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IRIS DIDN'T KNOW HOW, BUT she somehow found herself running a couple errands for her mom on the following Wednesday night. She had been on her way home from the mall when her mom had called her up, asking her to purchase a few important items here and there before she came home. Iris didn't mind as she was already out anyways, and it was rare for her mom to ask her to really do anything like that. 

She didn't realize how long she had really spent in the grocery store as she had gotten caught up in looking at the new items that were on display, that is until she got a phone call from her mom, wondering about her whereabouts. When she checked the time and realized that a good hour had passed by, she realized that she needed to stop getting distracted and to just purchase the items as it was already late as it was.

Iris sighed as she exited the store, "Yeah mom, I'm on my way." she assured her on the phone for what seemed like the third time within just ten minutes.

It's not like she could exactly blame her mom for worrying given that she had just wasted a whole hour looking at makeup and snacks instead of just getting what she had been told to get.

After ending the call, Iris began walking home in silence. She liked how peaceful it was. It was hard to get any these days anyway with the constant drama going on. 

As Iris rounded the corner, she was startled when she came face to face with one of the guys she and Seojun had outran just a couple days back. "Hi there Iris." the guy greeted with a smirk.

Startled by the action, Iris quickly turned on her feet, only to realize that she was surrounded by the guys gang, now unable to escape them like she once did. 

"Woah calm down. We just want to talk." the guy continued as he now neared Iris with that same disgusting look in his eyes from days earlier.

"Well I don't." she spat with narrowed eyes. She couldn't let him know he was scared because he would just take advantage of her vulnerability. "Now move." Iris tried walking past the guy. She knew she wouldn't be successful given that this weirdo had probably been stalking her for god knows how long to corner her here, but a small part of her had hoped she would. 

Of course it didn't work.

The guy grabbed Iris' arm and now turned her to face him once again, "Woah, you're a feisty one aren't you?" he asked as a smirk made its way on his face, "I'm kind of digging it though."

Iris tried getting out of his grip, but was unable due to how strong it was. "What the hell do you want from me?" she asked, now impatient with what was happening.

The guy laughed, "One word; Seojun."

For some reason, hearing the guys laughter is what clicked inside Iris, and she finally realized where she recognized him from. He was the same guy that she had saved Seojun from a couple weeks back when she almost got ran over by his motorcycle and he had been cornered. No wonder he had tried coming for him again a couple days back.

"We need to settle some matters, and you're his girl, aren't you?" he asked as he eyed her up and down as though he were a predator that just caught his prey, "He'll come once he finds out you're involved." he explained giving away his whole plan.

Iris mentally facepalmed at the information. Of course this was happening because she was associated with Seojun. That was just great. "I'm not his girl. You have the wrong person." she explained attempting to pull away from the guys grip again, only for it to grow tighter.

Iris flinched. That would definitely leave a bruise.

The guy laughed again in amusement, "That's what the other one also said before we took her."

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