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Every time Jimin enters the school, students stare at him, eyeing him weirdly. Though he always tries to brush them off, he feels that the reason for that today is that he isn't entering the school alone. Jungkook is next to him, throwing him a confident smile before his gaze darts to the students, harshly staring them down.

Despite walking along with each other without a space between them, they don't lose a word. Some students even start whispering about them, making Jimin squirm and keep his eyes on the floor.

Jungkook could see from the corner of his eyes how anxious Jimin is. Anger is building up in him when he notices what looks others throw at him. He has the urge to show them they shouldn't stare but violence is never the solution, and he isn't ready to get suspended. Therefore, Jungkook has to keep his cool.

As they reach the classroom, they decide to sit for the first time together, not sparing their classmates any looks.

'Is it that weird when someone wants to talk to me?' Jimin thinks and pouts innerly.

"Are you alright?" Jungkook gives Jimin a bottle of water and turns his body to him after they sit down.

"Yeah. No one cares anyway," he mumbles the last part with a huff but Jungkook still catches it.

Smiling, he takes Jimin's hand under the table and rubs slow circular movements on the back of the hand, because that's the first thing he can think of. "I'm here now. You won't be alone anymore."

Jimin looks up at that, giving him a faltered smile and grabs his hand tighter. "Okay, thank you."

Jimin is so utterly glad and thankful for Jungkook being at his side.

Shortly after, their teacher enters the classroom and explains today's topic.

Jimin's mind flies somewhere else and he can't focus. The warm feeling that embraces his hand makes him feel safe and fortunate. Too often, he imagines how life would be if the students viewed him as normal. Would it be more peaceful and would he be invisible to others? Would he have friends?

The school bell rings and the students get up from their tables, streaming into the hallway.

"We have our next lesson here. I'll just go to the toilet and come back, alright?" Jimin speaks up and a sudden uncomfortable feeling settles in his stomach. Something doesn't feel right but seeing Jungkook listening, Jimin leaves his chair.

Jungkook puts his earphones in his ears as he looks after Jimin, leaving the classroom.

He wants to follow him to ensure he's safe, but that would look weird, no? Jungkook would need a proper reason in case he sees him, so for now; he will just stay put.

Meanwhile, as Jimin exits the bathroom, he walks to his locker to get the necessary stuff for his next lesson when he suddenly gets pushed against the locker, followed by a loud laugh.

"Did you really think we wouldn't find out about your new friend, also known as your stepbrother?" One of his bullies—Hyunwoo—mischievously says.

Jimin stands there, frozen. He wants to run but his mind tells him not to move, not to make the guys even angrier.

"You know he won't be talking to you once I am finished with him?"

Sanghoon, the guy that tackles him against the locker, suddenly grins at him, spitting words into Jimin's face that hurt more than he'd like to admit. "I think he wouldn't stay long anyway. You're so ugly and boring."

Jimin doesn't want to show that these words get deeply under his skin and yet his body has to betray him.

"Tsk. You're seriously crying now?! Like a baby?! You're so weak. That's why no one wants to be friends with—"

Before he can finish the sentence, Sanghoon suddenly lies on the ground, holding his jaw in slight pain and looking up angrily.

A boy around Jimin's age with light blond hair stands beside him, still with his hand in the air that met the bully's jaw.

"Be careful. I won't be so nice next time! There is no right for you to bully others, even when you don't like them. No matter who they are or what their gender identity is, let them be who they are." His eyes show nothing but rage and fury.

"Come on." The blond boy turns to Jimin and holds his hand to him. Jimin gladly accepts it, and they run down the hallway until they think they are safe.

"Th-thank...you," Jimin says, panting.

It was the first time that someone stood up for him. "No problem. I am Namjoon, you?"

He wants to know my name?

"I-I am J-Jimin and thank you again."

Namjoon chuckles softly, revealing his cute dimples.

"You're welcome. I guess rarely someone helps you then?" Jimin nods.

"Y-You're the first one," he says, looking down and blushing.

Namjoon sighs deeply. "It's so sad that no one does something against it. Who knows what they would have done if I hadn't seen it. So... um... it might be a bit weird but... um... it's actually my first day at this school, and you're the only person I've talked to so far. Would you maybe eat lunch with me later?"

Unbeknownst to Jimin, Jungkook has been watching them and he can feel his heart tighten at the sight of this boy and Jimin. He wants to be the one next to Jimin; he wants to be the one who helps Jimin, and he wants to be the one who comforts him and is there for him.

Why didn't he tell me he gets bullied? Doesn't he trust me? I told him I would protect him...

Jungkook's fingers curl into a fist while he clenches his jaw, stomach churning when he sees the blond boy smiling sweetly at his stepbrother and then patting his hair. It hurts him to see someone else can make Jimin this happy after they just met.

Am I jealous? Am I feeling more for him than I thought?

If he only went out earlier to check on him... Maybe he would now be the one talking to him and comforting him; Jungkook smiles sadly and turns his back to the scene, going back to the classroom.


When Jimin finally finds Jungkook, it's lunchtime. He asks if he would like to join him and a new student he got to know for lunch.

Jimin's so excited to eat for the first time in the school mensa and wants Jungkook to be part of it, but his face falters when he sees Jungkook's eyes don't sparkle. He nonchalantly hums and looks down the entire time he follows him.

Jimin furrows his eyebrows and is about to ask what's wrong when he notices that Jungkook seems to have spaced out, so he shrugs it off for the meantime. He doesn't want to be annoying and f there's something bothering Jungkook, he will tell him at some point-or so he thought.

After, Jimin and Jungkook get their food and join Namjoon at the table. Jungkook keeps awfully quiet even when Jimin introduces them to each other. Jungkook once looks up, not to be too rude but looks immediately down as he sees Jimin smiling at Namjoon.

There's no point in sitting there. He feels the entire time like a third-wheeler.

Thus, Jungkook stands up and walks to the bin when done eating. He swallows, hearing Jimin calling after him and choosing to ignore it. It's just so uncomfortable to look at them.

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