"Where am I ?"
The question had no concrete answer that germinated in the girl's mind.
Maybe a word should be changed ?
"Who am I ? » would probably be more appropriate...
A word tickled her lips to answer this question.
- Laune.
She didn't immediately realize that she had spoken aloud.
The name sounded familiar, though she no longer knew who it belonged to. It must have been her, this Laune. If that answered the second question, the first came back:
"Where am I ?"
The place was dark, but the cool breeze blowing across her face told her she was outside.
In the dark night, she only distinguished shapeless and frightening masses and the strange noises suddenly arrived did not help her either.
They approached, became more distinct.
Was it... Voices ?
She couldn't recognize if it was and closed her eyes to help him concentrate on the sound.
This gesture incited her to sleep and, although she was not tired, she sank into the arms of Morpheus.
Paranormal"Memories are just a facade front behind which lies the truth" When she wake, she doesn't have any memories. Who is she ? And what does she here ? What if her memories aren't the only thing left out? What if there is a bigger, bigger mystery behin...