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Clingy Seungmin HEHEHEHE

Seungmin has always been the clingy type of member in StrayKids, aside from Felix that is. He likes to hug his members and just show his love towards them in a very different way besides using physical touch, like giving them gifts, listening to them when they talk and other stuff.

But who he really wants to accept his affection is the groups one and only maknae, Yang Jeongin. To Seungmin, Jeongin is really hard to give affection to because he would reject it instantly. One time Seungmin gave him a shirt for his birthday but he just wore it once and then never wore it again.

Seungmin was really sad after that but never really thought much about it and just says that maybe Jeongin didn't like his gift and he should gift him a better present next time. Even though how many times he got rejected he never gave up to the point Jeongin snapped.

The browned haired boy as usual, was back hugging Jeongin and the fox-looking boy was struggling to get out of his grip. Suddenly Seungmin was then pushed away and was yelled at, "Hyung, I know you're really clingy but these past months you've been really and I mean REALLY clingy and directly to me, like what do I have and they don't!? Please Seungmin hyung leave me alone for once and just let me breathe! So annoying..."

Seungmin was shocked that Jeongin would say such words but he didn't decide to argue back instead he walked past Jeongin while looking down on the floor and walked to his shared room which was with Felix.

Once he entered, his roommate noticed something was up so he asked, "Hey Seungmin, you okay? You seem down, you know I don't like it when one of my members are sad" Felix said while pouting.

Seungmin looked at him and only gave him a sad smile then sat on the edge of their shared bed. "Hyung, do you think I'm really clingy to the point you found me annoying...?" He asked in a slight dissapointed tone. "What!? No! Of course not, never! Why would you think such a thing!?" Felix was slightly angered knowing basically someone called Seungmin annoying or why else would he ask such a question?

Seungmin sighed then crawled up the bed only to lay down and turned, meeting eyes with Felix's, (slight Seunglix 👀) "I wanna sleep" Seungmin randomly said, "Heh okay, me too then" Felix replies then lied down next to Seungmin and tucked them both other the covers then they cuddled to sleep.

(Do friends cuddle each other to sleep? Idk but me and my friend does and Straykids also cuddle each other to sleep so meh)

- few hours later -

Seungmin fluttered his eyes open and turned around seeing his roommate still sleeping, he decided to get up and head to the kitchen since he was really hungry. In there, he saw Jeongin and Minho. Minho was scrolling on his phone while eating a snack and Jeongin doing the same. (They r sitting on the dining table) Seungmin walks in the kitchen and opened the fridge seeing if there was anything to drink.

Later on, he found someone's strawberry milkshake and it was also his favorite and they do share things alot so he decides to drink it and joins Minho and Jeongin at the dining table. "Who's milkshake is this?" He asked. Both of them turned to the puppy boy and shrugged, "I think it's Changbin's" Minho replied. "Meh, he can buy more" Seungmin said before Chugging down all in one go then threw it in the trash. "Woah chill it's all yours" Minho says while laughing.

- time skip now it's been 4 weeks -

Jeongin's POV:

Seungmin-hyung has been ignoring me for a few weeks now, I'm starting to get worried. Yes, I told him to stop being clingy towards me but that doesn't mean he has to pretend I never exists.

Right now currently, the stylist is busy doing my hair and puts on a hair band. I also saw them putting a barrett on Seungmin and yea he looks really good (the fits and all are the same as the picture above the tittle thingy)

When the Vlive started, alot happend we played games and all that and now we are doing the game(?) Where one is supposed to be wearing airpods with music playing while the other members say anything they want about us. When it was my turn, I put on the airpods then music blasted in them.

I can see the member's mouth moving but I can't seem to read what they were saying then suddenly I felt arms around me and it was Seungmin. This is the first time I felt his warm touch again, and how I missed it. I can tell he was about to pull away but I didn't want to so I pulled him in the hug again. (Side hug) We stayed like that the whole Vlive and I can tell how happy he is when I did that.

Which made me happy too. After that Vlive, we finally started talking to each other again and I became the clingy one, constantly hugging, cuddling and even kissing him. I really did miss his warmth.

- the end -
A/N : An apology story for making the last one too short. Sorry if it didn't make any sense, I am really tired even though it's only 9:00 pm probably because of school. But anyways hope you enjoy :)

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