Chapter 2 suffer the children

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Aj,Otis,Sarah,Lee,Shawn,Kenny,and Clem are in their room. Clem wakes up and gets out of bed. Aj is already awake; he brings a cup of coffee to Clem.
Aj:Made you some coffee.
Aj:It was in the kitchen.
Aj: Tenn said that I could have some.
Aj:I didn't steal it.
Clem takes the coffee cup and has a sip.
Clem:I'm surprised you remember how to make it.
Sarah:We haven't had coffee in a long time.
Aj:You put it in hot water.
Lee: You're right.
Clem: Thanks.
Aj:Last night, with marlon?
Aj:I heard louis, and what he called me.
Aj:Am I a murderer?
Clem and the rest of the group are in the courtyard.
Louis: No!
Omar:Oh, my god!
Violet: Shit!
Ruby:We could get medicine from the nurse's office!
Mitch: He's dead!
Mitch:The kid blew his brains out!
Louis:You shot him!
Louis:He's dead.
Louis:You're a murderer!
Louis:You got marlon to give up.
Louis:You saw how broken he was.
Louis:What the fuck did you guys teach this kid?!
Aj: Louis called me a murderer.
Aj:But we're supposed to kill bad stuff. Aj: Monsters.
Aj:Did I do it bad?
Aj:I thought marlon was bad.
Clem:This'll be hard to hear.
Lee: Louis was right.
Kenny:Sometimes people do bad things, like marlon did.
Sarah:But when you shot him, he wasn't a threat to us anymore.
Shawn:If you kill someone when they're no longer threatening you, that's murder.
Aj:Even if they were bad?
Otis:No, if they're bad and defenseless, that means they're still dangerous.
Aj:What are we gonna do?
Back at the courtyard, the group surrounds Aj. Violet steps in front of him and brandishes her cleaver.
Violet:Back off!
Violet:All of you!
Louis:It was under control!
Louis:I talked marlon down, then he murdered my fucking friend!
Violet:Take aj, go inside.
Clem:Come on, let's go.
Louis:Oh, just let them go back to the dorms?!
Louis:What happens the next time one of us does something this kid doesn't like?
Louis:Should we expect a bullet, too?
Violet:That's not what happened.
Otis:Fuck you, louis!
Clem:He's a little kid, so shut your fucking mouth!
Violet:We get it, louis, just back off, okay?
Louis: Back off?!
Louis: Seriously?!
Clem: Let's go.
Aj: Clem?
Ruby cries over Marlon's body.
Ruby:For god's sake, someone help me with this!
Mitch:Saved you from that car wreck, and you fucking murdered him?!
Clem:Get back, mitch.
Aj:Get back.
Mitch: Or what?
Mitch draws his knife.
Mitch:You gonna let him kill me, too? Mitch:Then who's next?
Mitch: Aasim?
Mitch: Willy?
Clem takes Mitch's knife, then drops it on the ground.
Otis:Haven't enough people died tonight?
Lee: Brody, marlon.
Shawn:We can't keep killing each other.
Mitch:How the fuck are you guys saying that to me after what he did?
Aasim: Stop, mitch!
Aasim:This isn't helping.
Mitch:Screw both of you.
Mitch walks over to the others.
Clem: Hey.
Otis:What is it?
Aj:You guys killed a lot of people.
Otis:It's because they were bad people.
Kenny:But the difference between marlon and every other is that he wasn't a danger anymore.
Aj: I love you, guys.
Shawn:We love you back.
Clem,Otis,Sarah,Lee,Shawn,and Kenny wrap their arms around Aj. They hear a knock at the door, and Tenn enters.
Tenn: Hey.
Tenn: Violet said to come get you for the funeral.
Sarah: Really?
Tenn:We used to have them more. Tenn:Then we stopped.
Tenn:It seems right, though.
Tenn:I brought you something.
Tenn offers his firefighter toy.
Aj: For me?
Tenn:I figured you'd be afraid, with everyone all upset.
Tenn:But you were brave last night. Tenn:Like a firefighter.
Aj pushes the toy away.
Aj:No, firefighters are good.
Aj:I'm a murderer.
Tenn:No, you're not.
Tenn:You gotta have a trial first.
Tenn:They decide that stuff in a courtroom.
Tenn:That's how it works.
Tenn: Er, worked.
Tenn: Before.
Clem:We have to decide things for ourselves now.
Shawn:We can't rely on other people to make the rules for us.
Tenn:Who decided you're a murderer?
Aj: Clem, but she's right.
Aj:So's everyone else.
Tenn:I think you're okay.
Tenn:You sure you don't want your firefighter?
Aj:You should keep him, 'cause you're good, like him.
Aj:But maybe we could play with him later?
Aj: Together?
Tenn: Sure.
Tenn:After the funeral.
Tenn:They buried them already.
Tenn: Vi will start it soon.
Tenn:See you out there.
Tenn leaves the room.
Clem:This is gonna be hard. Otis:Everyone's going to be upset.
Lee:We need to show them we care, okay?
Aj: Okay.
Clem stands up.
Clem,Otis,Sarah,Lee,Shawn,and Kenny approach the door, ready to go to the funeral.
Clem: Ready?
Clem,Otis,Sarah,Lee,Shawn,Kenny, and Aj leave the room.
Clem,Otis,Sarah,Lee,Shawn,Kenny, and Aj enter the courtyard.
Aj:I did that.
Otis: Come on.
Clem,Otis,Sarah,Lee,Shawn,Kenny, and Aj walk up to the others at the graveyard.
Aasim:Oh, god, they're here.
Violet: So what?
Violet:They knew brody, didn't they?
Omar:Yeah, but marlon.
Violet:Just leave them alone.
Louis: Shit.
Violet:We're here for brody and marlon.
Violet: They died.
Aj: Clem?
Clem: What?
Aj:Why do people have funerals? Aj:Tenn said they used to have them more.
Aj:But I don't get it.
Clem:Well, to remember people we loved.
Aj:They loved marlon.
Violet: Shit.
Violet: Brody, she was real sweet.
Violet:She had big dreams.
Violet:And we all knew they wouldn't come true, but we didn't care.
Violet:And we didn't care because when she was talking, whatever she said seemed possible.
Aj:Does everyone get a funeral?
Sarah: People do.
Kenny:Some animals, too.
Aj:Even monsters?
Omar:We'll miss you, brody.
Violet:I don't know if she found the place she dreamed about, but I'm gonna miss her.
Clem: Even monsters.
Aj:That's not fair.
Lee:Lots of things aren't fair.
Violet: Tenn, you ready?
Tenn puts a drawing on Brody's grave.
Tenn: Brody.
Tenn:You always said you wanted to go to the beach, so I drew it for you.
Violet: Marlon was I can't.
Violet:Not for marlon.
Violet:After what he did to the twins and brody, I.
Willy:You didn't even like brody!
Willy:You were always mean to her.
Violet: I can't.
Violet:Someone else do it.
Mitch: Bitch.
Louis: Dude, don't.
Mitch: Seriously, louis?
Mitch:He was your best friend.
Mitch:He wasn't perfect, but he deserved better than to get gunned down by that kid.
Mitch: Aj killed him like it was nothing.
Clem:You're right, mitch.
Clem: Marlon didn't deserve what aj did to him.
Aj:I know what I did.
Aj: I'm sorry.
Aj:I know I'm a murderer.
Aj:But I'm gonna a.
Kenny: Atone.
Aj: Yeah.
Aj:Atone it.
Louis:Fuck, I can't listen to this.
Louis walks away.
Aasim:Damn, that's shit.
Ruby:That's what you told him?
Clem:I know, this sucks.
Lee:I'm sorry for that, I really am.
Sarah:But aj did what he had to do.
Mitch:Are you shitting me right now?
Aj:What I did was bad, and I'm gonna make it up to you.
Aj: I promise.
Violet:You don't have to make up shit!
Violet: Marlon was a fucking murderer, and a liar, and if we'd all asked more questions about minnie and sophie disappearing last year, none of this would've happened!
Aasim:She's got a point.
Willy: Shut up!
Willy:It wasn't marlon's fault.
Violet:Then whose fault was it?
Shawn:Whatever happened before, aj shouldn't have killed marlon.
Aj:Yeah, he wasn't hurting anybody when I killed him.
Mitch:See what I mean?
Mitch:How can any of us trust these fucking people?
Violet:What are you saying?
Mitch:I'm saying they gotta fuckin' go. Mitch:We take a vote.
Mitch:Majority decides: they stay, or they leave.
Mitch: Today.
Ruby:That does seem fair.
Aasim:Are you serious?
Aasim: It's bullshit.
Willy: You're bullshit.
Clem:I don't wanna leave, but if you all decide we should, we'll go.
Aj: Clem!
Mitch:You heard her, kid.
Violet:That is fucked up!
Violet:After all, marlon did.
Ruby:Two wrongs don't make a right!
Omar:A vote's the only way to settle this, or we'll be arguing forever.
Violet: Fine.
Violet:I guess we're fucking voting. Violet: Louis needs to vote.
Violet:Could you go get him?
Violet:And try to talk to him.
Tenn:Come on, rosie.
Tenn:Come here, girl.
Tenn claps his hands, but Rosie stays lying down on Marlon's grave. Tenn leaves.
Violet:Could you guys go wait in the dorm?
Violet:I'll come get you.
Aj:Please don't kick us out.
Clem: Come on, let's go.
Clem,Otis,Sarah,Lee,Shawn,Kenny, and Aj leave.
Clem sits on the bed while Aj kicks the wall.
Clem: Aj, stop.
