Episode 6:Brother in arms

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Episode 6: Next challenge

**Somewhere in a lab room on the Earth station**
"Optimus Prime come in! Optimus Prime!  This is Jolt! We are in urgent need of your help, please send Autobot reinforcements now!!!"
**Transition to Cybertron in a room within the Autobot headquarters, there's a screen lighting up with the words "Urgent message!"...**

**Back to the fight**

**Ultra Magnus took off some armor plates and stretched as Tarn stands still, Hotrod looks at Magnus puzzled at why he is taking the armor off.** "Why are you..." **Tarn cut Hotrod off and started laughing in a maniacal yet menacing tone** "I get it, you're taking the plates off to speed up? There could be 4 of you, all faster than the speed of light and you still wouldn't be enough for me, give it up Autobots hand me the weapon, and ill take my leave, sparring you in the process until we meet again."  "Give the weapon to the likes of you? A Decepticon? I'd rather die, buddy." **Tarn growls then jumps at Hotrod, Hotrod with his quick thinking transforms and drives under him, Magnus then dashes towards Tarn and gets a hit off in the face, he punches a few more times then Hotrod comes from behind and trips Tarn and Ultra Magnus takes his hammer off his back slamming it into Tarn's chest pulverizing him into the ground as black smoke surrounds the area.  Hotrod and Ultra Magnus jump back and stand waiting till the smoke disappears, once it does, Tarn still walks out of it...** "That was a well-coordinated attack, but it won't work on me." **Tarn aims his fusion canon and starts shooting rapidly.  Hotrod deflects some, Magnus decides to avoid them, this goes on for some time which Tarn takes advantage by moving forward slightly as he shoots.  But Ultra Magnus starts to dodge in a pattern.  Tarn recognizes it but plays it off, and after waiting a minute he shoots in a certain spot that ends up connecting with Ultra Magnus sending him flying into a wall.  Hotrod's foot has a burst of flames as he increases the temperature in it, and he's able to move faster, he lands a punch on Tarn and then goes for another but his fist is caught, and Tarn goes for the kill, but is hit in the back by a hammer thrown by Magnus, Hotrod balls both fists in one hand and swings them into Tarn's face.  Hotrod now free starts running in a circle around Tarn catching his attention, Ultra Magnus jumps in the air and comes down catching Tarn off guard, he hits him onto his knees and Hotrod punches him in the back.  Ultra Magnus grabs the hammer again going for a hit on his head, Hotrod holds Tarn still.  Tarn shoots his cannon at the ground and it causes a huge explosion that knocks back Magnus and Hotrod, Pheonix is then seen by Tarn as she spied on the fight the whole time with her gun readied, waiting for a shot, Ultra Magnus lay on the ground unconscious, Hotrod damaged to the point where he couldn't stand.** "Hello human, how are you?" **Tarn said beginning to walk close to her.  She started shooting at him but he just blocked the shots with his arm until he got within 10 feet of her.** "Resisting is futile, tell me where the weapon is, human..."  **Pheonix started to shake with fear after she saw what this... Monster was capable of.** "S-stop... Don't kill them, please."  **Pheonix muttered as Tarn closed the gap and kneeled down in front of her.**  "Alright then, tell me where the weapon is, and they will survive.  Understood?"  **Tarn said standing up and looking over at Hotrod as he aimed his fusion cannon.** "D-Don't do it Pheonix, we're soldiers, we die protecting what's right" **Hotrod said as Tarn charged his fusion cannon, still aimed at Hotrod.  Pheonix looked confused and devastated.** "I'll tell you! Just please sto-"  **Pheonix was cut off by Tarn getting sucker punched in the face.** "Take this!" **The Autobot says as he dashes towards Tarn and begins throwing rapid hits, he gets some jabs off then uppercuts Tarn into the air, the Autobot grabs Ultra Magnus's hammer and swings it into Tarn.  Sending him through a wall.**  "Bumblebee, is that you?" **Ultra Magnus questions regaining consciousness and holding his head, Pheonix rushes to his side and puts her hands on his arm.** "Sure is, now don't worry get some rest while I take care of this guy." **Bumblebee said as he turned to face Tarn, who is walking out of some rubble** "Bumblebee...  I didn't come here to meet you, but this certainly is a reward now."  **Tarn then shot some charged beams from his fusion cannon rapidly, Bee jumped back and forth dodging them, he then jumped to the roof flipped and planted his feet to launch himself at Tarn with a head bash.  The head bash connects and Tarn is left stunned for a second which Bee utilizes this and sends a kick as he flips his body, the kick doesn't budge Tarn however as he grabs Bumblebee's leg and slams him into the ground.** "They call you the savior? how funny, considering you couldn't save anyone here, and won't be able to."  **Tarn aims at Bee, Bee turns his hand into a cannon and puts his mask down, he shoots the ground twice, which shakes and creates smoke around the both.  Bumblebee then kicks Tarn's shin and grabs onto his fusion cannon swinging from that to onto his back where he aims the gun to the back of his head.**  "It was a good run fella, cya neva!" **Bumblebee said as he went to shoot, but his cannon was clogged, before Tarn could notice, Bee jumped off Tarn's back knocking him back a bit, and also gaining Bumblebee some distance, but is this good? Bumblebee is without his cannon...  Tarn then starts firing multiple beams at Bumblebee as Bee continuously dodges, he gets close enough then bolts at Tarn tackling him into a wall.  Tarn held Bee then continuously elbowed him in the back, even cracking some of his body as Bumblebee fell to a knee, Tarn kicked him into another wall. Bumblebee smacks into a wall and lands on his stomach flat, for a second he looks around and sees Cliffjumper under some rubble.**  "There you are! I've been looking all over for you bro! Well, I mean... In between the fighting at least!"  **Bumblebee got up and walked over to him as Tarn started laughing, Bee questioned it until Tarn spoke.**  "Lift the rubble."  **Bumblebee did as Tarn suggested and his optics immediately widened in horror.**  "Cliff... No way...  This can't be, no way... No..."  **Bee scooted closer and grabbed the rubble lifting it off Cliffjumper, he saw his top half scooted even closer and held him in his arms as a tear began to trickle down his face.** "Is this really it...  Was I too late..."  Bee thought to himself then repeated.**  "Was I too late..." 

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