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(Lloyd's POV)
I was just recently saved from Morro by the ninja, my best friends, and was just glad to be here. It was around eleven and everyone was asleep. I walked outside and looked down from the ledge of the bounty. Ninjago City nwas beautiful at night, but then I heard a noise and something covered my mouth, putting a dagger up to next.
" Don't say another word, or yall's gonna get it." She said. (She sounds like Babs from mlp) Another one walked out with chains, out my hands behind my back, twisted them around each other, interlocking them so I couldn't move them, then she/he wrapped a cloth around my mouth so I couldn't be heard. Inside I felt like crying, I didn't know who these people were, or what they wanted, or why they wanted me. Then I heard footsteps from inside. The two strangers grabbed onto a rope and were pulled into a helicopter. They then put a video camera toward me. I just stared at it.
" Whadda you want with me!?" I asked after they took the cloth off.
" See, you, yous and all a yall's friends, y'all be bad news." I heard the girl say again. She pushed the camera toward me and pressed play.
" Say somethin'." Said a boy with the same voice. I filled and he snarled.
" This is goin' to yall's friends so yeah." Said the girl.
" Guys... I-I am on a helicopter with strange people, they kidnapped me and threatened me already. Please find me." I whimpered, in tears. The leader walked out, she had black hair, a scar over one eye, a black hoodie, and a sideways hat.
" Yous all betta come save your friend, or else he's gonna be dead. You have a week before he's a gonna." She said, " This is for yall's. "She said, then we took a piece of glass and cut my cheek, and I screamed, then she pounded my left eye so hard that it bled and I could not see out of it. I was crying, but it hurt to, but I did. My cheek was wet with blood, and tears made it burn. My eye was in pain as well, and my legs had gone to sleep.

Sad I know but Lloyd getting kidnapped and punished is based off of Under Chen's Control by FireNinja101
It was AMAZING! You guys should read it. Anyways
Piece out my little Ninjagians.

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