Otis:You'll break your toe or something.
Clem:Come here, sit down.
Aj continues kicking the wall.
Aj: No!
Aj:It didn't work!
Aj:I did what you said, and they didn't even care!
Sarah: Aj, breathe.
Lee:Remember what we do when we're mad?
Clem: C'mon.
Shawn:You don't wanna be loud, do you?
Kenny:What do we do when we're mad?
Aj:We stop, and think, and, um.
Aj:I'm still really, really mad.
Aj:I know that I'm not supposed to get mad.
Aj: Or sad.
Aj:Because then I do dumb things.
Clem:You need to handle your feelings.
Clem:Get them under control.
Aj:I know, or I'll make mistakes.
Clem: Exactly.
Clem:We stop, we think, and we.
Otis: Breathe.
Aj: Breathe.
Aj takes several deep breaths.
Lee: Feel better?
Sarah:You're still mad, huh?
Aj:And, uh, I think I'm sad, too.
Aj sniffles and sits next to Clem, who wraps her arm around him.
Aj:I did what you guys told me to.
Shawn: We know.
Kenny:You're a good listener.
Aj:I wanted to make them all feel better.
Aj:It didn't work.
Aj:Why'd you tell me to do that, if it didn't work?
Clem:I thought they would listen to us.
Clem:I didn't realize, I didn't know how bad it would be.
Clem:It's my fault they got angry.
Aj:But they hate me.
Aj:They don't hate you.
Clem: Hm.
Otis:I think they hate all of us.
Aj:I don't wanna go.
Clem:We know you don't.
Aj:I like knowing where we are all the time.
Aj:The bed, the food.
Aj:I like the other kids.
Aj:Not all of them, but tenn, and louis, and violet.
There's a knock at the door, and Violet and Louis enter.
Violet:We took the vote.
Violet:You have to leave.
Aj:Don't we get to vote?
Aj:I vote that we stay.
Louis:That's not how it works.
Violet:Maybe it should be.
Louis:You don't have to like it.
Violet:Good, 'cause I don't.
Clem:Fine, we get it.
Otis:We'll learn to live with your decision, somehow.
Violet:Seriously, that's it?
Violet:You know this is fucking wrong, and you're not gonna fight it at all?
Sarah:What's the point?
Lee:You've already decided.
Louis:Yes, we have.
Violet:So fucking stupid.
Louis:You said you'd go along with it, if we voted fairly.
Violet:It's bullshit, and you'd know it if you weren't so used to burying your head in the sand.
Louis:Oh, I'm burying my head in the sand?
Louis:Hate marlon, all you want, but you can't tell me aj isn't dangerous, too.
Violet:We'll wait for you to pack up, then louis, and I'll escort you out past the safe zone.
Violet:We'll make sure you get to the road safely.
Shawn: Hm.
Clem: Don't bother.
Otis:We don't want your help.
Louis:So don't think of it as help. Louis:Think of it as us making sure you really leave.
Aj holds Clem's hand.
Aj:Where's tenn?
Aj:I gotta say goodbye.
Violet:He was really upset about the vote, and he's not talking to anybody. Violet:It's best to leave him alone when he's like this, but.
Violet:For the record, he wanted you to stay.
Louis: Wait.
Louis:Does aj still have that gun?
Aj picks up his gun.
Louis:Hand it over.
Violet:Is this necessary?
Clem:It's yours, aj.
Lee:You should keep it.
Aj:But I murdered marlon with it.
Clem:Yeah, but you'll need protection outside.
Aj puts his gun away.
Louis:Fine, let the kid keep the murder weapon.
Clem,Otis,Sarah,Lee,and Shawn put on their backpacks.
Shawn helps Kenny onto his wheelchair and gives him his backpack.
Clem puts on her hat.
Everyone leaves the room.
The group walks through the forest, and Kenny rolls through.
Louis is armed with Chairles, and Violet has a bow.
Aj:Will we get another car?
Clem:Probably not.
Otis:We got lucky before.
Aj:So, we're walking.
Aj:My shoes are gonna break.
Sarah:Well, we'll have to hope they hold out.
AJ:My feet are gonna bleed again.
Lee:We'll tear up a shirt and tie them up, if we have to.
Louis:It's not so bad.
Louis:I mean, you've done this before. Louis:Probably pretty good at it by now.
Shawn:Yeah, and it almost killed us. Kenny:You saw how fucked up we were after that car crash.
Violet:We're here.
Violet:The road's that way.
Violet:Anything you wanna say before we go?
Louis:I've said plenty.
Aj:Thanks for trying to keep us.
Violet:You're welcome.
Violet:I wish you could stay.
Violet:I didn't want this.
Louis:Come on, let's just go.
Violet:Give us a minute, would you?
Clem:You don't seem all that torn up about it, considering you walked us all the way out here.
Violet:I tried, okay?
Violet:I did everything I could to help you guys.
Otis:Well, it wasn't much.
Violet: Screw you.
Violet leaves.
Louis:Still got that gun?
Aj shakes his head yes.
Louis:Just try to be more careful with it.
Louis: Okay?
Aj: I will.
Louis leaves.
Clem:Let's get going.
Kenny:The sun'll set soon.
Aj:How do you know?
Kenny:I can just feel it.
Aj: How?
Kenny:There's this cold that settles on my skin.
Kenny:It happens right before a storm, too.
Aj:I don't feel that.
Lee: Hm.
Kenny:You haven't been on the road as long as me.
Aj: Clem?
Clem: Hm?
Aj:Will we be okay?
Aj:I thought we were done running from all the bad people.
Aj:And the monsters.
Clem:I don't know.
Sarah:We'll do everything to keep you safe.
Aj:I'll keep you guys safe, too.
Kenny gets shot and falls off his wheelchair.
Clem: Hide!
Clem,Otis,Sarah,Lee,Shawn,and Aj hide behind the trees. Clem peeks out and looks at the figure walking through the forest and discovers that it's Abel holding a shotgun with one hand.
Abel:Now, come on out.
Abel:I saw a couple of you on the road.
Abel:How long you think you can hide?
Clem: Oh, shit.
Aj:That's the man from the train station?
Clem: Yes.
Aj:I thought he died.
Lee:You can survive a bite, if you cut it off fast enough.
Abel:If you want your friend to live, come on out.
Kenny:Don't do it.
Clem: Stay here.
Clem draws her knife and charges at Abel, knocking the shotgun out of his hand. He grabs her wrist, and she kicks him in the knee, knocking him to the ground.
Abel:Tough little bitch, aren't you?
Clem raises her knife.
???:Don't or I shoot your friend.
Kenny: Lilly?
She drops her knife and puts up her hands. Abel grabs his shotgun and gets up. Abel hits her in the stomach with the gun.
Lilly: Kenny?
Abel:You know him?
Lilly:Yes, I do.
Clem reaches for the knife, but Abel kicks it away. Aj draws his gun and charges at them.
Abel:I wouldn't, boy.
Abel:Any closer, your friend might get her head blown off.
Lilly: Abel.
Abel:Good to see you again, squirt.
Abel hits Aj with his shotgun.
Clem: Don't!
Abel grabs Aj's arm.
Abel:I seen these ones before. Abel:Fighters, both of them.
Abel:You'll like them.
Lilly:We're looking for a kid, runs a community near here.
Kenny:We don't know shit.
Abel: Marlon.
Clem: He's dead.
Lilly:Well, shit.
Abel:This can still work.
Lilly:How about it?
Lilly:You want to take us back to your school, help us talk to your friends? Lilly:It's not like you have many other options.
Clem:If I go back, they'll kill me.
Clem:And him.
Clem:And kenny.
Clem:And probably both of you.
Abel: She's lying.
Abel: Has to be.
Kenny:She's not.
Abel twists Aj's arm.
Clem: Don't!
Kenny:Let him go!
Clem: Please!
Abel:Sure, if you do like, we ask.
Abel:Otherwise, I'm happy to crack his head open.
Abel:You ever seen old fruit explode after you throw it at something? Abel:That's just how it'll look.
Lilly walks to Clem and kicks her in the face, knocking her over.
Aj: Clementine!
Kenny: Clem!
Lilly:Oh, my god.
Lilly: Clementine, it's you?
Lilly:I, my name is lilly.
Lilly:You probably don't remember me.
Clem:We thought you died.
Lilly:I came close.
Lilly offers her hand to Clem.
Abel:What the hell?
Lilly:Not now.
Abel:The fuck is this?
Lilly:I said, not now.
Clem takes Lilly's hand, and she helps her stand.
Kenny:Can you let go of aj, now?
Lilly: Do it.
Abel, let's go of Aj.
Lilly: Lee isn't with you.
Lilly:So he's dead, then.
Lee:Not quite.
Lee,Otis,Sarah,and Shawn come out with their guns pointed at them.
Lilly puts her hands up.
Abel puts his hand up.
Lilly: Lee,otis,and shawn, who's the girl.
Sarah:My name is sarah.
Otis:Drop your weapons.
Abel:No way, kid.
Otis:It wasn't a request.
Abel:You're not gonna shoot me, kid.
Otis:I will, or maybe one of my friends will do it.
Shawn:What do you want, lilly?
Lilly:We can help you guys raise that boy, but we need you to do something for us.
Clem: What?
Clem:Help you kidnap a couple more kids?
Abel:We don't need a couple.
Abel:We need all of you.
Lilly:We'll take you out to the delta to join our people.
Lilly:We have walls.
Lilly:We have working solar panels, and we grow our own food.
Lilly:All we need from you is to go back to your friends and convince them to come peacefully.
Lilly:No one will be harmed.
