07. Happy Birthday

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07.   ╱ Happy Birthday

TODAY'S BELLY'S BIRTHDAY AND SHE'S PISSED AT MARIGOLD. After their argument last night, Marigold had instantly passed out, after affects of being waster. She was absolutely against admitting it, but she despised not having the Conklin girl beside her last night. She missed the way she would hold her hair as she threw up, and then run her fingers through it to comfort her as she cried.

It was torture having her mad.

   Marigold desperately yearned to venture into the Conklin girl's room, shower her in apologies, and then fall asleep in the comfort of Belly's arms once again. A comfort Marigold no longer has right now. Marigold was willing to beg her to believe me. Truly, she had attempted to keep them away. She wanted her to understand how they took advantage of the fact she was drunk. She desperately needed to say she tried.

Marigold's legs were tucked into her chest, arms wrapped around them, and head resting against them. She felt disgusting this morning, head pounding as the family rushed around, setting up everything for the girl's birthday. All she wanted was to wrap herself around the girl who hadn't left her mind. She wanted to fall asleep with her head on her chest, listen to her breathing until she finally fall into a slumber.

Marigold, almost desperately, wanted to drop to her knees for forgiveness, despising in moment the girl was angry with her. It felt like the walls around her lungs were slowly closing in and she was losing breath.

   "Morning, everyone," Belly exclaimed happily to the group. Marigold noticed instantly that Belly kept her gaze away from her and it made her insides twist.

   "Happy birthday!" The bunch greeted, expressions holding grins, and she smiled back at them. Marigold wanted nothing more than for the girl to turn her head, for just a moment, just to look at her. As if she had heard her, Belly's head turned and glanced over at Marigold, for just a second───not giving her enough time to read her.

Even though Marigold knew she shouldn't, the girl found herself dragging her eyes down the length of the girl's body, admiring her outfit. She wore a tight floral dress that hugged her skin, and Marigold was in heaven. God, she looked gorgeous. She almost couldn't take her eyes of her. Her tanned legs were smooth underneath her dress and her chest slightly popping out. She wanted nothing more to fall asleep while laying her head on her chest.

   "There's the birthday girl, looking like a vision in floral. Happy birthday," Susannah cooed, rushing toward the girl, wrapping her arms around her in a home───crushing hug.

   "Happy sweet sixteen, Bels," Jeremiah leaned down to pull the girl into a hug.

"Wow, Belly Button's getting old finally. Happy birthday," Steven teased, but nonetheless, offered a smile to his little sister.

   "Thanks, everyone," Belly smiled at everybody. Susannah glanced over at Marigold, raising a brow in confusion, which in return, the girl glanced down with guilt filling her eyes, making the woman worry.

    "Happy birthday, sweetheart," Laurel hugged the girl while she thanked her mother. Marigold yearned to smother the girl in a hug, and never let her go, but she know Belly wouldn't be too happy with her if she were in her position. "Your Mickey Mouse pancakes are ready."

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