First meeting

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New Yorke 2021
Earth - 46290

Let's start from the beginning. You were bitten by a radioactive spider while on a school trip to Alcomec, you soon discovered your powers as Spiderwoman.... stuck to a few walls, made some web spinners...blah blah blah... same old origin story.

You gained muscle almost overnight. One day you looked like someone who had never lifted a weight in your life- which you hadn't- to a professional body builder.

Alongside being gifted a beautiful body, had also discovered your affinity for jumping... the hard way... and with the jumping came exceptionally bad eyesight.

You thought being Spiderwoman was easy until one day, you ran out on your aunt and uncle, spending a few hours in a park after a heated argument.


"I didn't ask for this!" You cried as you tried to create space between you and your aunt.

"For what?! All you had to do was pick up some laundry-" She retorted.

"It was a mistake- you can go a day without your clothes-"

"It's not about the clothes Y/n." She said sternly.

"Then what is it about? Hm?" You balled your fists.

"Seriously- Ben, Y/n please calm down..." Your uncle May said, his words slicing through the tension.

"Me yell at her?! She's the one yelling at me-"

"Not another word Y/n." Ben said once more.

"Or what?" You looked daringly into her eyes.

"You're grounded." She said with a fiery you had never seen before in her eyes.

You try to find words to combat her, but you couldn't find it in you to say anything. You looked at your uncle May who had a worried look on his face.

"Whatever." You sighed as you relaxed your body.

This had all started because of some stupid grade... a C in arts... honestly who gives a shit about art? Then it escalated to unfinished chores, the dishes last night, the vacuuming- then finally, the laundry.

Your hair was sticking to your face, the sweat clinging onto it like velcro. A small bruise covered a part of your cheek.

"What... ever...? Y/n. You get into these stupid fights with these girls- who have done nothing to you-" May starts.

"Nothing to me?! Her fucking boyfriend forced himself on me-"

"Do not swear at me." She said.

"I'm done. I'm done. I'm so fucking done." You had tears in the corners of your eyes.

You push past both of your relatives and walk towards the door.

"Y/n- wait-" Your uncle says.

You slam it closed, shattering the glass on the front door into a million tiny fragments.

"I-" You turn to look... but you just keep on walking.

You walk and walk, past a park, and past a few neighborhoods, a few people that you knew... you just stormed past all of it. You couldn't stand being in that house for one more second.

You eventually find yourself in a convenience store, scanning the isles for anything you would want. You feel around in your pocket to make sure you had money....

"Through with you." Miguel Ohara x FEM y/n || ANGST, FLUFF, COLD HARD SMUT ||Where stories live. Discover now