Visiting Hours

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This the first thing i've written in a very long time so don't be to harsh, it is unedited and probably wont be edited anytime soon. The characters from this book are from my book Never Destined that can be found on my other account @Goddess_Of_Misfits . Anyways I hope you don't absolutely hate it.


Dedicated to MoisesTheHuman for being a very good super fan! 

Visiting Hours

[Never Destined]

Kassandra's Point of View

©INeedCartoonRehab 2015

I looked at myself in the mirror, my eyes glued to the reflection. An empty bedroom stared back at me, not my own but of my neighbor's; cold, lonely and filled with memories.

One, two, three deep breaths later, my eyes turned back to me, turned back to my reflection. I grew taller with the black heels I was wearing, my white jeans were ironed and my black button up was done up to the second button. It was almost like I was seeing myself but then not really, I didn't see the person I had used to be, I was different, broken in more than one way.

"Kass?" I heard my brother's voice ask gently behind me, I didn't turn around though. My hands ran over my sides and straightened out invisible crinkles in my jeans. My brother and I used to be close, we were the best of friends but then his best friend asked me out, my best friend was sentenced to 30 years in prison without the chance of parole and of course our parents' divorce and arrival of our baby sister, Eliza. "Kassie, visiting hours are going to be over before you even get there."

Now usually, my brother would be throwing a hissy fit over me going to go see Tate whilst his best friend -my boyfriend- would be sulking in a corner mumbling something along the lines of 'stupid Thorn.' But today is the day that everything went to shit in the first place so he lets things slide.

I nodded to acknowledge that I heard him before taking one last look at the empty reflection, my feet knew where they were going. They took me down the stairs, out the door and to my car. I regained enough focus to put it into drive and speed off down the street before rounding the corner and stopping at a nicely fixed white house. A dark haired boy -man-waiting for me out front, without getting out of the car I switched seats from the driver to passenger, my half-brother getting into the driver seat.

30 minutes later we were half way to the prison, the silence finally becoming too much to handle. "So did they throw a fit this morning like usual," Nolan asked, his eyes fixed on the road.

"Didn't see bunny and Karsen knows today isn't the day to fight with me, although I think he's just getting used to it," I said my voice not rising above a whisper.

"How's your mom and Eliza?" I sighed, I hated answering this question. Since Eliza was born almost two years ago mom hasn't really been mom anymore, my dad has long since left Grandview and only sends cards on birthdays and holidays but sends money every month for 'child support'.

"Eliza is growing and mom is alive."

"You regret it?"

The million dollar question, it's no secret to anyone in my town that I was the one to break up my parents' marriage. I was the one to tell mom of dads infidelity, I did it out of spite, anger and I was just so fed up secrets that I had to let one go.


People always look at me funny when I say the answer to that one question, but I don't regret mom was living a happy little illusion and dad thought he was getting away with something and I just couldn't let either of those things happen. Plus if my illusion was going to be shattered then so was everyone elses'. I was being selfish that day, but I don't feel bad.

I heard Nolan sigh next to me but he didn't say anything and silence again washed over us, until the prison came into view, like always I got nervous, a habit I need to learn how to kick.

After we parked and got seated in the giant room already full of outsiders and inmates, Nolan turned to me a little smile on his face, which usually meant I wasn't going to like what he was going to say when he finally said it.

"You guys are late!" Came the scolding tone of my favorite convict, I looked up to see a dirty blonde man scowling at us. His grey jumpsuit hugging him, revealing slightly more muscled arms and chest, the sleeves rolled up to the elbow so fresh ink was clearly visible.

"Hey, I was dressed and on time, it was this thing that was taking her sweet time," I shook my head at my half-brother as he got up to hug his best friend, a small smile gracing the lips of my neighbor.

"What did you not want to come see me," Tate turned to me and asked lightly, a smirk on his lips, which meant I wasn't going to like the second part of his sentence. "I mean, without me there your life would be boring because we all know bunny is about as exciting as watching paint dry."

I rolled my eyes but got out of my seat, I contained myself but just barely, as I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. He squeezed me back burying his face into my neck, "Watching my window again?" he whispered into my ear, I nodded and he squeezed me tighter.

"Guards are getting upset," Nolan said lightly, which prompted us to break apart and take a seat, Tate's hand found mine and I couldn't help but feel happy for a split second, here, this is where I am supposed to be. With the convict who has more heart than my dumber than shit boyfriend who is an undercover sociopath.

The boys talked for the entire 1 hour visit, I just sat in comfortable silence holding on to Tate's hand like it was the only thing keeping me afloat. I forgot about everyone outside, everyone around us and I remembered all the good times we had, all the times we used to stay up all night and talk, all the fights we had.

When we had to say our good byes, I smiled and when I watched Tate and Nolan hug, they were what best friends were supposed to be like. They are supposed fight, love and forget not blindly follow orders.

"Your turn, Bassie!" Tate said grabbing me in a bone crushing embrace, that literally felt like he was crushing my ribs but I couldn't help to laugh. "Love you baby and Kar I said hey."

"Love you too!" We held each other for as long as we could but when we had to pull away I just couldn't, I cried as Nolan took me by the shoulders and led me away. I sobbed the entire way home, not making anything any better Karsen and Bunny was sitting on the front steps.

They just watched as Nolan got off the car and came round to my side and held me, he tried his hardest to keep it together but I knew him seeing me cry was hurting him. 30 minutes passed before my cries lessened, my brothers shirt soaked with salty tears, "you okay?" I nodded before getting out of the car, I gave him a fleeting hug before saying that he could leave. He nodded, waved to Karsen who waved back and left down the street.

My legs are heavy as I walked up the steps, Bunny reaching out to me but I pushed him away, "Tate says hey, Karsen." I mumble as I keep on my path; into the house, passed my mom and sister, out the door, through the gate and along the old dirt path that led to that spot, that one spot. I've walked the trail so many times that I didn't look up once, I didn't look up when I sat at my hollowed out tree nor did I look up when I got my copy of Pride and Prejudice and pen.

My eyes trained on the front page, a big 30 written in the red ink. I crossed it out, wrote 29 on it and then cried.

The words I used to love reading over and over, meant nothing to me, nothing meant anything to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2015 ⏰

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