The attempt!

128 5 7

[Note: words count in the chapter: 3000+]
[If there are any mistakes then I kindly apologize to you all...]

Author's Pov:

Soon y/n dragged Dahyun out of the stadium.
She stopped finally at the hallway. She faced Dahyun to see her already glaring at her. She laughed nervously and replied,
"Um... Actually... I- I wasn't feeling comfortable there..."
"And why is that so?"
"Um... Because of him. Didn't you saw that scene? The way he just waited for my signal to make a move!"
"What? I didn't noticed that. Are you serious!?"
"Of course, duh. Do I look like I'm lying!?" She frowned and playfully took a close look at me.
"Yah! You don't believe me you bish!"
"Aish! Okay okay I believe you. But why did he do that?"
"I don't know? I asked him but he answered me that he didn't do that either! And he denied it. Now tell me isn't that embarrassing!?"
"Yeah... It is embarrassing"
"Exactly! That's why I excused myself and took you out with me"
"Hm... It's okay. But you ruined my moment with my boy~" she whined and fake cried at me.
"Oh come on its not like he was interested in you for real"
"Yah!" She started crying. I giggled at her at hugged her from side.
"Aigo my baby, I was just kidding. I'm sure he is going to fall for you. My bestie is the most beautiful girl of this university"
She sniffed and asked, "promise?"
"Pinky promise!"
She smile happily and asked,
"Let's go to cafeteria. I'm hungry"
"Yeah, hungry after cheering for your Mr. Romeo, right Juliet?"
She blushed and walked away. I followed her teasing her a the way.

Time skip.

It's been 2 weeks after the match. Yoongi kept irritating me as always. But I successfully managed myself. And to be honest it feels good to me. Because he is my crush now and Dahyun know about this. And yeah she's still drooling over her Jimin.

Time skip.
At the end of the lectures.

It's was the time for everyone to leave. Everyone was ready to leave when suddenly Mr. Kim said everyone to be seated on their places as he have an important announcement.
So all obeyed to him.

"So my dear students, theirs an announcement for you guys. As we all know our university holds a traditional festival every year, so this year too we are going to held a traditional day festival at our university. So we want everyone to join it. It's just a simple party. All we have to do is, we have to wear the traditional dresses of our respective countries. Like I'm Korean so I'll wear hanbok. Though I look good in everything as you know that I'm WWH, so it doesn't matter for me, but I want you all guys to wear your dresses neatly and please! No inappropriate dress. The dress code is traditional.
So that's it I want a maximum participation of you guys. So be prepared till next week. All the best and good bye. You all may leave now"
He said and left. All the students started discussing about what Mr. Kim said.

And here Yoongi nudged at Y/n.
"Hey you potato what are you going to wear? I mean look at you. Do you think any traditional outfit would suit you or your potato like body. I'm sure it would be an insult for your outfit!"
"Shut up and mind you language suga! Until now you haven't seen me in dresses, if you for once saw me then I'm 100% sure you're going to regret you every word!"
"Oh is that so? What are you going to do?"
"Well... You'll see. We'll see on the day... I'll make you regret your words you dumb ass! Just wait and watch!" She said and left the classroom in anger. She was really angry on him this time. Now it's all about her ego, she don't want be down at any cost. So she started making plans.

"Min Yoongi just wait and watch!"


Next week.
A day before the party.

Y/n's Pov:

Here I was selecting a beautiful dress to wear at tomorrow's party. Of course I wanted to look beautiful in front of him. I wanted to show him that I can look beautiful too. Until now he had only seen me in tomboy style cloths so he don't have any clue about how I'll look in traditional attire. But now I've to show him. After a searching for so long I decided to wear this.

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