Chapter 1

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You reach the train station. The train station that you have dropped Pansy off at so many times but this time you were going with her. You hugged and thanked Amaryllis. She told you to find a carriage for you and Pansy for the ride to Hogwarts and you left Pansy so she could say goodbye to her mother. "Take care of her Pansy," Lily told Pansy "and if she gets bad send me an owl and I will have to get my sister to pick her up. I love you and have so much fun, my love. See you in a couple of weeks." You got onto the train and were trying to find a carriage and as you were looking into a carriage you bump into two really tall guys. "Watch where you are going" one spat at me and the other one just laughed and walked off. You kept on walking to find a free carriage. You are about to get to the end of the carriage and start to get worried and don't know where Pansy is. You heard your name be called from behind you and you turn around to see Pansy waving at you. "Where were you?" "I was... never mind" You followed her into another carriage and you see the boys that were rude to her as you pass them Pasny starts to slow down like she was about to sit down with them. She grabbed you by your arm and you sat down. "Hi everyone," Pansy said confidently "This is my sister Lucia. She is in our year and she is now. Everyone says hi, your name and a fun fact about you." you heard a scoff from the boy that yelled at you "I'm not fucking doing that" "it was a joke Matteo". They went around the circle it started off with a weasel of a boy "Hi Lucia, I'm Draco Malfoy. You must have heard about me before" You nodded and smiled and then Blaise introduced himself and then it got to the two boys that bumped into me. "Im Matteo Riddle and this is Theodore." "Im Lucia, nice to finally meet you" You smiled back he mocked your smile. Matteo and Theodore didn't join in the conversation once on the ride there and they were talking to each other. As you were about to pull up the school a boy opened the door and you saw that it was Lorenzo. "Lenny?" You call out and then you heard the comforting familiar voice "Chi". It was him. After not seeing him for so long. "Where have you been Chi, I have missed you so much." You stood up and hugged him and as you were hugging you heard a voice from the background "Don't get too close. He has a girlfriend." You both sit down and Lorenzo asked of you had been sorted yet. You reply with no and he explained to you how you guys could be in the same house. After the train stopped you and Lorenzo hopped out of the train and hopped on a carriage together. Since you have not seen him you had to catch up on everything. 

The great hall:

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The great hall:

 You reach the great hall and it was beautiful as Pansy told you. You walk in and she directed you to go to the front. As it was in the last semester you were the only person to get sorted. You walked to the front where Dumbledore had his arms open. "Before we are able to eat dinner, we are going to have to sort Lucia Parkinson into her house." You sat down on the chair infant of the whole school and they placed the hat on your head. "she has a good mind, is brave, always takes care of people, very loyal, ambitious and resourceful. Where to put you. You would thrive in any house. How peculiar? - Slytherin" you saw Pansy face light up and you walked over to her and sat down. The second you sat down food appeared right in front of you. It was the best-looking food that you had ever seen. Pansy whispered in your ear "I told you, you didn't have to worry." The second you put the food on your plate an overwhelming feeling of anxiety hit you and you lost your appetite completely. You forced yourself to eat a couple of mouths full but you couldn't eat anymore. For the rest of the dinner you were just observing everyone Matteo and Theodore were not at dinner which was kinda good bc they were only mean to you. You watch Pansy and Draco talking the whole dinner and you saw her hand go on his shoulder. There was contact.

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