Otis:We're not marlon.
Abel punches Sarah and grabs Aj's arm again.
Lilly punches Shawn, and Otis points her gun at Kenny.
Abel twists Aj's arm again.
Abel:Here's what I'll do.
Abel:I'll take the little squirt here right now.
Clem notices Violet and Louis sneaking up.
Abel:That way, I'm sure you'll play nice.
Lilly:Be smart about this, guys.
Clem: Shoot!
Violet shoots Lilly in the shoulder.
Lilly shoots Kenny in the head.
Abel throws Aj to the ground.
Clem: Aj!
Abel shoots Louis in the shoulder. He and Violet run away.
Aj gets up and runs toward the others.
Clem: Come on!
Clem,Otis,Sarah,Lee,Shawn,and Aj run away as Abel fires at them. Aj gets hit in the stomach. Lilly and Abel run after them, firing their weapons. They jump over a log and crawl through a cave. Abel hits his head on the ceiling of the cave and falls; Lilly goes around and shoots at Clem,Otis,Sarah,Lee,Shawn,and Aj. Lilly and Abel continue running after them, and They dodg their bullets. They jump over another log, and they soon run into a herd.
Clem: Oh, shit!
Clem,Otis,Sarah,Lee,and Shawn avoids the walkers and runs past them. Lilly and Abel get caught in the herd; they stop running and start shooting walkers.
Otis:I think we lost them.
Clem: Oh, shit!
A walker grabs Clem, and Lee kills it with his cleaver. Aj rests against the tree.
Aj: Guys!
Clem: Shit.
Aj gives Clem a knife. The herd approaches them, Clem,Otis, Sarah,Lee,and Shawn kills the walkers. Clem gets grabbed by someone wearing a mask of walker skin.
???: No.
Clem yells in surprise, and the person covers her mouth.
???: Stop!
???:Too loud.
The person releases Clem and throws a rock, drawing the walkers to the noise.
???: Follow.
Sarah:Well, that's new.
Shawn:No shit.
Clem picks up Aj and follows the person.
Another person wearing a mask of walker skin comes out of the bushes.
???:You okay?
???: Yeah.
???: There.
The person points to a log, and Clem sets Aj down on it. The person sets down a torch and lifts Aj's shirt to reveal the wound.
???:Get the shrapnel out.
Shawn:I'll do it.
???:I'll keep him still.
The person holds Aj's still while Shawn uses his knife to remove buckshot from Aj's stomach.
Aj:Trying not to be loud.
Clem:It's okay, aj, just breathe.
???:Put your hands there.
Shawn puts pressure on the wound. The person pulls out a roll of duct tape.
Lee:It's okay, aj.
Otis:He's just gonna patch you up.
The guy puts tape over the wound.
???:It's enough, for now.
The guy walks away. Aj tries to sit up.
Sarah:Whoa, whoa, whoa, easy, easy.
Aj:Where's our stuff?
Aj:My gun?
Clem:We lost it, buddy.
Shawn:And kenny.
Aj: Louis got shot.
Clem: We saw.
Aj:They saved us.
Otis:Yeah, they did.
Aj: Shit.
Aj: It sucks.
Aj starts to shiver. Clem picks him up and carries him over to the fire, where the people are sitting.
Clem,Otis,Sarah,Lee,and Shawn sit next to the Aj.
???:We didn't mean to endanger you.
???:The walkers were sent to help you.
Clem:You guys sent the walkers?
???:I was part of a group.
???:Call themselves whisperers.
???:They've learned to live in herds, among walkers.
???:Move among them.
???:Sometimes, guide them.
???:And me I joined him not too long along.
Clem:Why are you alone?
Otis:If you were part of a group?
???:They attacked a community.
???:I saw the carnage.
???:Didn't want to be part of it.
Aj groans.
Lee:Does it hurt?
Aj: Hungry.
The guy offers an apple.
???: Eat.
???:All of you.
Clem takes the apple.
Clem: Thank you.
Aj eats the apple.
Clem:Do you guys have a name?
One of them remove their mask.
Doug:It's been a while.
Clem: Doug?
Otis:Holy shit.
Lee:You survived.
Shawn:I can't believe it.
Sarah:How'd you get out of the trailer?
Doug:Long story short, I got lucky.
???:You know them?
Doug: Yes.
Doug: Otis, where's your glasses?
Otis:Replaced them with contact lenses.
Clem:So what's your name?
She looks at the other one.
???:Been a while.
Otis: Since?
???:I've said it.
The guy takes off his mask.
???: James.
Sarah:Why did you help us, james?
James:I didn't, doug did.
Doug:I saw you guys running away from lilly and the other guy.
James:The people who attacked you guys.
Doug:What do you guys know about them?
Shawn:They killed kenny.
Lee:And steal kids.
Clem:They took two last year.
Doug:Damn sorry, about kenny guys.
James:A common practice for them.
James:They're at war, up north.
James:Their entire community, against another.
James:It's why they take people.
James:To make them fight.
James:Train them, use them.
James:You would join their war.
Clem: That's horrible.
Doug:No shit.
James: Yes.
James:That's why I helped doug help you guys.
Otis: Thank you.
A walker growls nearby.
Aj: Clem?
Clem gets up and draws her knife, ready to kill the walker. James grabs her hand and takes out a rock.
James: Wait.
James: Throw it.
James: Distract him.
James:Works just as well, and nobody gets hurt.
Doug:Do it clem it will make him happy.
Clem throws the rock, drawing the walker away.
James: Thank you.
James:It was difficult.
James:To send the herd in.
James:To save you.
James:I didn't want them to die.
They both sit back down. James stokes the fire.
Clem:So, james, do you just hang around in the woods, saving random people?
James:After I left my group, I wandered.
James:First time alone, ever.
James:Saw war everywhere.
James:First against walkers, then against each other.
James:Hoped it would be better here. James:Where are you guys from?
James: Here?
Clem: Georgia.
James:Long way from home.
Clem:It feels like forever ago.
James: It was.
Clem:So, where are you from?
James: Washington.
Otis:The city or the state?
James: The city.
James:Dad ran a food truck.
James: I helped.
Aj starts breathing heavily, and Clem puts her hand against his forehead.
Clem:You've got a fever.
Shawn:His wound will need proper cleaning.
Shawn:And medicine.
Doug:If you're lucky enough to have any.
Sarah:The school has medicine, but I don't think they'll share it.
James:That's why those people attacked you, isn't it?
James:To get to that school.
James:They'll destroy whatever they find.
James:Bring more guns, more fighters. James:Take everyone inside.
Clem:They won't be able to fight them off.
James:You guys need medicine.
James:You guys have to go back, or you'll lose him.
Otis:We have to go back and warn them.
Sarah:It's the right thing to do.
James:Noble of you guys, despite their treatment.
James:We'll help you get back.
Doug:Past the walkers.
James:A few more hours, and we'll go.
Clem looks down to Aj.
Clem:That's a few hours for you to sleep.
James:We'll stay awake.
James:You guys don't have to.
Clem: Mm, I can't.
Otis:I don't sleep anyway.
Sarah:I can't, either.
Lee:You need all of the people you can get.
Shawn:I'll stay up just in case.
Doug:You're not doing it alone.
James:Then we'll all keep watch.
Clem: Less lonely.
James: True.
Clem,Otis,Sarah,Lee,Shawn,Doug, James,and Aj walk back to the school.
James:Is he awake?
Clem: Yeah.
Clem:He's so hot.
Otis:I can carry him.
Otis:You're exhausted.
Clem:No, I've got him.
Aj: Hurts.
Sarah: Hang on.
Lee:We're almost there.
The group reaches the gates.
Willy: Walkers!
Willy fires an arrow at James' feet.
Willy: Violet!
Willy: Louis!
Willy:They came back!
Willy runs off.
Shawn:Look, james, you live out there alone, right?
Shawn:You could stay with us.
James: Not ready.
James walks away.
Doug takes off his walker mask.
Clem carries Aj closer to the gates.
Clem:I can't keep carrying you.
Clem:We'll be inside soon.
Clem: Rest now.
Clem falls to her knees.
They run towards her.
She sets Aj down.
Otis picks up Aj.
Louis opens the gate and runs up to them.
Louis: Shit, is he?
Otis: He's alive.
Lee:He was shot.
Shawn:He's got a fever.
Louis:Come on, let's get him inside.
Louis:It's okay, buddy, we got you.
Clem,Otis,Sarah,Lee,Shawn,Doug,and Louis walk inside.
Louis,Otis,Sarah,Lee,Shawn,Doug,and Clem enter the building.
Ruby:Let me see.
Ruby:I have what I need upstairs. Ruby: Come on.
Shawn:We got the shrapnel out of him.
The group goes upstairs. Otis sets Aj down on a couch. Ruby puts her hand on his forehead.
Ruby:He's running a fever.
Ruby:Body's trying to fight infection, poor little guy.
Violet: Ruby and louis will take care of him.
Violet:You guys come with me.
Violet:We can talk in the office.
Aj: Guys?
Ruby:Shhh, you just try to rest, okay? Ruby:We're gonna fix you right up.
Aj: Guys?!
Clem: Aj, listen to ruby, okay?
Sarah:She'll look after you.
Lee:Come on, what do we do when we're scared?
Otis:When fear starts to get the upper hand?
Clem: We say.
Aj:We say fuck off to fear.
Aj:I'm good now.
Violet: Guys, please.
Violet:We need to talk.
Clem,Otis,Sarah,Lee,Shawn,Doug,and Violet enter Marlon's office.
Violet:So who's the new guy?
