Betrayal (damirae)

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Damian Pov
I had just received a text during patrol from my girlfriend. Apparently she 'needed' me. I couldn't meet up with her now. I sent her a text apologizing because i couldn't meet her. I slipped my phone away as a gust of wind blew past me. "Hey Rob", The son of Joker and Harley Quinn said. He plopped down next to me. I could see the regret on his face, it was a winters night. "It is freezing", he muttered. "What do you want", I said coldly. "I miss ya", he giggled. I rolled my eyes although he couldn't see them, for i had my mask on. "To annoy you", he replied. "Your an annoyance", I told. We both stood up at the same time. I attempted to ignore him, but he kept on following me. "Are you mad about your girlfriend again. You can't see her again", he asked me. "No! Just leave me alone. Your company is unbearable", I told him. "Whatever bossy pants, like your company is nice. Your just another one of bats robins who has nowhere else to go", he said before disappearing into the darkness of Gotham night. He wasn't wrong though.
Time skip
The sun cracked through my curtains and blazed onto me. Today was Thursday meaning i had to attend Gotham academy. I went to brush my teeth first, then i took a much needed shower. "Good morning Master Damian, i was about to wake you up", Pennyworth said as i passed him in the hallway. "Morning", I replied simply. Breakfast had been prepared already. Drake and i got into the limo Pennyworth was driving. I was kinda excited to see my girlfriend. Her name is Bianca. We have been dating for 3 months after i confessed to her. I walked to my locker and grabbed my stuff needed for the next class. I frowned as i noticed Bianca wasn't here. I began looking for her in the school.
Narrator's Pov
Damian eventually found Bianca behind the school building. He stopped himself when he saw his best friend Colin. "Aren't you dating Damian", Colin chuckled. Bianca rolled her eyes, "Yes, but he has been busy and i need attention",Bianca cooed, "He doesn't give me all his attention, i have needs". Bianca stepped forward cupping Colin's cheek. "Doesn't he give them to you", Colin asked. He placed his hand on Bianca's hips, letting them rest there. Bianca laughed, "Apparently, his mum and grandad forced him to be raped at the age of 8 so he is very insecure".Colin laughed, "Wow, he never tell that to me. You poor thing, what you have to go through because of Damian",Colin said. He pulled Bianca into a kiss which she gladly accepted. "He gives me all these flowers and takes me on these dates but he doesn't give me what i actually want". "So your dating him for his body and money", Colin questioned but it came out more like a statement. "Obviously, all he is, is a rude rich brat who feels sorry for himself". Colin smiled at Bianca. Colin kissed Bianca before attacking her neck. By now Damian couldn't watch anymore. Bianca only dated him so she could use him. Bianca seemed like the perfect girl, the girl Damian Wayne liked alot. Damian took a slow walk to his next class which was after recess. He sat down in his usual seat. He couldn't care less about the lesson. He just sat there in silence. Grayson had always told him to learn to trust people. To burst out of his stubborn shell. He did that, he did all of it. He took his advice. He began falling in love, only for his heart to be shattered. Bruce and Selina lectured him about his attitude. He was always on guard, but once he wasn't. The result being getting cheated on. "And why are you both late to class", The teacher said, gaining the young Wayne's attention. "Oh uh sorry. We were a bit busy", Bianca replied. She smirked at Colin who stood beside her. The teacher waved them off giving them a formal warning. "Hi baby, are you okay. Did something happen because you couldn't visit me yesterday", Bianca cooed. She sat down next to Damian, putting on her doe eyes. "Nothing, just some business my father needed assistance with", Damian replied. His plan was to see just how fake his girlfriend well ex now can be. "I'm sorry that i couldn't give you your needs. I have told you about my past ~", Bianca cut Damian off. "Oh no, it's not your fault. Nothing is. I love you just the way you are. Whenever your ready, I'll be here waiting", Bianca lied. Damian could see now how she lied through her teeth. Damian didn't truly know if he fell in love with her. He realized that it was his mind that created a beautiful, caring, understanding, kind and...loyal girl. He was so desperate to prove his family and mother wrong, to prove he can be loved for who he really is. He didn't realize it, but he thought of Bianca as the perfect girl when she wasn't. He spoiled her and made as much time as he could for her. He told her his past with his mother. He...trusted her. Only now had he noticed that Bianca was covered with makeup that wasn't even her skin tone. She used a lighter colour to make herself look more fare. She wore a bright pink lipstick. Her uniform was shortened aswell. Damian allowed himself to fall for someone who was using him. "Damian, you were zoning out are you okay", A male voice cut Damian's daze. "Oh sorry Colin. What are we doing", He asked. "The teacher told us to get in groups and work on the assignment that she explained yesterday", Colin explained. "Okay". "Damian, let me sit next to Bianca. We will work on a slogan for the thing", Colin said. His voice was demanding. Another thing Damian hadn't realized, he was letting himself be pushed around. He let people take advantage of him. He moved and sat across from them. Damian always did their assignments, he did everything while Colin and Bianca did nothing. Damian was going to prepare a speech, and everything for the project. All Colin and Bianca were going to do was a slogan which they will forget and Damian would just have to do it last minute. He was so focused on proving his brothers wrong that he was letting himself become vulnerable. That was not like Damian. "Hey Dami poo, you mind doing my English while i work on the slogan", Bianca said, "I can reward you". She then unbuttoned one of her buttons on her shirt to flash Damian a sight of her chest. Damian knew Colin was right there, Colin was looking exactly in the direction that Damian was avoiding. "No", Damian snapped. "Damian, what do you mean", Colin glared. "I'm not doing anything for you, you cheated on me. Both of you!". Bianca scoffed, "What did you expect. You are annoying, you want everyone to feel sorry for you. You should be grateful that you had a mother who thought you how to fight, that is cool not something to be sorry for!". Damian has had enough. He stood up not listening to anything they have to say. He just exited the classroom and made a turn to the school gates.
