Going hunting

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In a lush and secluded part of the woods, a group of six extraordinary beings lived together, each possessing unique traits. Among them was Min Yoongi, the only Omega in their pack. 

BTS, as they called themselves, was a close-knit family, but Yoongi couldn't help but feel a bit misunderstood and suffocated at times. 

 As the morning sun filtered through the canopy of leaves, illuminating their little haven, Yoongi yawned and stretched, slowly emerging from his slumber. 

He couldn't deny that the way the others treated him was sweet and caring, but he yearned for a chance to prove his strength and capabilities as an equal. 

 "Good morning, Yoongi!" chimed Jungkook, the youngest Alpha of the group, offering a warm smile as he handed Yoongi a basket of freshly picked berries. "Thanks, Jungkook," Yoongi replied, a faint blush tinging his cheeks as he accepted the gift. He cherished these simple acts of kindness, but he also wanted to be seen as more than just a vulnerable Omega. 

 Throughout the day, the Alphas set off to hunt together, leaving Yoongi behind once again. He watched them disappear into the forest, while his frustration grew. His anger at being treated as fragile had been simmering beneath the surface, and now it threatened to boil over.

One morning, as the sun peeked through the trees, the Alphas gathered around the campfire, discussing the day's plans. Yoongi, his arms crossed and eyes narrowed, remained silent, his annoyance palpable.

"Yoongi, we're going hunting. You should stay here and rest," Namjoon said gently, trying to include him in the conversation.

"I'm not resting," Yoongi retorted sharply, his frustration evident in his tone. "I'm coming with you."

Namjoon sighed, exchanging glances with the others. "Yoongi, we've been over this. It's too dangerous. We can't risk you getting hurt."

Yoongi stood up, his jaw clenched. "I'm not helpless! I can handle myself, damn it!"

Tension filled the air as the other members looked on in surprise. They had never seen Yoongi so angry before, and they were unsure how to respond.

Jungkook stepped forward, trying to diffuse the situation. "Hyung, we know you're capable, but we worry because you're the only Omega. Please understand."

"I don't need your protection!" Yoongi snapped, his emotions getting the better of him. "I'm tired of being treated like I'm weak! I can hunt, fight, and survive just as well as any of you!"

The Alphas exchanged uneasy glances, not knowing how to handle Yoongi's outburst. They cared deeply for him, but they also understood his need for independence.

As the days went by, Yoongi's stubbornness and rebellion grew. He became distant and refused to join in the pack's activities. He spent most of his time alone, honing his skills with the bow and arrow, determined to prove his strength.

One evening, as the pack sat around the campfire, Yoongi didn't join them. His absence weighed heavily on the others, and Namjoon finally spoke up. "We can't let this continue. Yoongi needs to understand that we're not trying to belittle him. We just care about his safety."

"I agree," Hoseok added, concern etched on his face. "But how do we make him see that?"

Jin spoke up, his voice filled with wisdom. "Perhaps we should try talking to him again, but this time, let's show him that we believe in him. He needs to know that his strength is not defined by being an Omega or an Alpha."

The following day, the pack approached Yoongi, their determination evident in their eyes. "Yoongi," Namjoon began, "we know you're strong and capable. But we worry about you because we care. We believe in you, but you also need to trust us."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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