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SURVIVING WITHOUT A PHONE WAS much harder than Iris had thought it would be. She didn't know how dependent she even was on her little mobile device, until it was taken away from her ( which was all thanks to that jerk that kidnapped her ). She couldn't talk to her friends or family as she initially did, and now had to stick to using the home landline, with extra caution as there was a of her mom potentially eavesdropping here and there.

When Iris had explained to her mom that her phone had broken, she demanded for an explanation. There was no way she could tell her the truth and that she got kidnapped because she got caught in the crossfire between Seojun and some gang, and that during that kidnapping, the leader broke her phone when she tried calling the cops for help. So she lied and said she had dropped it on a flight of stairs.

Though it wasn't the best lie, Suho was there with her as he had insisted on dropping her home, despite her making it clear that she'd be alright, and he even added onto the lie to make it more believable. More so, he covered for Iris and came up with some reasoning on her whereabouts throughout the night.

So instead of Iris getting grounded for a couple weeks and even in some serious trouble for missing her curfew, she was let off with a warning, especially since she had managed to acquire the groceries her mom had asked her to get ( which was all paid and brought by Suho, despite Iris refusing and telling him that she'd figure it out, despite her phone breaking, and her losing the ability to pay with her phone ).

So yeah. Iris was somehow able to get away with all the chaos, unharmed and in no form of trouble whatsoever.

Iris had to admit that it was hard to adjust to this new change. But she eventually got used to it after a couple of days. As much as it sucked, Iris decided to remain patient as her parents had said they'd get it repaired in a couple of days. Surprisingly, through this time, she got more into reading again.

Though before, when Iris had her phone, she would read through apps like Webtoon, or even use online websites. But now that she had to use actual books to read, she found herself enjoying the experience much more, and tended to engross herself into books as much as she could.

Even at school, during her breaks, Iris would often be situated in the library, roaming through different books to take home for the day. Her friends found it slightly strange that she was a becoming a bookworm all of a sudden, but nonetheless understood when they were reminded of the fact that her phone was currently of no use. Sometimes they would accompany her when Iris was planning on going to the library, other times they didn't.

This was one of those times where they weren't with her, and god did Iris wish someone was with her to help get off a book she was trying to get from the higher shelf.

It had been ten minutes, ten minutes since Iris had spotted a book she'd heard so many good reviews about, perched up on a high shelf, out of her reach. There was nobody around Iris that could help her get it, and it had been made very clear that she couldn't step on one of the chairs by the desks, so she was struggling aimlessly as she tried getting it.

After attempting to jump on her tippy toes and reach for the far away book for what seemed like the fifth time, Iris frowned as she stood back up straight, wondering whether she should just pick out another book and call it a day.

However to her surprise, she felt a presence behind her, and when she looked up, she saw an arm grab the book she'd been struggling to acquire.

When Iris turned around in surprise, she saw that standing before her was none other than Han Seojun, "Lors!" he said with a grin before his eyes followed where Iris' were looking at, "Are you trying to get that?" he asked.

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