5. Lavender.

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** Hi! - quick FYI, I couldn't think of a way to fit Trixie into the La Push Trip or the car accident seeing as Trixie has no reason to go to La Push or be near Bella at the time of the car accident, Dahlia is only friends with Angela, but even so, they don't hang out together, so yeah, I think that's it. (Bea is Trixie btw - pronounced like the insect, Bee) Bye lovelies -- Grey **

few weeks had gone by since the start of school, and the mute teen's dislike towards the young Swan had only grew. 

Last week, Tyler Crowley skidded on some black ice and had nearly hit Bella, which would of course led to her demise; but no, Bella is safe and well because of Edward Cullen, who had magically appeared beside Bella and pushed the van away with his hand.

Trixie only knows about the incident because ever since then, Bella has been using the fact that her and Trixie are neighbours by continuously pestering Trixie about the Cullen family. 

Which brings us to present time.

Trixie was rummaging through her locker in an attempt to retrieve her copy of, Of Mice and Men before the bell rung that would mark the beginning of her English class. As she closed her locker with a slam, the Rivers teen stumbled back in fright as she made eye contact with Bella who was leaning against the lockers in front of her, Trixie's eyes turned into slits as she glared at the Swan girl, this past week Bella had been trying to talk to her about the Cullens, Edward in particular, and the persistent teen wasn't taking the hint. 

Trixie didn't give Bella a chance to start whatever it was that she was planning on asking the Rivers girl, instead she stormed past Bella and walked as quick as possible to the class at the end of the hall, but just as she had reached the threshold, a hand grabbed her wrist and pulled her backwards. 

Trixie panicked inwardly - memories long buried resurfacing at the unwanted and harsh touch. Her hazel eyes sharpening onto chocolate ones. Despite her best efforts, she couldn't escape the grip that Isabella Swan had on her. 

But once again, before the Swan girl could interrogate Trixie, another hand grabbed onto Trixie's trapped wrist and wrenched it free from Bella's grip. Trixie relaxed as she recognised the blood red manicured fingers and black leather studded glove. 


Over the past few weeks Trixie and Dahlia had become close, despite the fact that Trixie couldn't talk they made it work; Dahlia was officially one of the few people that Trixie trusted and Trixie was fine with that. Dahlia had been filled in on nearly everything about her new friend, which left Emma shocked to say the least, but also proud of her niece for trusting someone enough to bare her soul to. 

So to say Dahlia was angry was an understatement, her default smile had dropped and her warm chocolate eyes turned cold when she saw the hold Bella had on Trixie and she was not having it; Trixie had informed Dahlia about Bella's pestering, and Dahlia was just as frustrated and Trixie was - except Dahlia was more open about the frustration.

After removing Bella's hand from her friends wrist, Dahlia gently wrapped her own digits around Trixie's wrist and tugged slightly to get Trixie to move, before walking with her into their classroom away from the Swan girl. 

Taking her seat by the window, Trixie prepared her notebook and stationary in preparation for when class would begin in a few minutes. 

A minute before the bell rang the two female members of the Cullen family stepped over the threshold and made their way swiftly to the back of the class; Trixie rolled her eyes as she observed the rest of the class, yes she understood that the family was insanely beautiful, but she couldn't understand why people thought it was okay to gawk at them like they were animals in a zoo - why can't people just mind their business?

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