Oneshot(Grey x Caera)

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*Author note : Hello guys, I'm new to the TBATE Fandom, I basically switched Fandoms cuz uh the previous Fandom of which I was a part of(Demon Slayer) Basically SUCKS now. So, I decided to join TBATE and maybe try my hand in writing. This is actually my first time writing something so please if you can, tell me what mistakes I made and what could I do to improve my writing, I would love advices from experienced writers and readers. Thanks. Also, I'm a big fan of Grey x Caera, why? Cuz I hate Tessia and Caera is the best waifu. Anyways, I won't waste your time anymore. Thanks.

(This is basically a one shot of Arthur born in Alacrya, both him and Caera's age is 19, Arthur being an adoptive son of Agrona and a Scythe while Caera was training to be his Retainer).

*Caera Denoir POV*

It was a fine afternoon, I was in my room in my Adoptive parents estate, the Denoir Estate, I was laying on my bed, tired from the mornings training and tired by constantly wondering when Arthur would come back from that God forsaken Continent, Dicathen. He was gone for 2 months, to be precise, even more. Each day without him seemed so long. It was like 1 day to me was like 1 year. I remember how I promised myself to confess my feelings to him when he comes back from that Continent but I was scared, I was scared that I might lose him, even though he is a Scythe, Life is unpredictable, he was in an entire different Continent, though we knew alot of information about them through our spies, what if they had something else in store? What if the Asuras broke the treaty and interfered? (Note : Agrona has brainwashed the people telling that all the Asuras are bad and are pawns of Kezess). Knowing how the Great Vritra has described those Asuras or so called "Dieties". They would wipe out an entire nation to achieve their goals, especially Kezess Indrath who banished the Vritra for revealing the massacre of the Djinns. It was like a storm was going on my mind. *Knock knock* the sound of a knock on my door broke me from my trance and I got up to open the door.

*Third person POV*
As soon as Caera opened the door, she was met with a tall figure of a man with long Auburn Hair tied and sharp Azure eyes, his face etched into the deepest depths of her brain, she immediately hugged him, totally ignoring her poor adoptive mother Lenora beside him, his musky scent and warmth not letting her sense Lenora, not that she even cared about her in the first place. Arthur just chuckled and patted Caera's back while Lenora was just watching with a surprised look on her face, her assumptions of Caera having a crush over this man being confirmed. She thought it would be best to retreat and leave them to their... Reunion, and how good it would be for the Denoirs for a Scythe to marry their adoptive daughter. As soon as Lenora left them, Caera broke the hug and noticed Lenora's back in the end of the hallway, cursing herself for her stupidity because who wouldn't? An woman who just thought strategically is pretty dangerous and her knowing even a little bit about her feelings would be pretty bad considering it's a Scythe at that and Arthur noticed her scowl on her face, asking what happened and Caera again cursing herself because of her "Feelings clouding her judgement". Oh how bad is love. She thought. Inviting Arthur to her room, both him and her sat down beside each other, chit chatting about each, Arthur asking how her training was going and her family's behavior  Caera deciding when and at what moment to confess her feelings to Arthur, making her not even listen to Arthur's blabbering and just nodding aimlessly and so on, nighttime came and so did the time of Arthur's departure. Caera cursed how time again, passed so fast with Arthur, how her feelings were clouding her judgement, how weak she felt in front of him. She is the great Caera Denoir, a student to a scythe, the daughter of one of the most influential families in Alacrya and the soon to be Retainer to Arthur and yet she felt so weak against this man, who was a Scythe but still just a man. After thinking of how she was training to be his Retainer, to be by his side, she stopped overthinking and grabbed his hand, pulling him inside and closing the door,
Arthur was... Sort of surprised but couldn't express himself as he soon felt something on his lips, Caera's red, juicy lips on his, kissing him deeply. While Arthur couldn't do anything, he felt blood rushing in his cheeks, not being able to do anything but going with the flow, he indeed had feelings for Caera but kept pushing them down cuz of the war but at this moment, he couldn't do anything as he was tired from those 2 months and needed someone, his feelings also taking the best of him and he kissed her back, they were passionately making out and soon they broke, to breathe, leaving a trail of Saliva down their lips. Arthur didn't think of anything at that moment except of the feelings, the joy he felt while Caera, who was a blushing mess, pulled herself away from him, embarrassed.

*Arthur Leywin POV*
While I did had feelings for Caera, I couldn't confess them because of the war but the past 2 months, I realized how lonely I was without her, sharing jokes, eating, talking, sparring, everything. I missed her and at this moment, I truly understood how much I missed her and her feelings being confessed to me in that kiss. I decided move forward and grabbing Caera by the shoulders. I told her that we couldn't be in a relationship now, there were duties we must fulfill and a war to win. While Caera did look at me with a disappointed face, I promised her that I would, after the war, establish a relationship with her and a family and that I'm her man. Hearing that, I saw a beautiful blush adorn her face like a red jewel and I couldn't stop admiring that beautiful sight, hugging her close to me, both of us enjoying each other's warmth.


Note : I am sorry guys if this was cringe, just wanted to see if I am good in writing or not, please tell me any mistakes I made and how to improve. Thanks.

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