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• Do not copy my work!

Your head hurt like hell... You couldn't remember anything that happened to hurt this badly, you slowly open your eyes just to see the ceiling... Even opening your own two eye's was tiresome. You look around your surroundings, other people's are here to... But how did you get here? It was the biggest question in your head. Where is your mom or any of your family members?

You sit up straight and there was a drip connected to you right on the wrist... You immediately pull the drip off, ouch! You thought... Beside your bed there is a cool/cute/gay crossbow and a cool/cute/gay sword... You know this two belong to you and where you keep them.

You stand up straight but you almost fall, you slowly walked towards the door while looking around. People also seem to love starting at you what's their problems, opening the door that lead outside but  outside look worster than inside... Where the hell were you at? You decide to walk around tho... Who knows maybe this is just a lucid dream, or maybe just a dream...? Afterall you really want to make the best of it anyway. After walking for a while you come accross this a bit long road... It look like no one go that way, and its a bit blocked but you can easily go through that without any problem.

You slowly approach the block way and go past the blocking thing... It doesn't look that dangerous, you thought... Until you heard a noise monster maybe? Who care you can easily run last them they're slow as fuck.

{ Others POV }

When Stelle, dan heng, march, bronya, seele, sampo and natasha come back to the little clinic... You weren't there anymore.

"Guys..." March say as she look at the others who haven't realised yet. "What is it march?" Dan heng ask march "Y/n she's gone..." As soon as that word come out her mouth... Shit hit the fan, "wait wait, she is gone!" Natasha say like a mother who's childe just went missing, "but she was righ here!" Sampo say as he look at Natasha. "Wasn't someone supposed to look after her!?" Bronya ask as seele seem to think hard. "Instead of chit chatting here let's ask others where she could have gone, there is no way she can't just disappeared out of nowhere" seele say clearly.

As Natasha cough fakely, "Seele is right... If we just stand here dumbfounded she might be never found. The faster action we take the faster we'll be able to find her" Natasha say. Deep down she is panicking as well but she can't show it. Natasha see you like her own kid, you always go out your way to help her. Even calling her mom by accident, and she won't lost you easily.

The group decide to go in seperate group so it'll be easier to find you. Dan heng, march and stelle go outside to find you while. Bronya, seele and sampo will ask people of they have found or seen you. While natasha have to unfortunately take care of others.



•Natasha is going to be like a mother to reader, cause i see her as a mother disrespect her I'll bite you happily.

•Yanqing is 17 because i love him not a pedo cause im just a bit of years older than him ;)

•Reader is female.

☃That's all☃

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