Chapter 1: Return to Clay - Becoming A Servant

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"Enkidu!" A green haired woman had collapsed to the floor allowing for her long bangs to conceal her eyes. Although hearing the call of her king no words had escaped her lips. A man of stunning features knelt by her side quickly taking the weak woman in his arms. This was Gilgamesh. A demigod that ruled over Uruk. He had blond hair and crimson eyes that were identical to a serpent. One hand stroked back the woman's bangs to reveal her unique gray hues of which were dull and lacking with life. The King of Heroes could feel her body gradually grow lighter. Was it because she was not a real being of blood and flesh? Perhaps because she was made of clay of which her body was returning to that of clay. When his eyes wandered down her body as he noticed her legs were slowly transforming into that of what she was, clay.

A weak smile shown to the Deity's face while the King of Heroes held her. Her gray hues looked up to him she saw something that surprised her. The very selfish, arrogant King who showed hardly any emotion, but rage, to anyone had tears forming in his eyes. "Are those- tears that I see?" Her voice sounded weak but she decided to tease him. She reached up one of her hands to softly caress his cheek. The other resting along her stomach.

He quickly placed a hand upon her hand. Despite her attempt to make the King smile a frown of despair showed on his face while looking into the eyes of his dying friend. /Was this truly to be the end of our adventures?/ The King thought. This was his only friend. The only person that could match his abilities. This was the only person that he could bring himself to smile and laugh for. The only person that could defy his words without him growing enraged. And now after the Gods had created her, she was swept away.

Her skin regressing into dust. And like that she was swept away from the King's arms. Tears swelled up in her eyes that were clouded in sorrow yet, Enkidu, bared a weak smile for her King. "I go on more adventures with you." And like that her body had vanished leaving on her clothing in the King's trembling arms. Just like that, the only person who matched his skills, and was truly the only person he called a friend, was gone.


/My body-/ A woman of green hair opened her eyes slightly. Her body was bare without a cloth to cover her. /Where am I?/ Although in her mind, these thoughts echoed through the white abyss that surrounded her body. Slowly, as if exhausted, her head moved side to side allowing her gray hues that were filled with sleep to take in the endless white space. Long green strands of her hair floated past her cheek softly swaying while her body slowly leaned back. /Am I...falling?/ Although she felt no such sensation the way her hair flowed and how her body was positioned it truly looked as if she were falling into this endless void of white space. /Why do I feel so heavy? And...tired?/ And just like that her eyes widened while knowledge surged through her brain. /A...golden chalice? A war? Servant and Master? I am...a Servant./ Finally a massive light shined beneath her. Her once bare body becoming dressed it what appeared to be the clothing she had worn upon being alive. It was a white cloak that stretched down to her knees pared with white paints that would appear to sag upon standing. The Servant closed her eyes allowing the silence of the white void to fill her completely.

Only not long after she did so her head was filled with the whimpering of a wolf and a man whose ounce was filled with rage. /And so, I, Enkidu, have become a servant in the Holy Grail War. To serve whomever my master will be./ Her bare feet could feel the cool grass that now lies beneath her. A cool breeze took ahold of her hair as it swayed ever so gently. The feeling of calmness that had enveloped her not moments ago was replaced by rage. When opening her gray hues they met with bright yellow hues that were filled with pain. " not be frightened." The wolf's left ear twitched. It held the wounds caused by a bullet that had entered into its right shoulder. Its white fur was stained with crimson. This was her Master. A Familiar in the form of a wolf. The gray hues of the Servant wandered over to the man who looked stunned at the sight of her. "I will have to ask you to leave. If you do not I will execute you where you stand for harming my master." All though she was truly enraged her voice was calm and gentle.

The magus stumbled backwards unsure of what his familiar had just accomplished. That was the purpose of this familiar he had created. But it was supposed to be that he would become the master of whatever this familiar had summoned. He grew a sly smirk while holding out a hand to Enkidu. "Why not join me in the fight for the Grail? Surely you know that a mere familiar cannot hold such desires for something as magnificent as the Grail. Become my Servant. There is no need to serve a mongrel such as this!" He gestured so boldly to her.

Her eyes narrowed slightly but her calm demeanor did not fade. However upon turning to look at the Magus her eyes had narrowed allowing for the appearance of pure rejection. "I have no desire to form a contract with someone that would harm such a beautiful creature. I will ask of you one more time to leave."

And with that the magus had left flooded with anger. But Enkidu no longer barred him in mind as she looked to her weak Master. Her eyes gentle and full of sorrow from such a site. Lifting her Master up into her arms she immediately darted through the forest before coming to a desolate cave of where she would treat her Master's wounds with great care. As he would lay down Enkidu would exit leaving her sites upon the ever extending forest.

"After so many years- I am glad to see that the Earth has remained so beautiful." Her gray hues rested upon the city that was easily noticeable from the miles separating them apart. This City is what held the previous war, or to be more specific, the fifth war for the Grail. And now yet another one has started. /I wonder to what servants I will encounter?/

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