vi. Gas Station

120 6 0

Sept. 12, 2236.
Item # 39: Have the gas station to yourself.

    "We need supplies," Bruno says. "We're running out of stuff from the teacher's lounge."

     Ibtihaj nods, signifying her agreement. "We only have enough for a couple of days."

     I fumble the list out of my pocket, picking out number thirty-nine from the rest. "Well…" I begin. "We're lucky."

     "Why?" Bruno asks me.

     I explain, "The next thing on the list is to go to a gas station."

      ─┉─¡! • !¡─┉─

     Once we get to the gas station, I notice Ibtihaj and Lexie holding hands.

     Bruno and I exchange a glance.

      Something must've happened between them, I think to myself.

       Joseph peeks his head out of my backpack that he's riding in and sniffs the air.

      "So," I begin, directing it at Ibtihaj and Lexie. "Something happen with you two?"

      "Huh?" Lexie begins. "Uhhh…" Her face is bright red now that she knows I noticed what she had done. She pulls her hand away from Ibtihaj.

     "N-no. Nothing!" Ibtihaj tries to convince me and Bruno.

      I don't believe her.

      Ibtihaj and I have always been close.

     We've shared some of the same experiences.

      I was born into a female body, but with a male mind—-when I realized this, I shifted over to present masculinely and truly became Bradley Fujioka.

      Ibtihaj… She's the opposite. She was born with the body of a boy and the mind of a girl.

      Our shared experiences is what made us so close; and because of that, I can tell when she's lying.

     I raise an eyebrow at them.

     Ibtihaj sighs. "Fine. You caught us." She swallows. "Your sister asked me out. How could I resist? She's just too damn cute."

    I clap. "Good for you guys."

    Bruno interjects, "Can we get food now?"

    Lexie nods. "Yeah…" She rubs the back of her neck. "I've also gotta see if they have a radio here or something…. There's gotta be some way to find Liam." Then she heads off.

     Ibtihaj and Bruno head over to the snack section—I was about to follow them until I saw a shadow shift past in the aisle nearby.

     I blink a couple of times and then rub my eyes.

     There's nothing there.

      I must be seeing things, I think to myself.

     Then Ibtihaj throws a cheez-it at my face.

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