xii. Prepare

106 6 0

Dec. 24, 2236.
Item # 99: Prepare for the Worst.

     After leaving the weapon's arsenal with all we could carry, we headed to a clinic to see what supplies we could pick up there.

     The pain in my abdomen from where I got stabbed by my own bed frame has only got worse. I tried to treat it the best I could, but with this being the apocalypse and me not knowing a single thing about health sciences, that sort of put me at limit.

     I hold my abdomen and cringe.

     My sister notices. "Are you okay?" Lexie asks.

     I fake a smile. "Never better."

     Liam rolls his eyes. "That's a lie."

    I sigh. "Fine." I swallow. "Right after the bombs went off, I got knocked out… Something must've happened, because when I woke up, part of my metal bed frame was detached and had sliced through my guts."

     "Why didn't you say something sooner?" Ibtihaj questions me. "Bradley, I'm your best friend… you should've told me."

      I shrug, in pain. "I didn't want to worry anybody."

     Lexie exhales, leaning against the counter. "So, how do we take care of this?"

     Maxwell steps forward. "I know a thing or two about health sciences… I could try and treat him."

     "Absolutely not," I say, which makes everyone get caught off guard. I turn around and leave the room.

      ─┉─¡! • !¡─┉─

      Later, the pain gets so much worse. I find myself holding back tears. I take a deep breath before approaching Maxwell. "I think I'll take that help now, I tell him."

     Maxwell nods. He gestures to another room off the main part of the clinic. "I set up some first aid stuff just in case."

     I hesitate before slowly heading inside.

     Max follows me and closes the door behind us. He washes his hands before approaching me. "The rod went through your abdomen, you said?"

      I nod. "Y-yeah. It did. I tried pulling it out myself. I don't think it went in too deep though."

     Maxwell nods like he's taking in the information. Then, he commands, "Shirt. Off."

     "I don't know…"

     Maxwell taps his foot just like he's waiting on me.

    I start toward the door. "You know what… maybe I'll be fine."

     "Bradley," Max calls out to me. "Please, let me help you."

     I sigh before walking back to the bed and sitting back down. I take off my jacket and set it aside. I grip my jacket, but stop.

      "You don't have to be afraid, Bradley," Maxwell tells me in a calm, reassuring voice. "Whatever there is… I wouldn't judge you."

     "You promise?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

     Max nods. "I promise."

     I take another deep breath before pulling my shirt off.

      Maxwell's gaze seems stuck on my binder for a little bit. He blinks a couple of times. Then he blinks one last time before urging me to lay down.

      I do as I'm told. I lay down on the bed which makes a crinkling noise when I lay down.

     Maxwell then turns his attention to my abdominal wound. He lightly presses his hand to my skin. He examines the wound. "You're right. It's not very deep." Then he adds, "You might not wanna look at it though."

    "Why?" I begin to ask, looking straight up at the ceiling. "Why does it hurt so bad?"

     "Well, you left it untreated… and due to your vigorous exercise, it split open your wound more," Max explains. He takes a wet, sanitized rag and says, "This might hurt." Then, he presses it against my wound and begins to clean it. Next, he takes a sanitized needle and begins to stitch it up.

      I wince.

     "I know, I know," Maxwell begins. "I'm almost done."

    Finally, he has me sit up again so he can wrap a bandage around me.

     Max sits down again. His gaze drifts back toward my binder. "Is that why you didn't want to take your shirt off? Is that why you didn't want me to help you?"

     I nod. "Yes. It is."

     "Did you think I might judge you?" Maxwell asks me in a soft voice.

     "I thought maybe you might not like me anymore if you found out I was trans," I explain to him.

     Maxwell says, "Bradley, something like that will never make me not like you. It'll never drive me away."

     "Promise?" I ask him.

     Maxwell leans in to kiss me. "I promise."

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