Doug:My name is doug.
Violet:What happened out in the woods.
Violet:I saw they had you pinned, and I shit, I got so crazy.
Violet:I know you think I didn't do enough for you,otis,sarah,lee,shawn, kenny,and aj, but when I saw you guys were in danger, I had to do something.
Violet:When I heard you call for help, I didn't even think.
Violet:And I'm sorry about what happened to kenny.
Violet:I just let go of the arrow.
Violet:I wasn't even sure if I'd hit her. Violet:And then louis got shot.
Violet:Six inches over, we'd be digging another grave.
Clem:Sorry to disappoint.
Otis:You'll have to put up with us for a while longer.
Violet:No disappointment here.
Violet:I'm glad you guys came back.
Sarah: Huh.
Lee:What about mitch and the others?
Violet:Uh, well, they're less excited about it.
Violet: Louis and I told them what happened in the woods.
Violet:That woman who attacked you guys.
Shawn: Lilly.
Violet:So you guys do know her.
Violet:We were wondering.
Violet:Who the hell is she?
Doug: Lilly,clem,otis,lee,shawn,and I were friends.
Clem:A long time ago.
Violet: Friends?
Lee:Back when the walkers first showed up, we lived in a motor inn. Shawn:Survived really awful shit.
Otis: Lilly had a racist dad and tried to kill one of us.
Violet:That's crazy.
Clem:It was right at the start.
Doug:We haven't seen lilly since.
Sarah:This lilly is terrible and we have to stop her.
Violet:I believe you guys.
Clem: But?
Violet:There's something else.
Violet: Willy said someone was with you guys at the gates?
Clem: James.
Otis:He and doug saved me,clem, sarah,lee,shawn,and aj,let us stay in his camp for the night.
Violet:I get why you brought doug here.
Violet:But why did you bring james here?
Violet:You guys led him right to us.
Doug:Look, he's not with the raiders. Sarah:He lives by himself in the woods.
Violet: Willy said he was wearing.
Violet:I don't know.
Violet:Animal skins or something.
Doug:He was wearing walker skin. Doug:That's how he gets past herds. Doug:He can guide them, too.
Doug:And I can do that, too.
Violet: Ugh.
Violet:Wow, okay.
Lee:We wouldn't have brought him here if we thought he was a threat.
Violet:It's not that I don't trust you guys, I'm just worried about the others and what they might do.
Violet:They didn't even get a chance to mourn brody and marlon before these child snatching assholes showed up.
Violet:And then you two come back, after we thought you were dead.
Violet:Now they're confused, and no one knows how to feel about aj.
Violet sits in the office chair.
Shawn: Violet, aj is the least of their worries.
Violet:I know, but everything is such a mess.
Violet:They're scared and angry, and they're looking for someone to blame. Violet:I mean, they kicked you guys out.
Violet:How am I supposed to make them change their minds about you guys?
Clem:You don't have to.
Lee:Let us convince them.
Otis: James told us what lilly and abel will do next.
Sarah:He said they'll get more people and guns and come attack us.
Lee:Take everyone here.
Violet:How the hell would he know?
Doug:He watched them for a while. Doug:They're at war with another community.
Doug:They take people to fight for them.
Violet:Is that what happened to minnie and sophie?
Violet:They turned them into soldiers?
Shawn: Yeah.
Clem:It'll happen to us too, if we don't stop them.
Violet: Minnie didn't even like killing walkers.
Clem:Look at this place.
Doug:It's a fortress.
Otis:With a little work, we could make this place really hard to attack.
Violet:Do you guys actually know how to do that?
Sarah: Yeah.
Lee:We were part of a siege once in a town called richmond.
Doug: Really?
Shawn: Yes.
Clem:Here, let us show you.
Clem unfolds the map and puts it on the desk. She looks at the walls.
Clem:We've got good, strong walls.
Clem:We need to make them hard to climb over, so the raiders have to come in through the gates.
Violet:We used to keep barbed wire in the greenhouse.
Otis looks at the admin building.
Otis:This is where we should make our stand.
Otis:There's only one way in: the front.
Otis:And then there's the big central staircase.
Otis:If we rig that path with traps, we can pull back here.
Violet:Luring in our attackers.
Violet: I like it.
Sarah looks at the courtyard.
Sarah:The courtyard's pretty wide open.
Sarah:Not a lot of cover.
Sarah:We should flip the picnic tables, narrow down the pathways through it.
Violet:So we'll know which way they're coming.
Sarah:At the very least, it'll give us protection if they get past these walls.
Lee looks at the greenhouse.
Lee:Well, you guys don't use the greenhouse anymore, do you?
Violet: No.
Violet:We used to.
Violet:Then we lost someone out there.
Violet:Walkers overran the place, and marlon wouldn't let us go back.
Violet: Safe zone.
Lee:We need to get that barbed wire, so they can't climb the walls.
Lee: I'll go.
Violet:Are you sure?
Violet:It's gonna be swarming with walkers by now.
Mitch enters the room.
Mitch:Okay, what the hell's going on? Mitch: Willy told me they were back, but I was like, "no way, violet wouldn't just go against what we all decided."
Ruby enters the room and closes the doors.
Ruby: Shh!
Ruby:Would you keep it down?!
Ruby:The little boy is asleep!
Ruby:His fever's already going down, guys.
Ruby:He's gonna be okay.
Mitch: Great.
Mitch:We're just giving them our medicine, too?
Violet: Mitch, those people who shot louis?
Violet:They're arming up to attack the school.
Violet:We need their help.
Mitch:Like hell we do.
Mitch:For all we know, they're one of them.
Doug:We're not.
Clem:Use your head, mitch.
Otis:You saw aj on your way in.
Sarah:If we were with the raiders, why would they have hurt him like that?
Mitch:How do I know?
Mitch:Maybe he shot one of their friends?
Ruby: Mitch!
Shawn:Oh yeah, then explain that to kenny.
Shawn:You son of a bitch.
Mitch:Same answer.
Violet: Lee's going to the greenhouse to find barbed wire and anything else he thinks we need for the fight, and you're going to help him.
Mitch:Uh, no, I'm not.
Violet:Yes, you are.
Violet:It's too dangerous for him to go by himself, and you're good in a fight.
Ruby:I can go too.
Ruby:You know, to keep the peace.
Mitch: Fuck, vi.
Mitch:Since when are you the one making the calls?
Violet:Since no one else stepped the fuck up.
Violet:These two will meet you at the gate, and you can head to the greenhouse once I've explained the situation.
Lee:See you there.
Clem,Otis,Sarah,Lee,Shawn,and Doug leave the room.
Louis:I'm so sorry, little dude.
Louis:Please be okay.
Louis: I.
Louis walks away. Clem,Otis,Sarah,Lee,Shawn,and Doug leave the building.
Lee,Ruby,and Mitch arrive at the greenhouse.
Ruby:Guess I didn't realize how long it's been.
Ruby:How much it's changed.
Ruby tries to open the door.
Mitch:Uh, this ain't budging.
Ruby:You gonna stand there sulking all day, or you gonna do something useful?
Lee:Well, we need that barbed wire. Lee:There must be another way in.
Lee walks up to Ruby.
Lee:Are you okay?
Ruby:It's been so long since I was here.
Ruby:I used to love this place, but it's so overgrown.
Ruby:I'll be fine.
Ruby:Let's just find a way in.
Lee walks away from Ruby and walks up to Mitch.
Mitch:What do you want?
Lee:Uh, nothing.
Mitch:You're only here 'cause we're desperate, you know, so don't get comfy.
Mitch:If we survive these raiders, you and I are gonna have words.
Lee:Let's survive first.
Lee walks away from Mitch and walks up to a ladder.
Lee:That window.
Lee:I bet we can get in there.
Ruby:Good spot.
Ruby: Mitch, come here and gimme a boost.
Mitch: Wait.
Mitch:Make him go first.
Mitch:We send the one we don't mind losing.
Ruby:That's an ugly thing to say.
Lee:I'll go first.
Lee:I'm the most expendable here.
Mitch:Figured you'd fight it.
Ruby:Thanks, lee.
Ruby:Holler if one grabs you. Ruby:Otherwise, we'll come soon as you give the all clear.
Ruby and Mitch boost Lee up to the broken ladder.
Mitch:I guess we'll know when the door opens.
Lee climbs up the ladder and drops down into the greenhouse. A walker approaches him.
Ruby: Lee!
Ruby: You okay?
Lee takes out his cleaver and kills the walker.
Ruby: Lee?
Ruby: Lee?!
Lee:I'm fine.
Ruby:Oh, thank god.
Two walkers approach, and Lee kills them.
Ruby:More walkers?
Ruby:Did you get them?
Mitch:Do you hear any walkers?
Mitch:He got them, calm down.
Lee:I'm coming.
Lee:I'll get the door open.
Lee removes the planks in front of the door and opens it. The other two enter the greenhouse.
Mitch: Not bad.
Ruby: Oh, look.
Ruby:Wild ginger,eastern prickly pear,jerusalem artichoke,false solomon's seal.
Mitch:Let's find that barbed wire.
Mitch:And anything else that might be useful.
Lee walks up to a pair of shears.
Mitch: Yes!
Mitch: Dibs.
Mitch takes the shears.
Lee picks up a crowbar.
Lee uses the crowbar to pry open the cabinet.
Lee:Barbed wire.
Lee:A lot of it, too.
Ruby:That should keep the raiders from climbing our walls.
Mitch looks at the fertilizer in the cabinet.
Mitch: Hey.
Mitch:We can use these.
Ruby: For what?
Mitch:We can make bombs out of these.
