eyes from the silhouette of two teens running to their bar while the sunset burned brightly behind them.

"I'll take a double Choc shake please?" Black politely asked the waiter.
"You know, bring that with two straws." White smiled at Black giving him a confused look to spread across his face. The waitress nodded and waddled back into the kitchen.
"Why two straws?" Black cocked his head and waited patiently for an answer.
"So we can share!" White cheerily looked at her menu "that way I can have a milkshake and an ice cream!" Black frowned at her.
"So you're stealing my milkshake?"
"Yes!" She nodded "exactl- wait! No!" She said hastily, suddenly aware of her words "I was being... No, you were... Uh, paying me back for a... Bet! We said whoever won the bet got to have half of the other person's milkshake."
"I don't believe you." Black smugly smiled at her knowing it was a lie.
"I'm telling the truth!" She chocked on the giggles in her throat hoping it wouldn't blow her cover.
"What was the bet then?" Black asked knowing quite well, there wasn't a bet.
"Uh, who... Could... That... Bianca would... Hug Cheren!" She pointed a finger in the air in victory.
"They haven't hugged yet." Black crossed his arms proudly over his chest. She shrugged.
"Bianca, hug Cheren." Bianca happily obliged by wrapping her arms tightly around the boy sitting next to her. His facial expression stayed the same but his actual face colour changed from pale to a dark red.
"There, I win." She poked her tongue playfully out at him whilst he ignored her and watched the waitress make her way over to their table.
"One banana blitz, a strawberry and coconut sundae and a double Choc shake with two straws!" She happily handed out all the treats before quickly winking at Black and wondering back to the kitchen again. White snatched the milkshake from in front of Black and began to suck the milkshake from both straws. Black sighed. He did feel more like a vanilla one today anyway. He stood up and made his way over to the counter, ordered his beverage and payed for everyone else's dessert.
"Is that all?" The unimpressed teenager asked. She must've been around eighteen, 4 years older than him. He was about to answer with a 'yes thanks' when the word 'no' slipped out of his mouth. The girl sighed, beginning to get impatient with him.
"What else D'ya want."
"Uh, a chocolate and caramel Sunday with the um, whipped cream on top... Please." She rolled her eyes and nodded, signalling for him to sit back down.
"Everything's on me." He said as he sat down. He immediately regretted saying anything as he saw White's eyes light up "then I'll take another mega shake, with extra cream and caramel, an ice-cream cone and a large piece of..." She slowly trailed off as she watched Black worriedly count the bills in his hand "just kidding!" She quickly added. He sighed with relief and watched the waiter yet again waddle over to their table.
"A vanilla shake and chocolate and caramel sundae?" Black nodded in confirmation as she carefully place the desserts in front of him. As she walked away he slid the sundae to White.
"Mmmm! My favourite!" She cried "but why'd you get it for me?" She slowly slipped the spoon into her mouth. 'Yeah, why did you Black?" He thought to himself.
"I-I just felt like it!" Bianca and Cheren both smiled at each other. White shrugged and dug into her ice cream.
"On the topic of ice cream," Bianca began "what's your favourite combination on a cone?"
"First a Choc mint, then chocolate, then vanilla, then extra whipped cream on top with a chocolate shake and French fries stuck into it!" Black and White both cried in unison. They both looked at each other with shocked expressions. Cheren and Bianca turned to each other again.
"I don't think they know it yet, but they'll soon find out!" Bianca jumped in her seat.
"Know what?" White asked still quite confused.
"Oh, nothing" Bianca sighed "nothing yet."

Okay, so that's chapter 1! Hopefully I'll post the next chapter soon.

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