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RUNNING WASN'T EXACTLY SOMETHING THAT Iris was fond of. Now don't get her wrong, she liked doing exercise, especially yoga. It was one of her favorite activities to do whenever she was in need of a cool down activity. But running on the other hand was something she hated, which was ironic because it was the easiest exercise anyone could do. The main reason was because she hated how out of breath she got so easily, as well as the constant sweating that came along with it. She always avoided running whenever she could, whether it be in P.E or in any other instances.

But at that moment, when Iris and Seojun were running hand-in-hand away from the group of guys Iris had just lunged her carton of milk at, she knew she had to be quick on her feet and try keeping up with Seojun if she didn't want to get caught, no matter the amount of sweating and exhaustion that would be presented to her.

When Iris had first grabbed Seojuns hand and dragged him away with her, he seemed to be in some sort of shock, unable to process what was happening. However, once he heard the curses Sungyongs group was throwing their way, and the fact that they were catching up to him and Iris, he clasped onto Iris' hand tighter and this time began leading the two of them instead.

The two made many turns into alleys, yet they managed to successfully lose them once Seojun dragged both him and Iris behind a tray of trolleys after knocking a couple trolleys on the other end to serve as a distraction and lead the group away, which to Iris' surprise worked. 

Seojun and Iris stood in their hiding spot for a couple of moments, both making sure that the group was no longer following them because god knew the trouble they'd be in if they got caught. The anxiety and constant fear brewing in Iris' stomach served as a distraction, and she didn't realize of the position she and Seojun were in, or the fact that one of his arms was around her waist, while the other rested on her head in means of shielding and protecting her, until he suddenly pulled away and stood up away from her.

"I told you to leave. Why didn't you listen to me?" Seojun asked, now angry over the girls reckless behavior. His anger was only further fueled when he thought back to the way Sungyong and his friends were eyeing Iris earlier.

Iris furrowed her brows at the boys tone, clearly expecting to hear something different from him for helping him out when she didn't need to, "Hey! don't get mad at me, I just saved you, again!"

Seojun however scoffed, "I had it handled." he said dismissing her help from just seconds ago.

"Right." Iris muttered as she walked past him and headed back to the karoke place. However, to her dismay, when she got back to the room they were originally in, she was told that all her friends had left with her things, which included her phone and wallet. Which meant that she had no way of getting back home, unless . . .

As Seojun sat on his bike with his helmet in hand, he looked up in confused as Iris approached him with a sheepish smile, "What? Are you back to yell at me again?" he taunted.

Iris nervously laughed at his words, "What? Of course not." she said trying to sound as sweet as she could. "Is there any way I can borrow your phone? My friends left with my things, which had my phone in it." she explained.

Seojun took out his phone to give to the brunette, only to find that the charging was completely drained, "The batteries dead." he deadpanned.

Iris sighed, "Shit." looks like she'd just have to walk home or something. She didn't have any options left. "Alright, whatever."

Iris turned around and began walking, using the directions that she could recall from when they had arrived to the place in the first place. But, before she could get that far, Seojun called out to her, "What're you doing?"

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