They say your eyes are windows. Windows to your soul. You can tell peoples emotions through their eyes.
However Percy was a different story. He had windows to nothingness. His soul pulled out of his eyes. You could tell his soul was pulled out of his eyes as they were all shattered. The once happy, joyfull, friendly saviour of olympus had been broken.
His one true lifeline had been torn. What made it worse is the fact he saw it happen. He saw the sword go straight through her heart. He held her lifeless body. He kissed it an eternal goodnight.
Then something happend. He needed a purpose. He was given a job many males would decline. He was the guardian of the hunt.
After he got past the whole male hating part Artemis was fun to be around. They became inseperable. They did everything together. Every council meeting Percy was invited and he sat under Artemis throne.
Then something clicked. Percy realised that this feeling he got around her wasn't just strong friendship, it was love. He realised Artemis had the same feeling about him.
When Percy was offered godhood there was nothing stopping him now. He accepted and the first thing he did was ask Artemis to marry him. She said yes. Aphrodite and Hera both got stronger that day.
Now you ask where the saviour of olympus is there will only be two answers. At camp or with the hunt.
However you ask him how many people he loves with all his heart. Only one.