Time skip~
The batboys were in the living room playing video games. Dick forced them to get some bonding time. "Damian, i didn't think you would be back early".
Damian Pov
I couldn't take this. How am i so weak? What happened to the old me who wouldn't allow himself to be so vulnerable and naive. I pushed open the manor doors. Tiredness and exhaustion filled me. I could here shouting in the living room so i went there first. Once i entered, "Damian, i didn't think you would be back early", Dick said. I nodded, "What are you doing", I asked stepping forward. "Nothing that includes you, demon spawn", Drake answered. What surprised me was that Dick didn't lecture him to be nice to me. Dick had just gotten back from Bludhaven, maybe he changed a bit. Knowing that they didn't want me, i walked to my room. Father passed me on the way, "Damian, what are you doing out of school". "I was feeling sick", i lied. He nodded, "Are your brothers gone yet". I furrowed my eyebrows, "What do you mean". "Dick is taking them on a family bonding trip", Father told me. "Oh, they are in the living room", i replied. I was used to this anyway. Nobody included me in anything. The titans hate me because of how i acted. I am trying to change a little, but people don't believe that. They don't care. "Father are you bus~", i didn't get to finish my sentence as Father just left. Nobody was happy to see me, nobody. I went down to the Batcave to train. "Hey Demon, you wanna join us", Jason questioned. He stalked towards me on the mat. "Uh sure", was all i said. This has to be some joke. Last i checked they hated me. Suddenly the room filled with laughter. Drake was wheezing in the corner holding the wall for support. "It was a joke,you really think we'd want you to ruin our day", Drake said. Oh. Guess i was right, it was a joke. I was on the verge of tears. Oh god, don't cry now. "Oh my god,Tim!", Jason laughed. "What", Tim piped grinning from ear to ear. "The demon is crying. The blood son of Batman and the grandson of Ras Al Ghul, the future demon's head is crying", Todd mocked me. I used to say that years ago..."Tim,Jason come on let's go", Dick's voice rung through the cave. He soon appeared, walking towards us. "Dick we played a joke on demon and now he's crying", Tim said, his fit of laughter returning . "Damian, you don't have to be so dramatic", Dick said eying me. I nodded at him. They all left after that, leaving me alone. All alone. Then Father came down the stairs, he didn't even acknowledge my presence before going back to work on the batcomputer. "Father", i called out to him. He ignored me. "Father", i asked worried if something was wrong. He spun his chair around. I could practically see the steam come out of his ears. "What!", he snapped. "Sorry to interrupt you Father, i just wanted to know when i will be going back to the titans", I asked. "Since you want to go there so much, you can leave tomorrow", Father said to me. "Oh no, that's not what i meant", I corrected him. "I'll be on patrol, stay here", Father said to me. "You said that i can't patrol for a week, it's been more than a week", I argued. "Don't talk back to me and just listen for once", Father glared at me. "This is unfair, you treat me like dirt"i said," Why? ". Father approached me, eyes focused on me." I wanted your brothers that's why i adopted them, i didn't want you. Your mother just dropped you off without my consent. She dropped you off with an attitude aswell",Father said. That pierced my heart, there it is again. The tears swelling in my eyes. I pushed them back, "I didn't ask to be born~",Just as i spoke Father stopped me. "Your talking back again, i should have disowned you. People don't change, you never will", Father said. A part of my heart was ripping out, piece by piece. "Just because i am your biological son doesn't make you my Father". "Atleast you said one thing right", Father said before driving off in the batmobile. Again i was left alone. I've had enough, enough of this family. I was going to run, run to my Comfort Person. Run in their arms. Run to the person who i know will always be there for me. Run to the person who has accepted me for who i am. Run to the person that I've been trying to ignore my feelings for...
Hi peeps so that was a long chapter. I will be doing a part two to this one. I will make better one shots, this is my first one shot so yeah i know i did horrible. I will see ya next chapter. Bye👋sorry if there are spelling errors or anything.

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