I Win

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I Win

"Neko, in position."

"All set Taichou."

"Uh-huh, right, on the count of three, we all do our part. I strongly remind you guys one more time, I want NO injuries from this mission. Not ONE. You get that, boys?!"


"Kitsune, do I even have to remind you that…"

"Alright, whatever. I know your sex thank you very much. Now, you know the deal Neko, distract the opponent, I move in for the kill. Three, two, one…NOW!"

And in a burst of smoke, five figures dashed off into the building. Each wore a distinct mask on their faces, yet, the most noticeable were the female with the cat-mask and the blond-haired leader with the fox-mask. The Iwa nins guarding the complex nearly wet themselves at the sight of those two.

"Sir! Aka…Aka…Aka…"

"What is it?! Can't you see I'm trying to deal with intruders?"

"It's Konoha's Aka Senkou! (Red Flash)"


"It's true sir! At least two battalions of shinobis have just been decimated by him! We have no upper hand!"

The reason why Naruto came to be feared as one of the strongest Anbu Captains to ever exist, was that battle with Iwagakure, two years ago. Eighteen year old jounin, Uzumaki Naruto, complete with Yondaime's, in other words, his father's two prized jutsu and their modifications, namely Rasengan and Hiraishin. He was leading the assault on Iwagakure and Tsuchikage had sent two one-thousand men team at his elite Anbu team. It consisted of Hyuuga Neji, Inuzuka Kiba, Sarutobi Konohamaru, Hyuuga Hanabi and Kuminitsu Tenten. Aburame Shino was manning the border lines, acting as back-up. Haruno Sakura was the medic.

The result was devastating. Naruto transformed into his five-tailed state, yet remained in his hanyou (Half demon) form, and dashed into the battlefield. Hyuuga Hanabi and Neji monitored their attack and covered up for Tenten as she flung with supreme accuracy at certain points on the battlefield. In a flash, all became silent…literally. Hiraishin was activated. Naruto was nowhere to be seen, too fast to be seen…or more like he was everywhere, killing off ten Iwa nins in a mere thirty seconds, and within minutes, half of the Iwa shinobis were down for the count.

After the success of Naruto's jutsu, both Hyuuga's used their Kaiten to cause disruptions to the winds around the atmosphere and Kiba, along with Akamaru used Gatsuga to cause a mini-tornado to occur on the ground, add that to Konohamaru's A-rank fire jutsu: Karyuu Endan, and bam, an inferno was formed.

And just like that, two thousand shinobis from Iwa were decimated. This Anbu team gained international fame over night. Tsuchikage had no choice but to surrender and agreed to sign a peace treaty just to ensure that Tsunade's wrath would not descend upon the battered Iwagakure. Naruto's Team was known in Konoha as Team Alpha, and they deserved it.

In the history of Konohagakure, there had never been a team that could cooperate so perfectly. Each member knew their roles and did their part. Absolute trust was placed on each member. This mission is the latest S-Rank Assassination mission given to them just two days ago.

"There's an Iwa base just five kilometers east to this border gate of the Fire Country, based on Jiraiya's resources, Deidara is hiding in there. Eliminate him, along with the base. Understood?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2023 ⏰

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