Whispering Death ch. 1

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The hostel door swung open, followed by a chilly breeze. The owner glanced over from behind her small welcoming desk, smiling brightly at two girls filling the doorway. A tall-looking woman, followed by a younger child dressed in assorted colorful clothing, stepped forward. The child looked worn from her travels and rubbed at her eyes.

The woman turned to close the door, then wrapped her arms around the child protectively before drawing closer to the counter. They took a moment to remove their hoods and adjust their wraps, exposing their black raven hair. Then the owner noticed their brilliant hazel eyes.

Golden flakes surrounded their iris like little sparks of flame dancing from a fire. The woman's eyes were hard and threatening, but the younger girl was the opposite. Her eyes were big and still full of hope. Were they mother and daughter? The owner's curiosity perked. They were so young it gave her a sense of nostalgia. It was refreshing to see such youthful spirits walk in through the doors.

"Evening, ladies. What brings you here tonight?"

"Just a bed for my sister and I. Anything will do." Her voice was melodic yet cold. The distrust was palpable, a tone the owner was well acquainted with. Anyone walking into a hostel late at night had a story to share, regardless of age or appearance. The owner reached for her pen, dabbing it in ink to write into the ledger.

"How many nights will you be staying?"

The lady glanced down at her sister, hesitant. "For a few nights. We've traveled a long way and may need some time to recover."

"Alright. What name shall I put down?"

Absently she replied to the owner. "Drina Forest."

An alias, the owner thought while writing the name. It was a feeling she had in her gut. Drina reached into her satchel and pulled out a small coin pouch. After taking the payment, the owner smiled warmly and led them down the right side hall.

The small hall turned left into a larger room lined with rows of bunks beds. Storage chests fitted every bed for the top and bottom, equipped with a lock. The owner led them to the farthest bunk in the corner and took a large ring of keys in her pocket. Jingling the keys, she removed the matching key and handed it to the eldest sister.

"Take the top. I hope it will give you comfort and safety."

Drina relaxed, offering a small relieved smile. She assisted her sister into the bed to sleep as the owner turned. Drina called softly out to her before she left.

"Um.. sorry, what was your name, ma'am?"

"Luludja, but please call me Lulu."

Drina nodded, nervously brushing her loose raven hair behind her ear. "Thank you, Lulu."

With a nod and soft chuckle, Lulu turned to leave Drina with her sister. The room was quiet, with occasional grunts as renters shuffled in their sleep. Drina twirled the key in her hand a bit, contemplating the chest. Thieft was limited in such establishments, but she couldn't relent her mistrust. Instead, she pocketed the key and joined her sister.

Leaning against the wall, Drina gently guided her sister to cuddle beside her comfortably. Carefully removing her satchel, she rummaged through it to remove a fan.

"Lana," Drina stiffened at the sound of her name and glanced down at her sleepy sister. "Will we stay a while? For real this time? I'm tired of constantly walking."

"Ocian, please! Call me Drina while we are in towns or cities. Also, speak in common, not our native tongue." Drina brushed her sister's hair off her face and shoulders, scanning the room with worry.

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