I've toured this school before just a couple months ago. I didn't quite remember it this way. The halls smell a lot like the boys locker room. A mix of sweat and axe body spray. Wouldn't recommend to any human soul. Here we all are... I guess? Class of 2025 starting middle school.
Twenty minutes before the first bell of the school year goes off and I'm already sat in first hour... science. Ah, good old science my favorite and strongest subject. I sigh with relief knowing first hour will be the easiest part of the day.
I glance around the room I will be spending the beginning part of my day in for a very long time when I came across someone. I hadn't even noticed her she was so quiet. Sitting there in her phone, "How could she be so unbothered??" I thought to myself.
I saw a board with the Periodic Table of Elements. Great something I already have memorized that we're going to learn about. I should try and test out of this stupid class. I inspect the room again, there's no life in here. It looks like how an egg taste without salt! There's no spice or purpose or much of anything. Black desk with tan walls. Great.
Twenty long minutes finally go by. The bell has rung and my classmates start to arrive. One by one all people I've seen before and hate. I counted 23 familiar faces that I don't care about. As I roll my eyes the teacher starts making an announcement. Please find the desk with your name on it. I will come around to pick up the pieces of paper with your names on them shortly.
Assigned seats on the first day? That's a little fucking aggressive. A class I can blow by but I have to be next to some low-life? I wait patiently for everyone to find their desk just to make my life a little easier. There are still about seven seats open when I decide to start my scavenger hunt.
I only manage to take two steps when I run right into that quiet girl. She looks up with the brightest powder blue eyes I've ever seen. I'm starstruck but she quickly blurts out, "Oh I'm so sorry!" J