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"I bring you here to get rid of Noah. So do things as early as possible."

"I tried to patch up with her but she didn't seem to be in a good mood with me. If she wishes for one thing, she does that with proper dedication. Nothing can stop her."

"Then why did you betray her? She might be perfect for you."

"I used her just to cover my academics and pursuing her was one of the hardest things in my life."

"I think pursuing again her you can't pass."

"It will be hard but I will be paid by you."

Suddenly Robin enters their room and the conversation between Charlie and Mike ends.

"Where is Noah? I didn't find her.", Robin says.

"I am going to find her.", Mike replies.

"Okay. Tell Noah to meet me in dining."

Mike searched all their rooms but didn't find them. Then he came to the pool area. He saw a girl wearing a black skirt and high hills. 

"Did you see  Noah here?"

She looks back at him feeling distributed. 

"No but who are you?"

"I'm Mike, Noah's boyfriend, and you?"

"I'm Lucy, Nick's girlfriend."

Their conversation was listening to Nick and Noah behind a tree. They were just climbing from the pool at the time Lucy entered. So they hide like this.

"Your ex is still obsessed with you.", Nick chuckles.

"You have a girlfriend why didn't you tell me? I think you deserve more."

"Yes like you."

He keeps his attractive veinous hand on her waist and brings her close to him.

"Stop now otherwise we both get caught."

"Why? I'm showing my devotion to you."

"No need.", saying this she pushed him.

"What are you doing here under an orange tree?", Lucy awkwardly says.

They both get surprised.

Mike continues, "Is this your new boyfriend?"

Lucy says, "No! They are siblings."

"Oh, I remembered now they are brother and sister. I saw their photo in the news portal. I should remind it before."

Mike goes straight to Noah and whispers," Do your parents know about the kiss?"

Noah says," We are here because I wanted to eat an orange and he helped me to get it. I dunno why there is no orange in the tree. You can ask your friend."

Then she took Mike with him and left them.

"Be careful you scumbag! If you show this Dad, you will be dead meat."

"Look who is saying !"

"Don't talk rubbish tell me what you want."

"Patch up with me."

"Are you mad? We are done."

"Okay another option is open for my cutie give me five thousand dollars.", While saying this Mike touches her hand.

"Don't touch my hand and I'm not giving you a single penny."

"No problem I'm going to your dad."

"Wait, I will give you tomorrow but three thousand nothing more. "

"Deal done."

Noah goes to her dad. "Did you call me, Dad?"

"Yes, sweetie. I am going to see your granny and I will come tomorrow. Take care of your health."

"Dad I need urgent three thousand dollars. I will pay you back later."

"You don't need to pay back. You are the reason for my happiness. My money is all yours."

She hugs lovely her dad.

Now it's afternoon and she feels lonely. Nick went out a long ago. Charlie is in her company and only Mike is at home. Noah is tense when this shit will get out.

"I have bad news for you darling."

"Mike you are getting on my nerves. Get out."

"Your love Nick is fighting tonight with another fighter."

"So what's your problem?"

"The fighter is scary because last year he killed a guy in fighting. It isn't normal fighting. It's a dangerous fight between two mafia gangs."

"I didn't see any reason for Nick to join this. He belongs to a rich family."

"But he belongs to a mafia group who are rumored to supply drugs, abuse girls, and murder innocent."

"I don't believe this."

"Here's the proof."

He shows the photo uploaded by Lucy. It seems that Nick is participating in the competition. All her childhood was destroyed by his brother's abuse. She hates this extremely. She should be confirmed by Nick himself. Then she will decide.

"I am going there. You come with me to show the location."

"Okay let's go to see my ex's another heartbreak."

She gives him a cold look.

They reached the stadium. It seems too old and not usable. Lots of boys and girls are gambling. She was finding where Nick was. After a while, she saw Lucy wavering. She runs to her.

"Where is Nick? I have an emergency talk with him."

"Huh? You should be satisfied with your talks under the orange tree. Now he is there.", she shows her finger to the center of the field.

Nick is entering the fighting race and his opponent is present there. He looks scary. What if he kills Nick? What will happen to his sister? Is he crazy? Random stuff like this pondering in her mind. 

The coach whistles to start the fight.

She tries to contact him but the guards are the obstacle. When first time Nick gets beaten by the other guy she cannot handle this scene. She closes her eyes until the fight ends. 

She was praying simultaneously. When they announce Nick's wines she takes a deep breath.

"Nick! I wanted to know something."

"Why are you here?"

Lucy asks Nick to end his conversation because he has to receive the price. He ignores this.

"Is it fun to beat the other guy to death? I have all my life hated abusing others. You are a member of a group who is doing such stuff."

"Cool down I will explain to you later."

Some random guys start to record a clip of them.

"You are getting back my childhood traumas again. Is this your devotion to me? Did you have feelings for me for real?"

Lucy says," Why would he love a nerd like you."

Noah adds, "I have nothing to do with you. Step aside from us."

Nick says, "Please try to understand. I enjoy fighting."

"You are worse than Mike."

Nick gets angry and aggressively holds her hands, " I was always sure about my feelings for you. I don't like comparison. We should think again."

"I hate you and you will never gonna see me.", To say this Noah starts to cry and runs in front of them. 

He feels guilty and runs behind her.

She starts to drive the car and feels heartbroken.

He kneels and screams, "Love isn't random. We are chosen."

Culpa Mia ThingsWhere stories live. Discover now