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"Athena Montoya I swear if you don't answer your fucking phone I'm gonna kill you" Pedri says while trying to go back to sleep

"My gosh fine plus you need to wake up we're leaving soon" she says while slapping him in the leg so he could get up

She answers her phone and hears her screen best friend. One thing she loved about filming scream is that she made friends so easily since they were all so nice

"Hello" she says into the phone

"Athena gosh you take forever to answer your phone" says Mason from the other side

"Why the hell are you calling me Mason Gooding" she says while smiling at her friend

"I just wanted to let you know that me and the cast are going to Barcelona" he says with a happy voice, she could hear his smile through the phone

"You guys are" she says happy that her other friends get to meet her best friends

"Yes and we get to hang out since your the only weirdo out of the cast who lives in Europe" he says while still smiling big

"Ya I know but it's my home here and I love it, but besides the point when are you guys coming" she asked while praising her home with everything she has

"Tomorrow we wanted to tell you so we could all hang out again like old times plus you can bring your friends that you talk so much about, personally I think there fake" he says teasing her like he always did

"You act like you haven't talked to them multiple times" she says while rolling her eye

"Shut up you have no friends" he says while laughing at her

"Who has no friends" she heard from behind her

"Jobe my bestie come here and make fun of this bum with me" she says while opening her arms

"Hello who are you" Jobe says with a smile

"I am Mason Gooding and you" Mason asked looking at the pair on his screen

"Jobe Bellingham the superior brother" he says still smiling looking at the guy on the screen

"Oh ok Well it was nice talking to you but I have to go" he tells them while waving bye

"Bye Mason love you" she says while blowing him a kiss

"Bye love you to kid" he says before hanging up

"Who did you just say I love you to" Jude asked with an eyebrow raised

"Ya not gonna be here for this" Jobe says while leaving the room

"Mason my friend" she says slowly not knowing what the problem is

"So you just say I love you to every guy" he asked getting a bit jealous

"No only to the ones I'm close with why" she says now looking at him confused

"Oh and how do you know this Mason dude" he says giving a little attitude

She finally caught on to what was happening, Jude Bellingham was jealous of her saying I love you to Mason. So she decided to mess with him a little bit

"I know him cause we went out a couple of times" she says while looking at him

"Oh you guys went out and you also causally say I love you ok Athena cool" he says now extremely jealous now

"Is that problem" she says raising her eyebrow at him

"No thena no problem at all" he mumbled a little it mad now

(𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐔𝐄𝐃) 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐂𝐇𝐎𝐈𝐂𝐄, Jude BellinghamWhere stories live. Discover now