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\\Rythians POV//

Letting out a sigh I run a hand through my hair, looking at the spinning circle as my video loads up onto youtube, biting my lip I smile hearing Duncan and Kim mess around through the chat, my bright blue eyes flickering across the screen as I move my mouse to click on the Skype icon, seeing the twos faces, I relax and start talking to them, a gentle smile rising on my face, I got along okay with the crew but I trusted Duncan and Kim the most, I then watch curious as they check their phones simultaneously before Duncan speaks up 

"it's on the group chat." I nod and check my phone, having taken it out of my jacket pocket, opening it I read the message from Ridge

Ridge: Hey guys once you are all done can you guys come down to the common room, I've been working on something and I want you guys to try it. Thanks ;)

I frown slightly, curious on what it means by 'want you guys to try it', ridge, I knew, has been meddling with stuff I don't think he really should be, sighing I get up and say 

"well I'm going to go see exactly what ridge has decided to make us Guinea pigs for, you up for it?" Both Duncan and Kim nod, and I quickly log off my computer before walking out of the studio, I pass by Lewis on the way, who was talking with Hannah, smiling nervously Hannah includes me in the convocation by asking 

"did you get the message as well?" I tilt my head before asking 

"didn't everyone?" Lewis shook his head before saying 

"it's you, me, Hannah, Duncan, Simon, Martyn, Kim, sips and sjin." I grow even more curious before I see the plain white door of the common room, taking a breath I reach my hand out, pushing the door open seeing ridge in all his glory, his brown messy hair bouncing as he moves to write something down, talking to himself "oh this is brilliant, if this works again for them like it has for me last time this is going to be a breakthrough, who knew there was- oh you guys are here!" He cuts himself off when seeing Lewis, Hannah and I, walking in I notice the small scientific settup, the liquid that was going into each vial, ten, gave me a chilling feeling in my spine, it looked rainbow, like multichrome, look it at one angle its purple, then at another it's green, it didn't look right to me.

Sitting down I bite my lip waiting for the others to come, ridge not saying another word, when Duncan, Kim, and Martyn come in he seemed to get even more overjoyed, and then the final three, Simon, sips and sjin, once we were seated on the couch I then decide to speak 

"okay ridge, why did you want us here?" The brunette standing in front of us smiled before holding out the vial, to me it looked blue

 "this is why you are here." 

"What some greenish yellow liquid?" Simon asks before Kim argues

 "are you colour blind? It's red?" "I see orange." Lewis comments making ridge roll his eyes and say 

"it's actually all those colours, now this potion." I here Duncan cough under his throat 

"poison." Before smiling innocently at ridge who gave him a sharp glare

 "this potion is something I used on myself a little while ago, and now I think it's finally ready again, but I need to test it on someone other than myself since I've already dealt with the effects.-"

 "wait wait wait wait wait... Wait." Martyn cuts him off, leaning forward

 "your telling us, you want us to drink that a-and potentially risk our lives?"

 "Pshh please Martyn I'm not that cruel, it won't kill you, it's a way of transporting to another dimension." Ridge says as if it was nothing, all of our jaws drop before Hannah asks 

"another... Dimension?" Ridge nods happily, I stutter before saying

 "w-what?!" Standing up before saying 

"ridge why have you made this? If the government find out about it we are all dead!" He smiles and says 

"that's why I've been doing it here, no government spies, no nothing, and that's why when we all take this, I have simply told everyone we are on a hiatus for a little while and will be back soon." He really did plan all this out, I look down, thinking things through before Kim says 

"fine, give me one of those!" Grabbing the vial from his hand, Martyn quickly took it off her before saying

 "Kim are you crazy!!! This could kill you." Sips and sjin both agreeing, sjin then saying

 "and we don't even know what dimension this will take us too." Ridge smiles and says 

"that's why you have me! I know that world, I've been there." Sips gives the brunette a look before saying 

"ridge, your bat shit crazy." Ridge laughs and says 

"come one gang, guys, dudes, bros, whatever you want me too call you, it won't kill you, I've tried it on myself and look at me, I'm perfectly fine." Duncan then comments

 "slightly mentally unstable being fine for you?" 

"Just drink it." Ridge then goes serious, a frown on his face, I bite my lip again, before sighing and grabbing one, as I look at the liquid I see the bubbles popping on the inside of the glass, the hand holding the bottom of it felt a little chilled, as if the liquid was cold, looking left at Simon, Kim, Martyn and Duncan, then to my right seeing sips, sjin, Hannah and Lewis, before looking forward at ridge before he smiles a wicked crazed smile and says 

"bottoms up." I hesitate before throwing my head back, downing the liquid, praying to god that ridge was right about it not killing us, as I felt the liquid coat the inside of my throat I set the vial down with the others, Lewis standing up and saying 

"see, no eff-whoa!" He stumbles to the ground, my knees buckling under me, the world starting to spin, ridge sitting down in a chair, singing to a song while my vision span and blurred, my hearing blurring in and out as well, the pain started growing from my head down to my spine, becoming so painful I let out a scream in pain, gripping my head I herd ridge laughing and saying 

"cya guys there. Have fun!" Before my vision and everything went black, feeling my body collide with the floor one last thought went through my head

What on earth has ridge gotten us into

And I prayed to god I would survive...

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