Lee: Bombs?
Lee:Are you serious?
Mitch: Totally.
Mitch:It's the kind of stuff I made back home.
Ruby:He used to blow shit up.
Ruby:That's why he's a troubled youth.
Mitch: Guilty.
Mitch:I just need some propane and something to create a spark, and we'll have ourselves a nice little homemade explosive.
Lee walks up to uncover the door at the back of the greenhouse.
Mitch:If I remember right, there's a science lab through that door.
Mitch:Maybe there's propane in there. Mitch: Come on.
Mitch:Help me move this thing.
Lee and Mitch move the shelf away from the door.
Mitch:Okay, let's see what's inside.
Lee opens the door, and a walker tries to grab him, but there was no arm there.
Lee: Oh, shit!
Lee takes out his cleaver and kills the walker.
Ruby:What's going on?!
Ruby:You alright?
Mitch:We had a scare, that's all.
Ruby: Oh, no.
Lee: What?
Lee:Who was she?
Ruby: Ms. martin.
Ruby:Our nurse.
Ruby:At the school.
Ruby:She stayed when all the others left.
Ruby:God, she looks.
Ruby:You can barely recognize her.
Lee:I'm sorry, ruby.
Ruby:I just wish I could make her look like she used to.
Ruby:One day, we came out looking for food.
Ruby:Walkers attacked us.
Ruby:Thought we could fight them off, but there were just there were so many.
Ruby:Ms. martin told us to run, so we did.
Ruby:She taught me how to patch people up.
Ruby:Stitching, local anesthetics, painkillers, fever reducers.
Ruby walks off, sobbing.
Lee: Are you okay?
Ruby: Yeah.
Ruby:Just need a minute.
Mitch:Come on, guys, help me find that propane, and we can get out of here.
Lee walks to an igniter and picks it up.
Lee: Mitch, I found an igniter.
Mitch:Fuckin' a, I was hoping there'd be one of those!
Mitch:We can use it to create a spark. Mitch:Now we just have to find propane, we can blast those motherfuckers to hell.
Lee walks up to a propane tank and grabs it.
Lee:Let's hope there's gas in it.
Lee tries to move the tank.
Mitch:Yeah, perfect.
Mitch: Here.
Mitch and Lee move the tank, and Mitch picks it up.
Mitch: Good find.
Mitch:Now we have everything we need.
Mitch:We should get back and tell the others.
Ruby:We have to bury ms. martin first.
Mitch: Bury her?
Mitch:Why bother?
Mitch:It's a walker.
Mitch:Help me drag it out back.
Mitch:We can burn it.
Ruby: No.
Ruby: Ms. martin's the reason we're all alive.
Mitch: And?
Ruby:She deserves a proper burial. Ruby:Here, next to the greenhouse she loved.
Lee decides.
Lee:We should burn her.
Lee:Look, she's been like that for a long time.
Lee:She's not a person anymore.
Ruby walks away.
Mitch: Stupid.
Mitch:We've all seen people die.
Mitch:Can't fall apart over everyone.
Lee and Mitch go outside the greenhouse and burn Ms. Martin's corpse.
Mitch:It's better, you know.
Mitch:To get it over with.
Mitch:You get all caught up in who people used to be, and you can't deal with what's in front of you.
Mitch:I'll tell everyone when we get back.
Mitch:That I changed my mind.
Mitch:We need you.
Lee:Yeah, you do.
Lee,Mitch,and Ruby carry the supplies out of the greenhouse.
Ruby:Think it'll be enough?
Lee: Hopefully.
Lee:And it means lilly and her people won't be able to climb the walls. Lee:They'll have to come through the gates.
Lee:We can plan for that.
Mitch:Straight into a fiery explosion of death.
Mitch:Assholes won't know what hit them.
Clem,Otis,Sarah,Lee,Shawn,and Doug walk into the dormitory, where Aj is already sleeping.
Clem checks his forehead. Louis knocks on the door and then enters, holding some clothes.
Louis:Brought you these.
Louis:I noticed his shirt got messed up, when you know.
Clem:Where did you get those?
Louis sets the clothes down on the desk.
Louis:They were tenn's, back when he got here.
Louis:Should be about aj's size.
Louis:How's he doing?
Otis: Better.
Shawn:His fever's down.
Louis:So, we've got a greenhouse again.
Louis:And bombs.
Lee: Mitch's idea.
Louis: I figured.
Louis: Violet says we'll start getting this place ready in the morning.
Sarah: Good.
Louis:They all seem okay with letting you guys stay.
Louis:For now, anyway.
Shawn:Well, you're gonna need us for the fight that's coming.
Louis:Yeah, sounds that way.
Clem:Everyone else is okay with us staying.
Otis:What about you?
Louis:It's fine, while he gets better.
Sarah:And after that?
Louis:I don't know, guys.
Aj: Clem?
Clem:Hey, kiddo.
Doug:How do you feel?
Aj: Better.
Aj:Still hurts.
Lee:We know.
Aj: Hi, louis.
Louis:Hey, little dude.
Aj:I missed you.
Aj:Are we friends again?
Louis:Just get some sleep.
Louis: Okay?
Louis turns to leave.
Clem: Louis?
Clem:I'm sorry.
Clem:That you're hurting, and, uh, it's our fault.
Louis:It wasn't all you.
Louis: Marlon, he.
Louis:Forget it.
Louis:I should go.
Louis leaves the room.
Aj:I'm not mad at him anymore.
Aj:Are you guys?
Aj:And he was by my bunk when ruby gave me stuff.
Aj: Medicine.
Clem: Aj, I was never mad at him.
Clem:I understand why he acted that way.
Clem:Why he wanted us gone.
Aj: Me too.
Doug:Let's get a look at the shirts louis brought you.
Otis:Then we'll sleep.
Clem:It's been a long day.
Aj: Yeah.
Aj:You guys didn't sleep last night.
Clem: Nope.
Clem looks at the shirts.
Clem:Hey, this one's pretty cool.
Aj:Hm, looks like marlon's jacket.
Otis: Hm, yeah.
Clem:But it would still look good on you.
Clem: Hey, look!
Lee:It's disco broccoli and his friend.
Clem:I wish you could've seen this cartoon.
Aj: Me too.
Clem:How about this one?
Aj:It looks like tenn's boots.
Shawn:Yeah, I think it's the same character.
Aj: Cool.
Clem: Hm.
Clem:The disco broccoli one will work.
Clem:You can put it on when you feel better, okay?
Aj: Yeah.
Sarah:Time for sleep.
Aj:I can't sleep with the light.
Clem:I'll blow it out in a second.
Clem:Goodnight, sleep tight.
Aj:Don't let a walker bite.
Otis:And if it tries?
Aj: Bang.
Clem takes off her hat, blows out the candle, and goes to bed. In the morning, she wakes up and puts a map of the school on the dresser. Clem,Otis,Sarah,Lee,Shawn,Doug,and Aj move around the room during the time skip, and Aj changes his clothes.
2 weeks later.
Clem,Otis,Sarah,Lee,Shawn,and Doug examine the map, which now has drawings and writings on it, planning against an attack. Clem goes to sleep. Clem dreams that she wakes up to the sound of a baby crying and that Aj is no longer in the room.
Clem: Aj?
Clem:Where are you?
Clem opens the door and steps outside her room. She follows a horse through the hallway.
Clem: Aj?
The end of the hallway is illuminated with a fiery glow, and Aj continues crying. The horse lies on the floor, dying. Gunshots are heard. Clem goes to the end of the hallway.
Clem: Aj!
Clem opens the door and steps into the light, then wakes up. Aj is perched on the dresser.
Otis:You were having a nightmare. Aj:Same one you used to have all the time.
Otis:About what happened at the ranch.
Clem:I'll be okay.
Clem:Just give me a minute.
Aj brandishes a knife.
Clem: Hey.
Clem:What do you have there?
Clem:Did you have a bad dream, too? Clem:You've been having them a lot lately.
Aj:I feel safer like this.
Aj:Not sleeping.
Aj:I wanna stay up forever.
Aj:I probably could.
Clem:I don't know about that.
Clem:I've never met anyone who could go more than a few days without sleep.
Aj:Then I'll be the first.
Aj:If we were in danger, then I would.
Aj groans and grabs his stomach.
Clem:Here, let me help you back to bed.
Aj: No.
Aj:You don't have to keep checking on me.
Aj:You always say, be tough.
Aj:So I am.
Aj:You say, be strong.
Aj:And I will.
Aj:And brave, all the time.
Clem:You're the toughest boy I know. Otis:Probably the toughest boy in the whole world.
Aj:I'm not as tough as you guys.
Clem:Well, no one's as tough as us.
Otis:Damn right.
Aj:To atone me.
Aj jumps off the dresser.
Aj:I'm gonna help you guys more.
Aj:So you guys don't have to do everything.
Clem:Where are you going?
Aj: On patrol.
Clem: Patrol?
Aj:For danger.
Aj:Bad people.
Aj: Monsters.
Clem:Absolutely not.
Clem:It's dark out there.
Aj:Um, uh, actually, I'm kinda tired. Aj:I'd, uh, kinda rather stay.
Clem:Yeah, I figured.
Aj walks over to his bed.
Clem:What is it?
Aj:Can I, could I maybe sleep in your bed?
Aj:Like I did when I was little?
Clem: Yeah.
Clem:Come on up.
Aj:I'm not scared.
Aj: Just tired.
Clem:Makes sense to me.
Clem:Think you need that?
Aj puts the knife down and climbs into Clem's bed.
Clem: Aj?
Aj: What?
