xi. Arsenal

123 7 0

Dec. 22, 2236.
Item # 98: Raid a Weapons Store.

    What's a zombie apocalypse without weapons?, is the thought on my mind when we get to number ninety-eight on my list.

     We head to a gun shop on the far side of town.

     We all go off and grab various weapons before examining them and either puting them back or taking them.

     I sit my bag down on the counter and Joseph pokes his head out. I scratch under his chin. "Who's a good armadillo? You are! You are!"

     Maxwell comes over and pats Joseph on the head. He's been so much happier ever since we started dating.

    Ibtihaj and Lexie step away to talk to each other before they walk back into the room. They exchange a look with each other.

    Lexie fidgets with her hands. "We have something to tell you guys."

     Maxwell, Liam, Bruno, and I stop what we're doing to look at the girls.

     Even Joseph looks over from his place on the counter.

     Lexie says, "You guys might have noticed that I've been sick lately." She shifts from one foot to the other.

       I have a feeling that we all know what she's gonna say. 
     Lexie inhales. "I'm having a kid."

    "Congrats," Bruno says.

    Liam looks at me. "Guess we're gonna be uncles then."

    Lexie nods. "Yep." Then she moves over to go grab the biggest gun available which earns a laugh from the whole group.

    After two hours have passed, Liam suggests, "I think we have all the weapons we can carry. I think we should go to the clinic across the street for first aid supplies."

     And we all agree.

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