Cigarettes after sex

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I lit a cigarette and held my head against the wall, I smiled looking up at the ceiling. I was thinking about her. I inhaled the smoke then let out a breathe and watched it rise to the ceiling to add to the humidity of the room. The music from the party grew louder as a group of sparkly looking girls stumbled into the bathroom filling the room up with laughter. All the girls eyes darted around the room as they walked straight past me and piled into the cubicles, then one girls eyes met mine. It was her. She walked towards me without breaking eye contact, I looked down at my nails then glanced back up, she grew closer our eyes didn't separate she kept getting closer until our noses almost touched, her feet were either side of mine. I could feel her breathe and I felt nervous in case she could feel mine. I let out another puff of smoke while holding the cigarette between my teeth, but she didn't blink her eyes stayed gleaming, like crystals they twinkled even while being hidden in a cloud of smoke. She took the cigarette from between my lips and held it between her two fingers she inhaled, then let the smoke blow all over my face shaking her head a little to assure it went everywhere. We stood in the silence I could hear my heart beating the music felt distant i could only see her eyes, I could only feel her presence. The air was thick from the layers of smoke that filled the space between us and the room was hot from the party atmosphere from our constant heavy breathing, her lips looked ready to kiss. They were soft. I missed them. As our faces drew closer we heard the bathroom door unlock, she swiftly turned her head, I felt her hair brush against my face. she smelt beautiful. She quickly turned to hold my chin and put the cigarette back in my mouth. She never smiled, she just stared. I took another puff as one of her friends linked her arm and dragged her out of the the bathroom, back into the party.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2023 ⏰

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