Clem:You're still little.
Aj:Yeah, I know.
Clem,Otis,Sarah,Lee,Shawn,Doug,and Aj walk into the courtyard.
Clem:You ready to work today, kiddo?
AJ: Bad dreams always make me more tired.
Clementine: Me too.
Aj:I slept better in your bed.
Aj:It's my turn to be lookout.
Tenn waves at Aj, and he walks over to him.
Louis:I have other stuff I need to do.
Violet:What stuff?
Louis:Nothing, it's just important.
Violet:Goddamn it, louis, take this seriously, for once in your life!
Louis:I've been taking this seriously for fucking days!
Louis:Almost two weeks!
Violet:So has everyone.
Violet:Get over yourself!
Louis walks away.
Violet: Hey.
Clem:I thought lilly and abel would show up days ago.
Otis:I wonder why they're holding off.
Violet:Don't know.
Violet:All I wanted was more time to prepare, but now this waiting sucks, and everyone's on edge.
Sarah:Need our help?
Violet:Yeah, actually.
Violet:Could you guys check on everyone and make sure they're doing shit right?
Lee:Sure, we're on it.
Violet:Thanks, guys.
Violet:I should go board up the back hallway since louis isn't gonna do it.
Clem walks up to Lee and Louis.
Louis fires an arrow but misses the target and hits the tree instead. He fires again, this time hitting the ground.
Louis:Ugh, shit.
Lee:You gotta hit the target.
Louis:I know.
Clem:What's going on?
Louis:In a few weeks, or days, or hours, the raiders will be here, burn down our place, and steal or kill us. Louis:And then it won't matter how much I sucked at this.
Clem:The raiders aren't gonna burn anything or steal anybody.
Lee:We'll stop it.
Louis:You sound like marlon.
Louis:I mean, not about fighting, but when he was trying to cheer us all up. Louis:For years, I sat around making stupid jokes, playing stupid games, while my best friend was left with all the responsibility.
Louis fires an arrow.
Louis:All the tough calls.
Louis fires an arrow and misses.
Louis:All the sleepless nights.
Louis fires an arrow and hits the edge of the target.
Louis:And eventually, a bullet in the head.
Louis:And I didn't do a damn thing about it.
Louis takes the arrow out of the target.
Louis:And then, when you tried to tell us what he was really like, and aj shot him, I blamed you.
Clem:I forgive you.
Lee:We understand why you did it. Clem:We're not angry.
Louis:He was my best friend.
Louis:Almost like my brother, but the things he did?
Louis:They were fucked up.
Louis:I'll never be glad he died.
Louis:But I understand why aj thought it was the right thing to do.
Louis:Here lee.
Louis gives the bow to Lee.
Lee fires several arrows and hits the target.
Louis:That must be hard doing it with one arm.
Lee:And that's how lilly will fail.
Lee:She expects me to be weaker because I have one arm.
Louis:You're right.
Lee:Here, sweet pea.
Louis:Sweet pea?
Clem:Ignore him.
Lee gives the bow to Clem.
Louis:In that direction, please.
Louis:And just so you know, I'm totally laughing out loud when you miss.
Clem fires several arrows and hits the target.
Louis: Damn.
Louis:Remind me to never piss you off while I'm standing at a moderate distance with a big red circle painted on my chest.
Louis:You wanna come back and practice more, just let me know. Louis: Okay?
Clem:Sounds good.
Louis:And, clem?
Louis:Thank you.
Louis:For all of it.
Clem gives the bow back to Louis.
Clem walks away from Louis and Lee and walks up to Mitch and Doug.
Clem: Hey.
Clem:What're you guys doing?
Mitch: Mm, test.
Doug:Gotta see if the bomb will go off. Mitch:This little thing won't kill anybody.
Doug:Just gotta see if it'll light.
Clem:Yeah, it'd better.
Clem:Our whole plan rests on that little thing.
Clem:If they get in, I'll need you to set the bomb off while I distract them.
Mitch:Expect the unexpected.
Clem:Yeah, something like that.
Mitch:I read that on one of those stupid inspirational posters.
Mitch:School used to have them everywhere.
Mitch:Soon as things went to shit, I tore them all down.
Mitch: Stupid shit.
Mitch tries to light the bomb.
Mitch:Ugh, doug, could you?
Mitch:My hand's all fucked up from messing with it all day.
Doug ignites the bomb.
Mitch: Stand back.
The bomb doesn't go off.
Mitch:Fucking shit.
Doug:If it doesn't work.
Mitch:Fucking shit!
Clem:Great, we're totally fucking fucked!
Mitch:We'll figure it out.
Doug:We just need more time.
Mitch:To think.
Clem:I get it.
Clem:I'll leave you guys alone.
Mitch:Thanks, though.
Doug:For helping.
Clem walks away from Mitch and Doug and walks up to Aj,Otis,and Tenn.
Tenn:Do you think sophie and minnie might be with them when they get here?
Otis: Yes.
Aj:I don't know, maybe.
Clem waves.
Otis:We're doing watch, clem.
Aj:For danger.
Clem:Like patrol?
Otis: No, clem.
Aj:Lookout's totally different than patrol.
Clem:How so?
Aj:You don't walk.
Clem:Oh, right.
Clem walks away from Aj,Otis,and Tenn.
Violet exits the building and sits on the steps.
Clem walks up to Violet and sits next to her.
Violet:Back hallway's secure.
Violet:How is everyone?
Clem: Honestly?
Clem:It's not reassuring.
Clem: Mitch's bomb doesn't work.
Clem:And louis is louis.
Violet: Fuck.
Violet:That's shit.
Aasim and Willy exit the building.
Willy:Because you're boring and your idea is stupid!
Aasim:Oh, I'm being stupid?
Aasim:You're the one who can't think straight.
Aasim:If you could hear yourself.
Violet: Guys!
Violet:What the fuck?
The rest of the kids and adults gather around.
Willy: Violet told us to work on the traps together, but aasim won't listen to anything I say!
Louis:That doesn't mean you have to scream at each other.
Aasim:Stay out of this.
Aasim:I have an idea for duffel bags filled with bricks.
Aasim:We drop them on the raiders, if they get to the admin building.
Aasim: Willy here wants to use a giant, idiotic swinging log to take out one raider at most.
Aasim:It's completely stupid.
Otis:Both of you are stupid.
Willy & Aasim: What?
Otis:Both of them will only kill one.
Doug:Unless used correctly.
Lee:Like multiple brick traps or log traps.
Sarah:That sounds right.
Shawn:What would be more effective?
Clem decides.
Clem:Brick traps.
Clem: Aasim is right.
Lee:We should use his brick trap.
Sarah:It sounds more practical.
Willy:Mine's practical, too!
Aasim:No, it isn't.
Aasim:It's exactly the kind of thing a child would think up.
Aasim:Especially a child who has no idea what he's up against.
Willy punches Aasim in the stomach.
Violet:What the shit?!
Willy runs off.
Louis:Dude, you okay?
Aasim:Yeah, fine.
Aasim: Shit!
Aasim walks away.
Violet:Christ, we'll all kill each other before the raiders even get a fuckin' chance.
Louis:Right, what we need is something to break the tension.
The eight of them walk over to Aasim, who is sitting on a couch.
Louis:Hey, buddy, how's it hanging?
Aasim:Dude, fuck off.
The others sit down.
Louis:Sulking in the corner isn't gonna help us fight off the raiders.
Louis:Or turn that frown upside down.
Aasim:You get more annoying every day.
Louis:Regardless, I've come up with a plan to make everybody feel better. Louis:And that plan is game.
Louis takes out a deck of cards.
Aj:Come on, we gotta play.
Tenn:Okay, I'm coming.
Violet:Uh, we haven't played a game in weeks, since that night with marlon.
Louis:I mean, if you wanna go, ask ruby to come play, I don't mind waiting.
Aasim:Shut up, dude!
Aasim:I swear to god.
Violet:You've got a crush on ruby?
Aj and tenn join the others.
Aj:What're we playing?
Louis:Truth or dare!
Violet:You don't use cards in truth or dare.
Louis:You do in this version.
Louis:Everyone draws.
Louis:Highest card gets to ask.
Louis:Lowest card has to answer.
Everyone draws a card.
Violet:This should be good.
Violet: Let's see.
Violet: Truth.
Tenn: Vi.
Violet: Fine.
Violet: Otis,sarah,or james, that guy who saved you.
Clem:Oh, my god.
Louis:You gotta answer.
Louis:Them's the rules.
Clem: Mm.
Clem:Let's see.
Clem:I would marry.
Clem decides.
Clem: Otis.
Otis: Really?
Clem: Yeah, really.
Otis:Whatever floats your boat.
Clem:I would, um, flip.
Louis:Flip, flip, flip, flip.
Aj:Flip, flip, flip, flip!
Shawn:Oh my god.
Clem decides.
Clem: Sarah.
Sarah:Wow, thanks.
Clem:You're welcome.
Louis:So that means you're killing.
Tenn:This is amazing.
Violet:Boy from the woods!
Louis:I'll try to shed a tear for the poor boy none of us met, who's probably just a figment of clem's imagination.
Doug:He's not.
Doug:If he was, it wouldn't just be clem.
Louis:Well, now he's dead.
Louis:Poor dude.
Louis:This is great.
Louis:We're laughing, we're bonding. Louis:It's a nice break from thinking about homicidal assholes sneaking into our homes to kidnap us.
Violet:Not if you bring it up.
Louis:Onto round two.
Everyone draws a card.
Clem: I win!
Louis:And poor aasim loses.
Clem:Definitely a dare.
