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Jaeheen walked to her father's room door

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Jaeheen walked to her father's room door. As she was about to knock, she hears crying. Her smile fell as soon as she hears this. Wanting to go in and comfort her father, but as he tried opening the door, it was locked.

She puts her ear near the door and felt her heart ache hearing her father's cries.
"Oh, papa... Why do you always cry by yourself? I am here to comfort you" She says, sighing.

The next day, Jaeheen walked to the kitchen. She sees her father, cooking for her. Her father turns around and she could see her puffy eyes.
"Papa, did you cry?" She asks even though she knew that the answer would always be the same.

"I am okay, honey... It'll go away" Jungkook says, smiling as he placed the plate of food down. Jaeheen had no choice but to just agree, she didn't wanna upset her father again. Last time she asked, she got a scolding and caused her father to be upset.

"Is there anything you want for your birthday, honey?" Jungkook asks, staring at his daughter as she thinks.
"Anything will be okay, papa... Just don't make it too expensive, I'd rather have you use the money for groceries" She says, chuckling.

"Your uncle Yoongi says he's going to visit on your birthday" Jungkook says, smiling.
"Really? I'm excited" She says, smiling wide. Jungkook stared at his daughter, feeling sad as he remembers someone from that smile.
"Papa?" He heard, snapping him out of his trance.

"You'll take me to school, right?" Jaeheen asks and Jungkook chuckles.
"Of course, it's your first day of college..." Jungkook says, sighing.
"Aigoo, I can't believe your now an adult... It's like you were just so little yesterday" Jungkook says as Jaeheen chuckles.

"I'll always be your big baby, papa"

"Yeah, you will always be my big baby"

"Yeah, you will always be my big baby"

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