xiv. King of Trenton

115 6 2

Dec. 25, 2236.
Item # 101: Crown Yourself King of the City.

     When we get to the top of the skyscraper, I set my back down and unzip it. I pull Joseph out and hold him. I stroke his back. "I hope that wasn't too scary for you, little buddy."

     He nuzzles into my arms.

     Liam pants before turning to me, "By the way, little bro, happy birthday."

     I'm finally eighteen, I think to myself.

    Ibtihaj, Maxwell, Bruno, and Lexie approach us.

    "So," Bruno begins. "You said the whole 'seeing a horde of zombies' was number one hundred on your list…"

      "Yeah," Maxwell begins to say. Then he asks, "What about number one hundred and one?"

      "Yeah, what is it?" Ibtihaj asks as she rubs Lexie's back.

      I shrug. "Crown myself king of Trenton."

      Lexie laughs. "You're kidding."


      Liam says, "You heard the birthday boy, people! Let's use what we have in this building to make a crown for our king!"

      ─┉─¡! • !¡─┉─

     Hours later, the group approaches me where I'm sitting on the bench with Joseph.

      Lexie's holding a paper crown. She puts it on my head. "I hereby dub thee King of Trenton, New Jersey."

      "All hail, our king!" They chant.

      I grab Maxwell's hand. "Kings," I correct.

      Maxwell blushes.

      We all sit together.

      We watch the sun set.

      "I love this little family we've put together," Lexie says, snuggled up against Ibtihaj. "...You, me, my brothers, Bruno, Maxwell… Joseph…"

      "I do too," we all say in response.

       Bruno's leaning his head against Liam's shoulder.

       "Even in the apocalypse, seeing the sunset up here is so… calming…" Maxwell comments, to which we all agree. "This view...I love it."

      I lean over, placing a kiss on his cheek. I whisper in Maxwell's ear, "And I love you."

     Even though the apocalypse has just begun, I feel like with our group, we'll find a way to thrive—-I just know we will.

      Don't worry, Mom and Dad, I begin to think to myself, hoping they will hear. We'll take care of each other… We all will.

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