Aasim:Okay, do your worst.
Clem:You have to ask ruby for a kiss.
Aasim: Seriously?!
Louis:The most legitimate of dares.
Aasim gets up and talks to Ruby, who hits him.
The rest of the group laughs.
Violet:Oh, damn!
Louis:Oh, I can't breathe.
Aasim sits back down.
Louis:Well, I think we all learned something about our good friend aasim today.
Louis:Mainly that he has no romantic charm whatsoever.
Aasim: Shut up.
Louis:Look sharp, y'all, it's time for round three!
Everyone draws a card.
Louis:I got it.
Louis:We've been pretty hard on poor aasim here, teasing him about sweet ruby.
Louis:Seems only fair we mercilessly tease someone else about unrequited love.
Louis: So, clem.
Louis:Anyone here you like-like?
Violet: Seriously?
Violet: Like-like?
Violet:What are you, six?
Louis:Seven, thank you.
Clem: Yeah.
Clem:I've definitely got feelings for someone.
Louis: Oh-ho!
Lee:Who is it?
Clem: Nope.
Clem:Not telling.
Violet:It could be anyone.
Violet: Mitch,ruby, or otis.
Violet:You know, since she said she'd marry you and all.
Otis:Maybe she said that so she wouldn't get married to a complete stranger.
Violet: Maybe.
Everyone draws a card.
Louis: Aasim!
Louis:You've got the high card.
Louis:And the loser is tennessee.
Aasim:What's something you've never told anyone, because you were afraid they'd make fun of you?
Louis:You got this.
Tenn:I, um,I think walkers won't always be around.
Tenn:They'll go away someday.
Tenn:Cause the world goes in cycles, right?
Tenn:Ice age, stone age, um, some other ages.
Tenn:So it's like that.
Tenn:This age'll end, and another one will start.
Clem:An age without walkers.
Lee:Like it used to be.
Tenn:It'll be better.
Tenn:Why's everyone looking at me like that?
Tenn:Did I ruin the game?
Doug:That's really beautiful.
Sarah:I never thought of it that way.
Tenn:What's wrong, aj?
Aj:I just don't know what it's like.
Aj:All of you do, but I don't.
Aj:I don't remember a time before monsters.
Louis:You know what, little dude?
Shawn:It's okay that you don't. Louis:Believe me, the world before this one was pretty shitty.
Louis:And that feels like a good place to call it.
Violet:We should finish up our work, anyway.
Violet:It's getting dark.
Tenn and Aasim leave. Ruby walks up to the others.
Violet:You're on lookout?
Ruby: Yep.
Ruby: Clementine's got it after me.
Aj:Can I come?
Ruby:Of course you can, little guy.
Aj and Ruby leave. Aasim walks up to Willy, who is sitting on the steps.
Aasim: Hey.
Willy: Hey.
Aasim:You maybe wanna help me with the brick trap?
Willy:Yeah, I got some ideas.
Aasim: Cool.
Aasim:I'm sure they'll help.
Willy:Sorry I punched you.
Aasim: It's okay.
Aasim:It was a pretty good punch.
The two of them leave.
Violet:I'm headed to the belltower.
Violet:I want to check our defenses on the back wall before bed.
Doug:Do you need help?
Violet:Sure, if you want.
Louis:You could always help me, instead.
Louis:If we're back on speaking terms, that is.
Louis:I am on piano duty.
Clem looks at Louis.
Louis: What?
Louis:I gotta get in some practice before one of you decides to chop it into firewood.
Louis:I've got a project I want to try, but I need a second person.
Louis and Violet walk away.
Sarah:See yah.
Lee:Have fun, sweet pea.
Shawn: Later.
Doug:What he said.
Sarah,Lee,Shawn,and Doug walk away.
Otis:Have fun clem, I'll help out ruby and aj.
Otis walks away.
Clem decides.
Clem follows Louis.
Clem enters the piano room.
Louis:Thought I could tickle the ivories one last time before all hell breaks loose.
Clem:It's a good idea.
Clem:Haven't heard music in a while.
Louis:Many people would say you're not about to hear it now.
Louis:So, how do you feel about our imminent deaths?
Louis:We won't necessarily die, of course.
Louis:We could also be kidnapped, injured, maimed, maybe eaten, the possibilities are endless.
Clem:I actually feel pretty good about it.
Clem:The fight, not our deaths, because we're not gonna die.
Louis:You're so sure.
Clem:You have to be, right?
Clem:So, what's this project you needed me for?
Louis presses the key.
Louis:Sounds awful, right?
Louis:All we need to do is tune it. Louis:That's why I need you.
Clem sits down, and Louis goes around the piano to tune it.
Louis:When I give the signal, play the a key.
Clem:Yeah, which one's the a key?
Louis points to the piano keys.
Louis:You know, the a key.
Louis:Next to the b key, after the g key.
Clem presses the key.
Louis: Good.
Louis:That definitely helped.
Louis:Now press the pedal while I make some more adjustments.
Clem presses the pedal.
Louis:Great, that part's golden.
Louis:Quick, now blow on the strings. Louis:I know, sounds weird, but blow on them.
Louis:Cooling the temperature helps set them in harmony.
Clem blows on the strings. Louis tunes the piano, then sits down next to her.
Louis:Okay, great.
Louis:That did nothing.
Louis:Because that's not at all part of how you tune a piano.
Louis:But it was funny.
Clem:You are super cute.
Louis: Cute.
Louis:Wow, um, hm, that's, uh, yay! Louis:Glad to be of service.
Louis starts to play a song.
Clem:What're you playing?
Clem:And don't say a piano.
Louis:A song that I wrote.
Clem:Really, what's it called?
Louis:I don't know yet.
Louis stops playing.
Louis: There.
Louis:First time played.
Louis:We should mark the occasion.
Louis takes out a knife and carves L into the piano. He hands the knife to Clem, and she carves a C.
Louis:You done tattooing that piano?
Louis:I think you've got a future in whittlin'.
Clem carves a plus sign between the letters and a heart around them.
Louis:Oh, that's, uh, that's a potato? Louis:It's a heart, yep, I see it's a heart.
Louis:That's super cool.
Louis:Really cool.
Louis:So, hey, I'm gonna dig myself into a deep hole from which I'll never emerge.
Louis: Cool?
Louis: Cool.
Louis:Time to get serious.
Clem: Serious?
Clem: Wow.
Clem:You feeling okay?
Louis:Not really, nope, mm-mm. Louis:Thanks for being here.
Louis: Listening.
Louis:Blowing on the strings.
Louis:Coming here to help me with my project, even after everything I put you through.
Louis:And everything I had to work through for myself.
Louis:Everyone hears the jokes, the piano, and after that, they stop listening.
Louis:You didn't.
Clem:So, um, I like you a lot.
Clem:Like, like you.
Clem:As more than a friend.
Clem:No jokes?
Clem: Nothing?
Louis:When you said you had feelings for someone during the game, I was hoping it was me.
Louis:And it is.
Louis:Holy shit, it's me!
Louis:Figured out what to call the song.
Louis: Clementine, obviously.
Louis:You know, because I like fruit. Louis:And I like you even more, so. Louis: There.
Louis:Gotta admit, of all the things I saw coming, you having a crush on me was not it.
Louis:You stabbing me in my sleep, yes.
Louis:Declaration of crush, no.
Clem kisses Louis.
Ruby: Clem!
Ruby:You out here?
Clem:I have to go.
Clem:I've got lookout duty.
Louis:Well, you wouldn't wanna miss that.
Louis:Sounds like way too much fun.
Clem and Louis leave.
Clem climbs into the watchtower.
Aj and Otis is already there, looking through a pair of binoculars.
Aj:The raiders that guy.
Aj:He's gonna be with them.
Clem: Abel.
Clem: Yeah.
Otis:Your bad dreams.
Otis:They're all about him, aren't they?
Aj: Yeah.
Aj:I fucking really hate that fucking dickhead shitfuck.
Clem: Whoa!
Clem:That's a little much, don't you think?
Aj:Well, I do.
Otis:It's not too much, aj.
Clem:Try thinking about something else.
Clem:Count the monsters you see.
Aj:Same number as before.
Aj:Three, four.
Clem: Aj, it's okay if abel frightens you.
Otis:You know how to control that.
Aj:There's ten monsters out there.
Aj:He doesn't frighten me.
Aj:But when he comes here, I call dibs.
Clementine: Okay.
Aj: Really?
Otis: Yes.
Clem:We can't promise you how things are gonna go, but if it's possible, you get first shot at him.
Aj: Wow.
Clem:What, you thought I'd say no?
Aj: Yeah.
Aj:I'm grown up now.
Clem:No, you aren't.
Aj:But I'm close.
Aj: Clem, I see something.
Clem:Not a walker?
Aj:Here, you look, too.
Aj hands the binoculars to Clem, and she looks through them. A group of people approaches the school.
Clem:That's not a walker.
Otis:Let me see.
Clem hands the binoculars to Otis.
Clem:Good job, aj.
Otis:Come on, we have to tell the others.
Clem,Otis,and Aj leave the watchtower. The rest of the group enters the courtyard.
Louis: Raiders?
Clem: Yeah.
Otis:They're here.
Louis: Shit.
Louis:Well, in case it all goes to hell and I don't see you again during the fight, just know I have no idea what that d stands for on your hat.
Louis:Don't tell me.
Louis:I prefer it to remain a mystery. Louis:But I'm gonna pretend like it stands for "don't die."
Louis:So just, uh, listen to your hat, okay?
Sarah:They finally show up?
Clem: Yeah.
