Brand new place, same old everything. // Chapter 1.

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It was the last couple weeks of summer, Max and his two parents were on the drive to their new home. Max couldn't help but think of Camp Camp.
After the first stay, Max was given the unfortunate news that he wasn't going back. Although he never showed it, he really liked being there. The kids in Camp Camp were his friends, whether he hated saying it or not.

He looks out the window, observing the scenery of the town around him. It was just the next town over, it was kinda stupid they were moving in the first place.
The three arrive at the new estate, it's a relatively normal sized house, two bedrooms. Max was surprised there wasn't three, considering how often his parents fought over petty shit... Not like he cared though.
Everything had been taken to the new place, besides the things that they didn't need. And according to Max's parents, that was most of Max's extra stuff. Y'know, the stuff that actually gave him enjoyment in life. Everything else in the house was set up besides Max's room, which he was told to set up himself.
Needless to say, Max's parents sucked. They didn't care about him, and Max didn't care about them.

Max promptly goes into his room as soon as the three walk into the house, getting a head start on not sleeping on the floor tonight. In other words, setting up his bedframe.
After an unknown time of him working on some shit he didn't know how to do, his father called for him from the other room.

"Maxwell! Your mom made dinner!"
It seems he's yelling from the kitchen/dining room.

"I'm not hungry!"
Max called back. He was lying, but he just needed to finish this bedframe...
There are footsteps approaching his room, and the door opens. Max winces before looking at his dad, still kneeling on the floor.

"I said your mom made dinner. Be happy she even does that for you."
His father says in a dark, menacing voice.

Max stays silent, looking to the side to avoid eye contact with his dad.

"So? Are you coming or not."

Max mutters as he stands up, walking out of his room. His dad follows and they both sit at the dinner table.

"Look who decided to join us..."
His mom says in a condescending tone.

Max hums in response, picking up the fork to eat the... Honestly, bland-looking food. But if he didn't eat he'd probably be starved as "punishment".
Max eats in silence as his parents drone on about anything but Max. Their child. They don't talk to him once. Honestly, he preferred it that way.
Once he's done, Max washes off his plate, and immediately goes back to his room.
He ends up finishing his bedframe, then he looks over at his mattress, which is propped up on the wall...

He says to himself. Now he has to haul a mattress onto this stupid bedframe. He sighs and begins his attempt.

About a half-hour later, Max's bed was finished. He sighs, looking at the rest of his bare room. Only "decor" was the few boxes in the corner. He plops down onto his bed, then stares up at the blank popcorn-style ceiling.

"Might as well get some rest..."
Max says, yet again to himself. He gets up and switches off the light in his room, then lays back down. He moves to his side, shutting his eyes. Admittedly, building the bedframe and moving the mattress was laboring. It got him tired. So, after a minute or so, he drifts asleep.


Almost as if they never existed, the last days of summer were gone.
"Coincidentally," Max's parents bought a house a block or so away from the school Max was going to. That meant Max could walk to school. Which just so happened to be exactly what he was doing. He's walking pretty slow, which is intentional. He doesn't wanna go to school, so to show that he's gonna show up late. Pretty weak, but that was just the first thing he planned to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2023 ⏰

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It's like camp, but worse. // Camp Camp high school AUWhere stories live. Discover now