Violet:Stay safe, okay?
Omar: We're ready.
Clem:They've got at least four more people, all carrying guns.
Otis:And carts, probably to carry people away.
Lee:Of course they do.
Willy: Oh, no.
Mitch: Assholes.
Shawn:Fuck lilly and her dead dad.
Ruby:I can't believe they're really here.
Clem:If they get inside, I'll keep them focused on me.
Clem:That should give willy and mitch time to set up the bomb.
Mitch:I'll set it under those carts.
Mitch:It'll work.
Mitch:I promise.
Clem:If they manage to get in, we fall back.
Louis:To the admin building.
Clem: Exactly.
Doug:Right into our traps.
Aasim:They're in for a rude fuckin' surprise.
Aasim:Those duffel bags will break bones, easy.
Louis:So, uh, any final words of wisdom?
Louis:You've faced them and won, after all.
Louis: Well.
Louis: Sort of.
Clem:Just try not to die.
Omar gets shot in the leg.
Willy: Holy shit!
Violet: Goddamn it!
Aasim:Jesus fucking christ!
Ruby:Oh, no, oh, no.
Louis:Oh, fuck!
Omar: Shit, shit!
Clem: Hide!
Otis: Now!
Violet: Omar!
Clem: I've got him.
Shawn: Aj, hide!
Everyone hides. Clem and Shawn drags Omar across the courtyard.
Abel:Come on!
Abel: Push!
Lilly: Clementine,otis,sarah,lee,and shawn?!
Lilly:I know you're in there!
Clem and Shawn drags Omar into hiding.
Omar:Oh, god, shit, no!
Abel:Open up, kids.
The Delta throws a molotov cocktail into the school, lighting the barricade in front of the gate on fire.
Abel:This doesn't have to get any uglier.
Clem: My bow!
Omar: Go, go.
Shawn:I'll watch him.
Clem runs and grabs her bow from a table. She pushes over the table and takes cover behind it. The Delta manages to ram the gate open, and they enter the courtyard.
Clem: It's okay.
Clem:Just try not to move or make noise.
The group looks at the impaled walker heads.
???:The fuck is all this?
???: Focus.
???:They're just scarecrows.
Abel looks at the leave or die banner on the admin building.
Abel:Guess they took us seriously.
Lilly: Spread out.
Mitch and Willy hide as a girl approaches. Clem stands up and draws her bow.
Clem: Lilly!
Clem:Move, and I'll shoot.
Abel:You won't get the chance.
A Delta soldier in the trees points her gun at Clem, but Lilly raises her hand, signaling her not to shoot.
Lilly:Where's our new recruits?
Clem:They're not yours!
Lilly:Search the yard.
Tenn hides as Abel approaches.
Lilly:If clementine moves, shoot her.
Abel gets closer to Mitch and Willy.
Lilly:We'll find them, clementine.
Lilly:And then we'll take them.
Lilly:And you,otis,sarah,lee,shawn, and your little boy.
Clem: Take me!
Clem:You want soldiers?
Clem: Fine.
Clem:Take me with you.
Clem:But leave everyone else.
Lilly:You'd do that?
Lilly:You'd come with me if I let the others go?
Clem: Yes.
Mitch and Willy sneak across the yard with the bomb.
Lilly:You've changed.
Clem:I grew up.
Lilly:I can see that.
Lilly:God, you are just like him.
Lilly:I'm surprised lee isn't heartbroken, knowing he taught you all the wrong things.
Lilly:That the sweet little girl he protected turned out like this.
Clem:You're right, lilly.
Clem:I am just like him.
Clem:And if he saw me now, he'd be proud of who I am.
Lilly: Why?
Lilly:Because you almost gave up just now?
Lilly:Handed yourself over to save your friends?
Mitch and Willy plant the bomb on the cart.
Clem: Get out.
Lilly:If you won't help me find the others, I'll find someone who will. Lilly:We've recruited from this school before.
Lilly: Minnie wanted to come along tonight.
Lilly:To tell you how well she's adjusted to our life.
Lilly:How happy she is.
Lilly:She said she had a girlfriend back here.
Lilly:Friends she missed.
Lilly:One guy, he could always make her laugh, no matter what.
Lilly:And her little brother.
Lilly:She missed him the most.
Sarah shakes her head at Tenn, but he leaves his hiding place and approaches Lilly.
Clem: Shit.
Tenn:Where are they?
Lilly:Let me take you to them.
Tenn: I can't.
Tenn:I just want them back.
Clem:Shut up, lilly!
Clem:You've always been a liar, and a killer!
Clem:You're not taking anyone else from me.
Lilly reaches for Tenn, but he steps back.
Tenn: No!
Mitch ignites the bomb; it explodes the cart and knocks Lilly and Tenn to the ground.
Lilly: Shit!
Lilly: Shit!
Mitch and Willy run to safety. Violet and Lee draw their bows, and Ruby throws a rock. Lilly starts to get up; Clem fires at her, but she dodges the arrow. A guy aims at Clem, and she ducks. Mitch charges at Lilly, and she stabs him in the neck.
Lilly:Goddamn it.
Willy: Mitch?!
Willy: Mitch!
Willy: No!
Sarah helps Aasim hold Willy back as he tries to run to Mitch. Lilly stabs Mitch in the eye.
Lilly:Kill who you have to!
Lilly:Take the rest!
Lee shoots Lilly in the shoulder.
Lilly gets behind cover.
Delta opens fire, and everyone hides. Clem shoots a guy in the leg.
Otis: Now!
Shawn:Go back!
Lee and Clem fire a few arrows. The group retreats to the admin building.
Lilly:Follow them!
The guy takes the arrow out of his leg. The Delta follows the others.
The group hides, and Abel breaks open the door a few moments later. He,the guy clem shot, and a girl enter the building.
Clem cuts a rope, and a duffel bag of bricks falls on the guy clem shot, killing him.
???: No!
Clem and Aj run upstairs.
Abel:Kill that one, the girl!
The girl fires at Clem several times but misses. Clem pushes a couch onto her, trapping her against the wall and making her drop her gun.
Shawn shoots her in the head.
Shawn:That was for kenny.
Abel:Fuckin' pointless.
Abel:I told lilly you wouldn't cooperate!
Abel throws a molotov onto the upper floor, and everyone coughs from the smoke. Everyone moves back in the same direction, but Clem and Aj, They enter the office.
Clem: Aj, the door!
Clem:Lock it!
Abel kicks open the door before Aj can do anything, knocking him to the ground.
Abel:Your friend lilly ain't around this time.
Abel:So we'll have a nice little chat, you and me.
Abel: Alone.
Clem draws her knife and slashes Abel's hand as he reaches for her.
Abel smacks Clem in the face, and she kicks him in the knee.
Abel falls to the floor.
Abel:Fucking bitch!
Aj: Clem, I can't.
Clem: Stay back!
Abel kicks Clem's knee, making her fall and drop her weapon.
Clem grabs her knife.
Abel: God, shit!
Abel punches Clem in the face and twists her arm behind her back.
Abel:You know, whenever I see someone like you: weak, small, afraid, and still alive?
Abel: Well.
Abel:Bet a lot of folks died to get you here.
Clem grabs the lighthouse figurine on the desk and uses it to stab Abel in the eye. Aj grabs a fire poker and impales Abel's foot.
Aj repeatedly hits Abel in the knee with the fire poker, then hits him in the face.
AJ: Dibs.
Clem charges at Abel, pushing him out the window and onto the balcony. She tries to push him off the edge, but he grabs her face and tries to push her away. Clem smacks his hand away and knees him in the groin. Abel tries to punch her, but she blocks him. Clem shoves Abel; the balcony breaks, and he falls. Abel grabs Clem's arm, and she falls with him.
Abel: Goddamn it!
Abel's leg is bleeding and bent in an unnatural position. He screams and passes out. Lilly walks over to Clem and points a gun at her.
Lilly:Shit, this should be easy.
Clem:I'll see you in hell.
Lilly:You'll be there for a good, long time before I show up.
Clem:I don't mind waiting.
Lilly presses the gun to Clem's head.
Violet tackles Lilly. Lilly fires the gun but misses. Lilly drops her gun and wrestles Violet. Clem gets up, but Abel grabs her leg, and she falls again.
Clem kicks Abel in the face. He lets go of her and grabs his bleeding nose.
Abel tries to pull Clem toward him.
Rosie bites Abel's arm. Violet is dragged off by a girl. Louis fights with another girl. Walkers start to enter the courtyard. Lilly runs up to the gate and shoots some of them. Clem grabs her bow.
Clem shoots the girl wrestling with Louis in the shoulder. Louis runs off, but Violet is hit in the head and put in the cart.
Lilly:We cut our losses!
Lilly:Fall back!
Lilly:Pull in and fall back!
The Delta leaves, having captured Aasim,Omar,and Violet. The group fires arrows at them, but misses. Lilly throws a molotov in front of the gate and retreats with the rest of her group.
Aj: Clem!
Walkers swarm through the courtyard, some of them on fire. Clem and the others kill them all. Tenn sits on the ground with his head in his hands but gets up when Clem approaches.
Tenn: Clem.
Tenn:I'm sorry.
Tenn:For trusting her.
Ruby and Willy cry over Mitch's corpse.
Louis: God.
Louis: Aasim, omar.
Louis:They're just gone.
Louis:And violet.
Louis:I never thought someone would get her.
Otis:We're going after them.
Louis: How?
Louis:We still don't know where they are or how many.
Lee:Well, we've got someone who does.
The group walks over to Abel.

The Walking Dead telltale season 4Where stories live. Discover now